Marriage and Death

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Lyra's POV:
Something was up with Blaze and Chase. They both kept looking at one another, like they were afraid one of them would say a horrible secret. "What's wrong?" I asked Blaze. He shook his head and didn't say anything. I tried to get him to talk and he stood up. As he did I noticed a slimy substance on his back. Worry filled my body and I peeled it off the back of his neck. He turned around and said "ow." I held it in my hand and his eyes widened. "What happened?" I asked. "I slipped. That stuff is slippery." Blaze said. Chase saw the slime in my hand. He quickly looked away and Blaze walked away from me. I stared down at the slime. I wiped it off my hand and Gavin muttered to himself. "What is it?" Tina asked. "Calypso and David want me to marry them. This is bullshit." He said. Tina looked up at him from her makeshift bed on the floor.

Zander leaned against the wall and eyed Billy. Billy did the same back. These two hadn't fought yet. Well, I hadn't seen them fight. They didn't get along. Billy didn't get along with a lot of people. Kace yawned and said "let's get this wedding done, so I can go to bed." Calypso and David stood next to one another. Vanessa leaned on Sam's shoulder and Gavin said "David, do you take this woman in holy matrimony, and in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" David looked at Calypso and said "I do." "Calypso, do you take this android in holy matrimony, and in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" "I do." Calypso said. Gavin sighed obnoxiously and said "you may kiss the bride. Am I done here?" Sam laughed and Gavin eyed him. Calypso kissed David and everyone cheered. David smiled at his wife that carried his unborn child.

Zander stood across the room, eying Billy. Billy finished his cigarette and did the same back. The tension between them rose. "Hey, Hargrove." Billy scoffed and Zander said "how come Blaze was the one to save your girl? You just left her under the water?" Billy rolled his eyes and said "she told me to go. I shouldn't of left her, but if Blaze hadn't of been there, Lyra would be dead right now." "Ok well I have another question for you, why don't you share her? Huh?" Billy balled his hands up into fists. Everyone was focused on Calypso and David. Mostly everyone. Blaze walked over and said "knock it off." Zander shook his head and he grabbed my wrist. I gasped and looked up at him. "How bout a kiss? Would you be ok with that, Hargrove?"

Billy didn't say anything. Zander leaned in to kiss me and I kneed him in his balls. Zander groaned and said "you're gonna get it." He went to grab me again and I hit his arm. Blaze stepped in and said "don't touch her." Zander laughed and said "oh, so you fucked him too? You've got them both wrapped around your finger." I pushed Blaze out of my way and I stepped to Zander. "You should think before you open up your mouth. I've been with one person the entire time I've been here, and that's Billy. Even when we fought, I didn't go and fuck someone else. When Billy was locked up, Blaze and I didn't do anything." Zander chuckled and said "you got spunk." I nodded in response and Blaze stepped back a little. But he was still in close proximity of me. Zander motioned for Billy to come to where he stood. Billy stepped to him slowly. "I want you, to stay away from her. Don't talk to her. Don't look at her. And if you do, Blaze and I both will personally kick your fucking ass." Billy said.

Blaze put his hands up in defense and said "don't bring me in this. No way. I'm not gonna kick you're ass, Zander." "Shut up, Forrester!" Billy said to him. Blaze rolled his eyes and Zander smirked. "Thanks, Blaze. I totally didn't think you could anyway. You're pretty scrawny." Blaze scoffed and said "now I'm gonna kick you're ass." I pushed on Blaze's chest and told him not to. Zander said "listen to your bitch, Forrester." Blaze tilted his head and said "ok. Ok." "You're dead if you hit me." Zander taunted. Blaze moved me out of his way and said "no. You are."

He decked Zander in the face. Billy watched Zander hold his cheek in shock. Sam looked over and saw his oldest son clutching his cheek. "Wanna take a shot, Hargrove?" Billy shrugged and said "maybe." Zander stood up straight and that's when Billy swung. The blonde nodded and said "you punch harder than Blaze." Blaze's chest heaved up and down, he was the angriest I've ever seen him. Zander punched Billy and Billy said "you're dead. You're so fucking dead, Benjamin." Sam got out his flip phone and began recording the fight. "Wow. The captain won't even break it up." I said annoyed.

Billy swung at the blonde, making him stumble back. "My turn." Zander said as he punched Billy. A hysterical laugh came from Billy as his lip began to bleed. Zander punched him again, making Billy stumble even further.

I went to step into the fight and Blaze grabbed me. "Yeah, that's a no." He said as he held me. "She kicks ass. Let her go." Hawk said as he rolled his eyes. Halo nodded in response and Max shook her head. I looked at Blaze and he looked at me. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I looked down at them. Blaze immediately removed himself and said "I'm not gonna let you fight."

