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Lyra's POV:
I woke up with the two children on my lap. I scooted out from under them and closed their bedroom door quietly as I left. I walked to the rec room and sat down. I didn't even realize Blaze was in the room until he opened his mouth. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I replied. "Why are you awake?" He asked. I sighed and said "I fell asleep with Hawk and Halo. They wanted me to walk them to bed and that's what I did. And I ended up falling asleep. And now I'm here." "You're not gonna go back to sleep?" He said. I shook my head and "I'm wide awake now. I don't feel like it." He nodded and sat next to me. I stared at the ground and he said "what's up?" "I can't get Teddy out of my head. The way that thing came out of his back, how he suffered. Billy didn't see what I saw, nobody did. I don't know how to talk about it." I replied. Blaze grabbed my hand and held it in his. "Well I can try to understand. You could talk to me about it." He said. I sighed and nodded. "When I went to help him, he had thrown up all over me. Billy didn't want me to help him, and I understand why; he didn't want me to get sick. Nobody knew what was wrong with him until it was too late. And the worse things is, it was a Neomorph. Not a Xenomorph. Neomorphs are so much powerful than Xenomorphs. I just wish I could've done something, you know? But I guess there was nothing I could've done. I should've known." Blaze stared at me, trying to process what I told him. "I think that you did all you could. Teddy knew you were trying to save him. If you could talk to his spirit he would be proud of you for even wanting to help him. None of us really knew Teddy. I know that I wouldn't of helped him cause I didn't know him. Nobody did. When you came, that's the most He ever spoke. He was very quiet and didn't associate with us. Try not to feel bad about it. You did what you could." Blaze replied. "Wow. Thanks." I said as I hugged Blake. He hugged me back and I pulled away from him. A yawn escaped my lips. "Tired?" Blaze asked. I nodded and cuddled into the bean bag I was sitting on, falling asleep quickly.

Blaze's POV:
Lyra fell asleep and I played with her hair. She should be in her room. Not out here in the rec room. Lyra looked beautiful asleep. She wasn't stressed or worrying. She was calm. I stroked her head and admired her beauty. I heard footsteps in the hallway and Tina had walked by. Then I saw Billy walk by. As he did so, he saw me in the rec room. He opened the door and said "am I dreaming or is that you, Forrester?" "Yeah it's me, Don't cream your pants." I replied.

I stood up and walked over to him. He stepped into the room and said "have you seen Lyra?" I shook my head and said "nope." Billy inhaled on his cigarette and said "you sure? Cause I've been looking for her for about an hour now, and I've looked completely everywhere. This is the only place I haven't looked. So she must be here." I shrugged and said "I can't help you." Billy rolled his eyes and I could tell he was getting irritated. "Well, if she's not here, where else should I look? The Med Lab? Oh wait, that's off limits. The gravity room? No, Tina yelled at us the last time we used it. The pool? That's also off limits?" Billy said as he spun on his heel. "Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what?" I asked him. Billy licked his bottom lip as smoke came out of his mouth.

I said "I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here." "Then who is thath?" Billy slurred. I turned around to see Lyra slowly waking up.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself. Billy pushed me and said "get out of the way." I stumbled and he walked over to Lyra. He gently picked her up and she was draped over his arms. Her curls were in her face and Billy walked over to where I stood. I reached over and pushed her curls out of her face. Billy glared at me and said "don't touch." "She's my friend too, asshole." I replied. Lyra's eyes fluttered open. "Billy?" She asked. "I'm taking you to your room. You'll be able to sleep better." He said. "Where's Blaze? Did he leave me?" "I'm right here. Billy is taking you to bed." I replied. "Oh. Goodnight Blaze." She said, half asleep. "Goodnight." I mumbled. Billy took her out of the rec room and I ran my fingers through my hair. "Great. Just great." I said to myself.

