New Planet

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Lyra's POV:
We were all called down to the bridge. Sam sat in his chair and he said "as you all know we've been looking for planets to inhabit. Well we found one. It's called Planet 4." He pushes a button and a hologram of the planet showed up. "It's almost like Earth. You can breathe on there and everything. I'd like Tina to lead an expedition down onto the planet. If it's inhabitable, we'll have somewhere to live. And we won't have to live on a ship. I'd like you all to be careful as you go down. Walter will accompany you. Since he is an android and should be able to scan the planet. Calypso, you'll watch the children. Max, Zane, Hawk and Halo." The children looked up at him. Max made an exasperated noise and said "a stranger?!" Sam said "Calypso isn't a stranger. She's the nurse."

Max was a little ball of fire. Her attitude was deadly. "She's a stranger to me." Max said. I looked at her and said "it'll be ok." "Why can't you watch me?" She asked. "Because I'll be going on the mission." I replied. "Blaze?" Max asked. Blaze looked down and said "I'm on the mission too." Max rolled her eyes and Billy said "she's not a stranger. You'll be safe on the ship. She'll take care of you. All of you. You don't have to worry." Max crossed her arms and sat in a chair. "Don't act like that." Billy said. Max huffed and Halo stood next to her. "She gets it." Max retorted. Billy looked at her and said "knock it off." Max stared him down with her arms crossed. Sam said "moving on."

"I can take care of myself." She said. "No. You can't. So shut your mouth." Blaze replied. Calypso looked at Max and said "it's safer with me. Just trust me on this." Hawk adjusted the large jacket on his body. Halo looked to Calypso and sighed. Sam began to talk again about the mission. Max interrupted and said "I just don't get why I have to stay with someone I don't know." "Jesus." Billy said. Walter watched the two of them in shock. Max shrugged and said "I don't want too. Why do I have too?" "Because he said so. And because I know she'll take care of you." Billy replied. Max shook her head and said "you didn't even care to ask me to see how I would feel?" As Max and Billy argued blaze pulled at his hair, angry at them. "Hey, hey, hey!" Blaze said as he clapped his hands. Max looked at him and he said "stop acting ungrateful. They could have nobody watch you and you could get killed. Also, Calypso is amazing. She's the best person to be with while we're gone. She'll protect you from anything and make sure you have everything you need. So don't talk bad about her. She's perfect."

Max nodded and didn't say anything else. "Back to business. Everyone will go down and follow the plan. Do an excursion and then come back. That's it. You'll take a drop ship with a large cargo hold to hold anything you guys find. If you're going to bring back plants or anything, let me know. Do not bring any living organisms, like animals. Or creatures. Is that understood?" Sam asked. Everyone nodded and he dismissed us. Max's head hung low and Blaze said "uh unh. Don't act like that." Max huffed and I said "hey where'd you get that sedative? To sedate Billy?" Billy looked over and Max said "when Tina put me in that tube, there were sedatives all over the place. I picked one up off the counter and tried to stick her with it. But she locked me in the tube and that was it." Billy looked down and said "I'm sorry she did that to you." Max shrugged and said "it's whatever. She knows not to ever do it to me again." Billy and Max walked up ahead of me. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Blaze asked. I shook my head and said "no. Well kinda cause maybe that could be a planet we could live on." Blaze half smiled and said "yeah maybe." Tina and Sam were sitting in a room discussing the planet. "How about we don't know what the fuck's out there?!" Tina said. Sam eyed her and she looked over at us.

Blaze cleared his throat and pushed me forward. I stumbled and grabbed Blaze's wrist, pulling him with me. He walked with me and we walked down the hall. "Shit." He said. I looked at him and Billy said "what the fuck are you guys doing?" "Nothing." I replied. I caught up with Billy, who put his arm around me as we walked. We were all sent to bed early since the mission tomorrow. I wanted to see the planet but Tina had a point. What if there was something out there that could hurt us?

Here's the update! Yes I know this chapter sucks🤢

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