Billy kicked Zander in the gut, knocking him down. "Ooh!" Sam said. Zander panted and said "shut the hell up, dad!" "You're getting you're ass kicked. Fight back." Sam replied. Zander stood up and punched Billy in the jaw. Billy pushed his hair out of his face and he laughed again. Max backed away and Hawk noticed the fear on her face. He held her hand and she looked at him. Halo watched the fight in amazement. Zane stared at her and said "do you like to fight?" Halo nodded and Zane said "I've never been in a fight." "They're fun." Halo replied with a giggle. "Looks like you got fire in ya after all, huh?" Billy asked.

Zander punched Billy again. Billy said "whoo! I really felt that one!" Zander stared at him in disbelief. Billy tackled him, immediately straddling him. Billy began to punch him in the face. Over and over again. Flashbacks of when Billy fought Blaze entered my head. I looked away and Sam stepped in. "That's enough." He wasn't recording anymore. Blaze pulled Billy off of Zander. Billy laid on his back on the ground. Blaze put his foot on his chest. "Stay down." Billy nodded and I stood over him. "You good?" I asked. "I'm good." Billy mumbled. Zander panted and stared at Billy. "I love these interactions that Billy has with people. What is it called?" David asked. "It's a fight. They fought." Hawk replied. David walked over and looked down at Billy.

"Don't you fucking touch my lip. It's bleeding. You stuck your finger in my thigh last time. I'll be damned if you touch my lip." Billy said. "I won't touch you. But you must understand, I don't have crimson blood. I don't even have blood. It's just a white substance that substitutes for blood. I want blood like a human." David said. Billy stood up and Gavin grabbed a q-tip, swiping it across Billy's lip. "Ow." Billy said. Gavin handed David the q-tip and said "here. Now you have blood." David held it in his hand and stared at the red liquid. Sam made a face at David's fascination and Vanessa said "everyone likes something." Chase began to cough. He held his chest and fell onto the ground. Kace said "are you ok?" Arlo leaned down to his level and said "shit. He's got one inside him." Billy looked over and said "you're kidding." Chase screamed in pain and Max stood up. Billy grabbed her, pulling her away from Chase. Hawk and Halo hid behind me and Arlo picked up Zane. Sam shook his head and said "no. I can't lose my son." Vanessa backed away and Zander stared at his younger brother in shock.

Chase gasped and said "it's inside me. Me. You're safe, Blaze." Blaze's eyes widened and he slid down the wall. "Oh my god." He said. "Gavin please help him!" Sam yelled. Gavin shook his head and said "I can't. There's no way to remove them from your chest." Tears filled Sam's eyes and Chase said "I'll be with mom. It's ok, dad." Zander stood over his brother. Blood spurted out of his chest and Roxy screamed. Jax stood up, aiming a pistol towards his chest. "Kill me." Chase said. Jax cocked the pistol and Zander shoved him. "Are you crazy?!" He bellowed. Blue grabbed Zander by his shirt. "Don't ever touch him again. I'll fucking kill you." Blue said. Zander nodded and Blue pulled his boyfriend up to his feet. Roxy got on top of one of the tables. Billy said "get all the kids on the table with Roxy." Arlo set Zane on the table. Hawk climbed up, pulling Max with him. Halo hopped up and sat next to Zane. "Please kill the lift threatening species." David said as he ushered Calypso to another room. Blood dripped out of Chase's mouth, the Chestburster breaking through his ribs. Cracking was heard and Kace gagged. Sam broke. He began sobbing and Vanessa pulled him away. Sam cried into her chest and the alien burst out of his chest. "Kill it!" Arlo said. Zander dropped next to his brother's body, crying over it. The alien headed straight for Blue. "Look out!" Roxy said. The alien jumped on Blue, knocking him down. Blue held it away from his face. He turned his head as the alien snapped it's teeth at him. Jax came over and hit it with the butt of the gun. The alien fell onto Blue's chest. Blue screamed and the alien ran towards Kace. Kace stomped on it and it continued to run. Blaze grabbed his bat and beat it to death. Blaze panted and dropped the bat. Zander screamed over his brother. He held Chase to his chest and said "I'm so sorry." Vanessa cried as she held Sam. Jax cupped Blue's cheeks and said "are you ok?" Blue nodded quickly and Jax pulled him in for a kiss. I smiled at the two of them and Billy ran a hand through his hair. Gavin walked over to Zander said "let's put him in the other room. Ok?" Gavin tried to get Zander to let go of the younger boy. Zander sobbed as Gavin put him on a stretcher. "Help me carry him into the next room." They carried him to the room in the back of the med lab. Sam, Vanessa and Zander went into the room. I filled up a bucket with water and grabbed a sponge. I began cleaning the blood off the floor. Small tears filled my eyes and Blue grabbed another sponge and said "you don't have to do this." I shrugged and said "it's fine." Jax took the sponge from me and I half smiled. "We'll do it." Jax said. I nodded and washed Chase's blood off my hands. Nobody in the room would speak a word. Everyone was too afraid too. We needed to get the Xenomorphs off the ship, immediately.

Here's the update! It's long asf

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