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Lyra's POV:
Screaming was heard. I looked around and Billy sat up really quick, falling off of my lap. "Why are there screams?" David asked. "Shit! Max run!" Hawk yelled. Billy jumped off of me and I stood up. Billy ran to the door and out into the hall. Zane ran past us and Halo stood at the end of the hall. "Billy! There's a Facehugger!" Max screamed. My eyes widened and Blaze motioned for the kids to run towards us. Halo's metal rods slid back into her hands and she ran into my arms. I held her and she panted. Hawk had ahold of Max's hand while they ran. Billy's eyes scanned the room for a weapon. There was a cabin full of guns in the rec room. His fist collided with the glass to the gun cabinet, glass shattering everywhere. Arlo was holding Zane and Hawk got behind me. Max stood behind Blaze who put his arm protectively in front of her. Billy stepped out of the rec room, machine gun in hand. "Shoot it!" Max said. Billy cocked and aimed the gun. The Facehugger screeched and Billy shot a few bullets at the creature. Yellow blood sprayed and Max yelped. I stared at the dead alien, Tina running into the hallway. Sam did the same along with Vanessa. "What's going on?" Tina asked. "There was a Facehugger. It was after the kids." I said. I set Halo down and Hawk grabbed her wrist. Sam looked at Tina while Vanessa looked at the alien on the ground. Billy kept the gun on the Facehugger. Tina ran a hand through her hair and I stepped towards Billy. "Hey. It's dead." I said. Blaze noticed tense Billy was and he said "Lyra." I grabbed Billy's gun and lowered it. "It's ok." I whispered. The Facehugger twitched and Billy yelled while aiming the gun. Blaze grabbed me and pulled me out of the way. Calypso's eyes widened and Billy shot at the alien again. Max gasped while Hawk stared in shock. Blaze examined me and made sure I wasn't hurt. He then lowered Billy's gun, taking it from him. "Why are there Facehuggers on this ship?" Arlo asked. Chase stared at the one on the ground. "D-Dad? Why would there be one?" Zander looked at his brother who could barely speak. "Why are you getting all freaked out?" The older Benjamin sibling asked. Chase gulped and didn't say anything. Tina sighed and said "I'll show you all why they're on the ship." Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows and Sam said "if another one gets loose, the whole thing is getting shut down." Tina nodded and Sam stormed away. "Dad?" Chase asked. Zander scoffed at his younger brother and Chase whimpered. Tina led us all to the med lab. A place we weren't allowed. Inside there were tons of things in gigantic glass jars. Hawk stared with his mouth agape. Blaze's eyes widened and he said "what the fuck?" I gripped Billy's arm and he said "you put us in danger. You put my sister in danger. Why the fuck are these things on the ship?" Tina walked to a table and said "this is why." She grabbed a sheet and removed it. A body laid on it with a Facehugger on it's face.

A small scream left my mouth and Max gasped. Arlo looked at Tina and said "is that a real person?" She nodded and Kace covered his mouth. He closed his eyes and tears came down. "These are the things that are killing us. And they're on the fucking ship?" Billy asked. Tina didn't say anything. I stared down at the body and Chase pulled at his hair. "Are we going to die?" Zane asked. Arlo shook his head and said "no. Of course not." "We were testing them. We wanted to find out a way to stop them from impregnating us. But we haven't found a way so far. I didn't think one would get lose." Tina said. Blaze said "this is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy! This is crazy! What are you thinking?! That you'll just have fun with you're science projects?! If a Xenomorph or a Neomorph was born, we'd be fucked!" Tina didn't say anything. She shrugged and looked back down. Calypso said "you're trying to kill everyone on this ship." "You actually might achieve that. Since one has already escaped, another one could easily follow in it's footsteps." David said as he stared into a tank.

"Another one won't get out. I'll make sure it won't." Tina said. "Will you? Because you're not doing a very good job. These things have killed so many people! Did you ever stop to think about that? I would love to go to Earth and not have to worry about these things. One of these fucking things killed my mother. And my father had to shoot it right in front of me. There was no sugarcoating. It was a baby Xenomorph bursting out of my mom's chest. And now you have them on this ship?! How stupid can you be?! This is so unsafe." Chase said as he stormed out of the room. Zander eyed Tina and then went out after his brother.

"The kids could've gotten hurt." Kace said. "Tina you're a fucking idiot." Billy said as he stepped to her. Tina said "take it back." Billy shook his head and Tina bowed up at him, panting as she did so. "There's nothing you can do about it." Billy said. Tina swung at Billy, missing. "You want me to fucking swing?! Cause I guarantee I won't miss!" Billy screamed. Tina was still bowed up at him, not backing down.

"Billy." I said. Tina grabbed a communicator and told mother to use security precautions. Cuffs appeared around Billy's wrists and my eyes widened. Billy looked at her and said "take em' off." Tina shook her head and Billy repeated himself, getting louder each time he said it. Blaze said "don't do this." Max shook her head and said "Billy." "You are going to be put in isolation, for vulgar behavior." Tina said. Billy laughed and said "you're locking me up cause I said the truth? Huh?!" She didn't reply. Billy scoffed and stared her down.

"Billy Hargrove to isolation. Billy Hargrove to isolation." Mother's computer voice rung out. Billy scoffed and I bit my lip. I tried not to cry and Billy noticed. He wiped a tear from my cheek and said "don't cry. It's ok." I shook my head and said "it's not." Max sniffled and he said "Max, don't you cry either." "It's hard not to." She replied. I cupped Billy's cheek, kissing him. He pulled away and walked to the doorway. "Blaze. Protect her." He said as he faced the hallway. Blaze stood next to me and he put his arm around me. I sniffled and Max did the same. Billy walked out and Kace stormed out of the room. Arlo did the same with Zane following him. Calypso said "that's against the rules." Tina didn't say anything. Halo growled at her and Hawk said "why'd you have to do that?" "Because he deserved it." She replied. I turned around to face her, tears going down my face. "If anyone deserves to be locked up it's you! Do you wish pain on everyone?! Because you want people to feel how you're feeling? You are fucked up for doing that to us. Just because you're husband died, doesn't mean you can make everyone feel your pain." I said. Tina shuddered and tears went down her face.

"You all have no respect." Tina replied. Max scoffed while rolling her eyes. "You've had a problem with me since I got here. You tried to put me in a cryotube, the same exact place where you're husband died. Why would you do that to me? To hurt Billy?"

Blaze grabbed my arm and said "we're done." Calypso grabbed Tina's tools, throwing them onto the floor. She stormed out of the room and David followed her. Max grabbed a glass jar that had nothing inside it, throwing it at the wall. She screamed as she did so. Tears went down her face and she ran out of the room. "Max wait!" Hawk said as him and Halo ran after her. Blaze pulled me out of the room and him and I were in my room. That's where I broke down. He held me as I cried, I knew she wouldn't let him out. She's too stubborn. Blaze made me look up at him and he said "hey. I'm right here. Calm down." I sniffled and said "you know she's not going to let him out right?" "I promise you that he'll get out. I promise." Blaze said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I sat down on my bed and it had been a few minutes since I stopped crying. "I'm gonna go ok?" Blaze asked. "Wait." I said. He turned around and said "what is it?" "Stay with me. Please." I said as my voice quivered. He nodded while sitting down next to me. He laid down on my bed and I buried my face into his chest. He put his arm around me and said "I'm gonna be here all night." I nodded and tried to fall asleep. But lord knows I wouldn't.

Here's the update!! If there's any spelling errors I'm sorry. My phone is being stupid and wants to correct me on every fucking word I type. It's ridiculous. Smh🙃

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