New Life

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Calypso's POV:
Wow my stomach is huge. It's big for a single child. I'm sitting in David and mines room waiting for David to get back to me for the night. All of the sudden I feel a pain in my abdomen then a wetness. Oh no the baby is coming. I pick up my com and message Lyra. "Ly. My baby is coming. Help I'm in my room I need to get to medbay." I say in pain. Lyra responds quickly. I hear the door one and close. I see Lyra in the door way with Billy. "I need help." I say with tears in my eyes. Lyra tells Billy to pick me up and carry me to medbay. Once we are in medbay, Billy lays me down and gets Gavin. "What do you kids want." He grumbles as he walks to our bed. "Where's David?" I pant hard with the contractions going on. "Lyra. Call David and tell him that his wife is in labor." Gavin commands. Lyra takes out her com and messages David. A few minutes later we see David running into the medbay with a worried look. "Is my child coming?" He asks. His hair messed up a little bit from running to the medbay. "Yes she is." Gavin says irritatedly. "Let's get this show on the road."

I don't think I've ever screamed so loud in my life. I was holding on to David and Lyras hand tightly. "One... two... three... push. Callie push." I head Gavin say. "One more time. One... two... three." I look over at David and see that he is looking worried. Or as worried as an android can get. I push as hard as I can and scream so loud that when I lost my voice, I heard the cry of my newborn daughter. "Oh my god. David." I cry. "Oh my god." I gasp at the fact that I have just gave birth a baby girl. "Can you please bring me my daughter. I want to meet her." I say rasping because of my screaming. "Lyra. Get my sister please and tell her that I just gave birth." I croak out. I look up and see David carrying our small daughter. He looks in awe that he created something from a human. He slowly walks over to me and lays my baby girl down on my chest. "What are we going to name her?" David asks stroking his daughter and wife's hair. "Maia Daisy Taylor. That's gonna be her name." I softly croak out kiss on my baby girls head. I feel another pair of lips on my forehead. I hear a camera shutter. I look up to see that Lyra got out an old camera and takes a picture of our little family. I kiss David's forehead then leaning my head on his. "Thank you so much. I love you so so much. I don't think it would have happened." I say letting tears flow free. "Don't cry love. Smile. You have your daughter and your husband now with you." He says wiping the tears away from my face. "Lyra, do you want to meet your niece?" I whisper. "Yes. She looks just like you." Lyra says giving my child a small kiss on her forehead. Gavin comes back and takes Maia away to get her cleaned up and bundled up with blankets. I take her in my arms and rock her back and forth. "Hi baby girl. It's me your mother. I can't believe that your here. I know your growing fast because of your fathers genes and everything. But your are special. A special little baby girl. You are the first human android mix. Ever in this galaxy. I love you so much. You look just like your father when he doesn't dye his hair. I love you so much and I'm super excited that you are here with me and your Father David. You are our blessing." I say and press a kiss to her head. "Having when can I leave?" I ask looking at the doctor. "Soon kid maybe an hour. Give your self a rest." He says picking up my baby girl and putting her in a basket next to me. I turn on my side and look at her. I feel the bed dip a little bit and arms go around my waist but gently since I pushed out a small human just recently.

Later when we were released from the medbay I was holding Maia. We get to our quarters and I see that there is a babies crib and a piano. I pull up a chair and sit down with Maia in my arms. "Dear, I got this piano for both of you and Maia. I really want to play a song on the piano. Do you have any requests?" He asks taking off his shoes and sitting down on the piano bench. "Sugarplum fairy and Caviler grand pas de deux from the nutcracker" I says David nods and turns around and starts playing. It beautiful. He does it amazingly. I look down and see that my baby girl is asleep. I start feeling my eyes are drooping. Then they close all together. I'm sitting here listening to my husband play one of Tchaikovsky's great songs with my daughter in my arms.

David's pov

When I went to turn around to ask my wife something, I see her and my baby girl asleep in her arms. Calypsos ring on it was simple and didn't have a diamond on it. Just a plain band around her finger. My daughter looks just like her mother. She has her eyes were a light brown the cause of a mix of mine which are green and my loves are brown. I take her out of my wife's arms and kiss her forehead. I walk over to the window and look out at the stars. "Hey baby girl. It is your father. David. You and your mother are my pride and joys. I don't know what I'll do without you or Calypso. I didn't think that my seed would make you. Some feat would be unlikely and impossible. But here you are. In my arms looking out at the billions and quintillion stars. I love you so much. And when you are older I you may not expect so much emotion from me because of me being android. But I will say it and I mean it." I feel an arm go around my waist. "That was beautiful love." Calypso says kissing my cheek. "Come let's put you girls to bed." I say kissing her cheek. We place our baby girl in the crib with a star mobile above her.

Lyra's POV:
"Here's the plan. I'm going to suck that fucker into space. We'll go down to the storage unit, where all of them are. If we push the button, the one that opens the large door, we can send them into space." Tina said.

"What if you fail?" Tina looked over at Sam and said "what?" "What if you fail? What if you fail to suck them out into space?" Tina said "I won't." Kace scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You should go see how many are left. Now." Arlo suggested. "I don't think you'll be able to suck them out into space. I think that we should just torch them." Sam said as he sighed. "Do you all agree?" Tina asked. Roxy pulled her knees to her chest, nodding. Katarina said "I'll go with you, to check them out." Blue shook his head and said "I'm not going anywhere. I need to stay here with Jax." Tina rolled her eyes and Jax said "I'm not hurt you know." "Yes, but I need to be with you, so you don't get hurt." Blue replied. Jax smiled as Blue put his arm around him. "So I'll suck em' out into space?" Tina asked. Roxy said "just torch them." "I need someone else to go with me. It's just to see the perimeter." Sam shook his head and said "looks like no one wants to go. Just go with Katarina. I don't want to discuss this anymore." "I don't wanna go anymore." Katarina said. Tina stared at Jax and Blue. "Knock it off." She said. Blue rolled his eyes at her and scoffed.

"Don't tell them what to do, let them do what they want." Roxy said. Tina went to say something and Sam said "please get the hell out of here. I don't want to hear your mouth." Small tears filled Tina's eyes and she nodded. "Yes sir." She grabbed a gun and walked out of the room.

Sam sighed and said "everyone else, once she gets back, we have to fight those things. Not everyone has to go but we need a good number of people. I just don't believe she'll be able to suck it out into space. We'll see though."

The end is trash🤮

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