Billy's POV:
After getting Lyra out of the rec room, I decided to take her to my room. Mine was closer anyway, hers was at the end of the hall. I walked inside my room and closed the door, kicking it with my foot. I set her on my bed, pulling off her jeans so she would be comfortable. Her shirt had risen as I did so. Her bellybutton and lower abdomen were showing. I sat on the bed next to her. I leaned down towards her stomach and kissed it. Her skin was soft. I pulled the covers up onto her body. I lit up a cigarette and inhaled on it. Lyra rolled on her side and I laid down. I finished my cigarette and put it in the ashtray. I pulled Lyra onto my chest. "Billy?" She asked. "Yeah. It's me." I replied. She nuzzled her face into my chest and I kissed the top of her head. Max came into the room and I shushed her. "What is it?" I asked. Max said "Tina is doing stuff. It's really loud. I'm scared. There's noises. Like alien noises." I set Lyra next to me and sat up. "Billy where're you going?" Lyra asked. I took her hand in mine, kissing it. "I'll be back. Max is going to stay here with you." I replied. "Ok." She said. A bang was heard and Max gasped. "Stay here with her. Don't leave this room. Understand?" I said. Max nodded and got into the bed with Lyra. I walked to the door and stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall and the banging got louder. It was the Med Lab, a place we were not supposed to be. Ever. I hid behind the wall and peeked at the window. Inside the room I saw Facehuggers in jars and other things that shouldn't be on the Covenant. "What the fuck?" I muttered. Scientists were inside working on something. I don't know what they were working on but it wasn't good. Tina was inside the room watching the scientists and I turned around, hiding behind the wall. They have Facehuggers on the ship. They're testing them. For some reason. Why would they do that? A zap was heard and squealing erupted into the air. I took off running, all the way back to my room. I walked to the bed to see Max falling asleep. She sat up and said "what was it?" I picked her up and said "nothing. Tina's working on something." Max nodded and I carried her to her room, making sure she was tucked in. Before I left her, I locked her door from the inside. Nobody would be able to get to her since her door was locked. When I got back to my room Lyra was sitting up in my bed. Her hair was slightly messy and she looked over at me. I locked the door and she said "Billy, you're back." "Of course." I replied. She half smiled and patted the bed, wanting me to sit next to her. I took off my jacket and jeans and sat next to her. "All those noises are scaring me. Please don't leave again." She said. I grabbed her hand and said "I won't." Another zap went off and Lyra gasped. "How bout I take your mind off it?" I asked. Lyra said "how would-?" I cut her off by kissing her. Our lips moved in sync and I pushed her down onto the bed. I left kisses up and down her neck, Lyra sighing as I did so. I got in between her legs, our areas touching. I could feel myself getting harder by the second. I sucked on her neck and Lyra sighed again. She spread her legs a little and I moved my hips against hers. Lyra moaned softly and I ran my hands up and down the sides of her body. I moved against her again and she said "don't tease." I began to move against her at a steady pace. Soft moans left her mouth and I could barely contain myself. "Fuck." I groaned. Someone knocked on the door. I didn't stop at first, I couldn't. The pleasure was too good. When they knocked again, I got off of Lyra. She pulled the blanket over her body and I walked to the door. Blaze stood there. "What do you want?" I asked. "A cigarette." He replied. I quickly grabbed a cigarette and he said "what're you doing up?" "None of your business." I said. Blaze shrugged and said "just wondering cause it looks like you creamed your pants." I slammed the door in his face and plopped on the bed. "We can continue if you want." Lyra said. I shook my head and said "I can't. Not in the mood anymore." "What if I did all the work?" She asked. I shrugged and moved next to her. Lyra dimmed the lights in the room and changed them to a red color. The entire room was red and she took off her panties. She traced her finger down my chest all the way to the waistband of my boxers. "Mind if I take these off?" She said. I shook my head and she slipped them off me. Lyra sat down on my member, not inserting it inside. She moved her hips against mine and I sighed. Lyra used my chest for support as she slid across my member. My lips parted and Lyra moaned. I felt myself begin to get close. I gripped her hips and moved her along my dick. She gasped at the new feeling and I began to twitch. Lyra panted and she came before I did. She rode out her high which made me come right after her. Moans left my mouth and Lyra rolled off of me. "Oh my god." I moaned. She giggled and kissed my lips. "That was fucking amazing." I said as I pushed my hair out of my face. Lyra sighed and said "thanks for taking my mind off of the noises. And I'm glad I pleased you." I got on top of her and said "you always please me." I kissed her lips and she giggled into the kiss. "Go clean yourself up." She said as she pushed me off. I shook my head at her and stood up. "Now that you've seen me naked, when do I get to see you?" I asked her. Lyra grabbed her panties and said "soon enough. You'll see." "Are you gonna stay the night?" I said. Lyra nodded and said "I'll be here when you get out of the shower. Don't take too long. I want cuddles from you." I smirked and headed to the shower.

I'm back!! I was gone for awhile and I apologize! I didn't have internet and I wasn't able to update or literally do anything on my phone! Love you all!!

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