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Lyra's POV:
One week later
I woke up in my bed. Blaze next to me. I rolled over to look at him. He stared up at the ceiling. "Did you sleep?" I asked him. He nodded and rolled over to look at me. "You ok?" He said. "I wouldn't of made it through the week without you. Thanks for staying with me every night this week." I replied. Blaze smiled and said "of course." The ship was colder than usual. I shivered and Blaze said "you cold?" I nodded and pulled the blanket up to my neck. Blaze did the same as he ran a hand through his hair. It was silent for a few minutes.

"Blaze?" "Yeah?" "Do you feel safe on the Covenant?" I asked. Blaze shook his head and said "no. But I'll always be here to protect you. Whenever Billy isn't around, I'm there. I'll always be here for you." "Thanks." I whispered. The room got silent again. This time it was a longer silence. "Lyra?" "Hmm?" "Does Tina ever scare you?" He asked. "Sometimes. She has all that power and she abuses it." I replied. Blaze rolled over to look at me and said "fuck her."

I noticed Blaze's moles on his neck and shoulder. I ran my finger across them, admiring Blaze's beauty. "What're you doing?" Blaze asked. "You're pretty." I replied. He chuckled and said "so are you." I half smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. His arm had healed but it left a nasty looking scar. I touched it gently and Blaze watched my fingers skim across it. "How bad did it hurt?" I asked. Blaze sighed and said "it felt like my arm was on fire. My skin was being eaten away. And I couldn't stop it. After the skin was gone, it continued to eat through my arm. The tissue inside. I thought my bone was going to be exposed." "I have a really nasty scar too. Wanna see it?" I said as I sat up. He nodded and I moved my hair, exposing the back of my neck. Blaze touched the back of my neck and he said "what happened?" "It happened during a mission. Somehow a Xenomorph stabbed me in the back of the neck. It stabbed me with it's tail. I froze. I couldn't move. My entire body was paralyzed." Blaze pulled me back on his chest and he held me. There wasn't a smell of breakfast today. "Want me to go see if there's any food?" Blaze said. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head. He got up and grabbed his shirt, pulling it on. He threw some shorts on and said "I'll be back." He walked out of the room and Max came in. She sat down on the bed next to me and I said "what's up?" "Zane found where isolation is. I saw Billy last night." She said. I sat up and said "how is he?" Max bit her lip and said "he's not good. His fists are messed up, from punching the walls. He has a black eye. He needs you. He misses you. Billy is lost without you. He's back to his crazy self again." "Did Tina see you?" I asked. Max shook her head and said "no. But I think she's the one who gave him the black eye." "She probably did. She's doing this to me and you. Because she doesn't like us. And she's tired of putting up with Billy's shit." I replied. "Nobody's wants to come out of their rooms. Everyone stays inside because of the Facehuggers. I haven't seen Chase in days." Max said as she sighed. "Can you take me to Billy?" I asked. Max nodded and stood up. I followed her in the elevator and we went down to the level right above the cargo hold. The cargo hold was at the bottom of the ship. "He's at the end of the hall. I'll wait here." Max said. I walked down the long, dark hallway. Billy sat in a cell, facing the wall. I knocked on the glass and Billy said "go away." "Billy." I said softly. He shook his head and said "you're not real. Get out of my head." I whimpered and said "Billy it's me. Turn around." He stood up and turned to the glass. His eyes slightly widened and he said "Lyra? Are you really here?"

I nodded while trying not to cry. I put my hand against the glass and he did the same, wincing as he did so. I stuck my hand through the slot that you slide food into. He looked down and took my hand. I could feel the injuries he had done to himself. My lip quivered and I said "why'd you do that to yourself?" "I wanted to get out. I need to get out." He replied. I pulled his hand closer to me and he winced again. "Gavin needs to tend to them." Billy shook his head and said "there's nothing you can do. I'm stuck here." David walked over with a tray of food and I gasped. "You won't tell Tina right?" I asked. "I don't plan on it. I was planning on letting him out. And saying that the cell malfunctioned." David replied. I let go of Billy's hand and said "you'd do that?" David nodded and said "he was locked away for expressing how he felt. Which isn't a logical reason for imprisonment." David unlocked the cell and the door opened. I hugged Billy and he broke down, falling onto his knees. I had never seen him cry. Not like this. I had never even seen him shed a tear, but I never thought he could break down. That all his feelings could come out at once. His body rocked with sobs. Billy was crying so hard that he couldn't breathe, he'd gasp for air with each sob. Max ran down the hall and said "Billy!" He let go of me and hugged his younger sister. She clung to him while tears went down her face. Billy's face was buried in her chest and she gripped his shirt. David said "the three of you better hurry." I nodded and Max looked at David. "Thank you. Thank you." She said. "Of course." He replied. Billy pulled away from Max and stood up. The four of us went to the elevator, Billy, Max and I getting off at the infirmary. Gavin looked up as we walked in. "What's up kids?" He asked. "My fists. I fucked em' up." Billy said. Gavin stood up and examined his fists. "Good god. What'd you do?" "Punched some walls. Cause I was in isolation." Billy replied. Gavin motioned for Billy to sit down. He grabbed some ointment and some bandages. Gavin began wrapping up Billy's knuckles. "Can you move your hands?" "It hurts to move them. My eye hurts too." Billy said. Gavin looked at Billy's eye. "That's a nasty black eye. Who punched you?" Gavin asked as he went to the freezer to get some ice. "Tina." Billy mumbled. Gavin turned around and I hugged Billy. Billy stiffened up and said "the first two days she didn't feed me. Or give me anything to drink. I don't even know what's real. I'm gonna wake up back in that cell. None of you are here." "He's suffering from delusions." Gavin said. "Will he be ok?" Max asked worriedly. "Yeah. He'll be ok. Just give him a few days." Gavin replied. I nodded and Gavin finished tending to him. I took Billy back to his room. He looked around and more tears fell from his face. He stood against the wall.

"Billy, what's wrong?" I asked him. "I'm out of there. You saved me. I thought I was never going to see you again. Isolation was hell." Billy said. He picked up a glass statuette and threw it, sobbing as he did so. He slid down the wall and ran his fingers through his hair. I got next to him on the ground. I pulled him into my chest, holding him tightly. " was so horrible." "I know, baby. But you're here with me. I won't let anything happen to you."

"It's all lies. Everything is lies. It doesn't matter what happens, we'll never ever be ok. We'll never live in a world that's at peace." Billy said. My heart broke as he said it. He was right. It was dangerous to be alive. It hurt me to see him this way. I'm used to the arrogant Billy Hargrove. Not the boy who's been broken since he was seventeen. Max had told me a little bit of Billy's past. His father would beat him, constantly. Which is why anything that happens, Billy gets so angry, he can't control himself because he gets it from his father. Billy is also hurt very easily. Because he never received affection growing up. He only got it from Max. I think getting affection from me has helped him. He's healed in some way. He's not perfect but he's broken, just like me.

I kissed the top of his head and he laid in my lap now. He sniffled and said "please don't leave." I pushed his hair out of his face and said "I won't." Tears fell from his eyes and he said "it feels like I'm still there. Why do I still feel it?" I closed my eyes as I began to cry. "Billy I don't know why you still feel that way. But you're not there. You're with me. I'm holding you." I said to him. He nodded and sniffled. We sat on the floor for what seemed like hours. Once I got him into his bed I laid down next to him. He looked somewhat at ease sleeping. It made me feel better that he was getting actual rest. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day for Billy.

Here's the update! Kinda sad💔 next chapter will be happier

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