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Lyra's POV:
I sat next to Calypso, who's stomach had a large bump. Her child was growing progressively fast. It was weird. "Do you know why the baby is growing so quickly?" I asked her. She shook her head and said "no. I have no clue." "It's because of David. He's an android. That's what's making the baby grow so quickly." Gavin said. Calypso looked down at her stomach and sighed. Sam walked into the door and said "I need an assembly team. Now." "What for?" Billy asked irately. "Rescue mission." "Who we rescuing?" Blaze questioned. Sam inhaled and looked around the room. "We're waiting." Zander said. The father eyed his oldest son and Chase said "is it someone that can help us get out of this mess?" "We're rescuing Orion Sorko." Sam said. I covered my mouth and Katarina said "he's a myth." "Actually, he isn't. There's a transmission from him on the bridge. Now I'm going. There's nothing better for me to do. Once we rescue him, we're getting rid of our alien problem." Sam said. Tina crossed her arms over her chest and said "I'm staying here." I stood up and said "I'm going." Sam nodded and Billy said "I'll go too." I shook my head and said "you're injured. You're staying." Billy tilted his head and stood up. He walked over to me, trying to hide the pain. "Nobody tells me what to do." I eyed him and Blaze said "Billy just stay here." "Stay out of this, Forrester." "You're going to stay here. I can't afford to lose you." I said to my boyfriend. Billy grabbed me roughly by the arms. Calypso stood up and said "hurt her and I kill you." I whispered and Billy looked down at my arms. He removed his hands from my arms and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whispered over and over. I trembled and Billy pulled away from me. All eyes were on him and he said "I want to go. Just like you said, I can't afford to lose you. I'm going to protect you." "Blaze will protect me. You're hurt and need to heal." I said to him. Billy scoffed and said "so he can hit on you the whole time? No. That's not fucking happening." Blaze said "wow." Sam said "listen to me, on this planet, we all need to wear space suits. I don't think the air is breathable." "Orion's not gonna be alive then." Tina said. Sam shook his head and said "you can survive on those kind of planets. If you have a rebreather." "How long do they last?" I asked. "Depends. Some of them go for years, while some go for days." Sam replied. "Which one's go for years?" I said. "The special military ones. It's possible he could've found one. He's on an old mining planet." Sam said as he grabbed something. He handed me a sphere. "What is this?" I inquired. "Your suit." I pushed the button on the side and the suit immediately accustomed to my body. I held a helmet in my hand and I looked at Sam, who's suit was going on. Blaze grabbed one and his suit was on. "Woah." He said. I giggled and Billy picked one up. "If your bandage opens, you might bleed out." Gavin said. "That's a chance I'm willing to take." Billy said while staring at the sphere. Billy pushed the button, his suit going onto his body.

"David, you wanna come with us?" Sam asked. The android shook his head. "No. I don't plan on being out of service when my child arrives." Sam nodded and said "anyone else?" Chase stood up and said "I'll go." Sam handed him one and Zander said "I'm staying." Chase pushed the button and the suit went onto his body. Sam walked out, Blaze and Chase following him. Gavin watched them walk out. Billy went after Chase and Gavin huffed. He grabbed a sphere and a suit went onto his body. "I'm gonna stress about his thigh. I have to go." He said. I chuckled at him and said "it'll be ok." "Have fun, spacelover." Calypso giggled. Gavin flipped her off and we all went to the docking bay. Sam gave us each a knife and a gun or flamethrower. Vanessa ran in and said "please be careful, Sam." He nodded and said "I will." We all got onto the ship and Sam began driving us to the planet. We landed and Sam said "everyone put your helmets on." We all did as we were told and the door opened. I stepped out onto the ground, it was squishy. "The ground is soft." Sam said. Billy said "this shit is nasty." Blaze huffed and Chase looked around. "There's a building over there, could he be hiding there?" Chase asked. Sam nodded and began to lead the way. Gavin stepped on the ground. "What the hell is that?!" He yelled. Blaze turned around with his gun aimed at him. "What the hell man?" Blaze said as he put his hands on his hips. Billy groaned obnoxiously and said "the doctor isn't used to expeditions." "Damn right, Hargrove." He replied. Sam said "come on. We need to get Orion and get out." "I regret even coming with you, fuckers." Gavin mumbled. I patted his back and said "it'll be fun." He shook his head and we all began the trek to the large mining building. Mine carts and tracks littered the ground. Sam got in one of the mine carts and rode it. "What the hell are you doing?" Gavin asked in disbelief. "Riding to the building." Sam replied. Chase shrugged and copied his father. Blaze did the same and Billy said "I'm not doing that." "Suit yourself." I said as I climbed in one. Gavin immediately got in behind me and Billy said "oh what the fuck?" "I'm not being alone. See ya, Hargrove." Gavin said as he made the mine cart go. "Fuck you!" Billy's voice echoed. When we reached the others, Billy was the last one to show up. When Blaze saw that Gavin had rode with me instead of Billy he began cackling. Billy flipped him off and Blaze said "that's hilarious!" There was a clattering noise and Sam shushed everyone. "It came from upstairs." He whispered. He began to go up the stairs and we reached a hall. There was a room that had light peeking out from underneath the door. Sam walked to the end of the hall to the door. He opened it and shined a flashlight inside. "Hey! Who are you?!" A voice said. I pushed Billy and Blaze out of my way. There sat my brother, looking up at the light curiously.

He wasn't wearing a space suit or anything. I unscrewed my helmet, a hissing sound erupting the air. "Don't do it!" Sam said. I took off my helmet and Orion's eyes widened. "Lyra?" He asked. I nodded and he stood up. I jumped into his arms, the both of us sobbing. I pulled away and he said "let me look at you. My god. You've grown into a beautiful woman." I smiled and said "the air is safe, idiots." Sam took his off and everyone followed. "Who are they?" My brother asked. "I'm Sam. Sam Benjamin." "Chase. His son." Chase said as he motioned to Sam. "Gavin. I'm a doctor." "Blaze." "I'm Billy." "Billy is my boyfriend." I said. Orion looked Billy up and down. "I hope you've taken care of my sister. Cause I'll kick your ass if you haven't." Screeching was heard and I grabbed my knife. A Xenomorph ran towards the room. I stabbed it in the head. Blaze exclaimed and Billy stared at me in shock. He chuckled and said "you're sister is badass." Orion gasped softly and said "wow. That's amazing. I can't fight them. At all."

"Well, with Lyra by your side, you won't have too. She'll kill them all." Blaze said. Orion grabbed some cloth and began wrapping his arm. "What happened?" I asked. He said "one of them got me. I went out to get some of the plants. They're the only thing to eat. One of them scratched my arm. I don't have any armor or anything. Just a couple hundred rebreathers." "So is the air outside good or bad?" Sam asked. "It's bad. But the air in here is ok. I'm not sure why." Gavin made Orion sit down and he began tending to his arm.

"What have you been doing all these years?" Orion asked me. "Well after you were taken, I joined the military. I was the youngest recruit ever. I graduated at seventeen. I became one of the most skilled soldiers. And that's how I know how to kill Xenomorphs. I got assigned to the Covenant, where I met Billy. That's the best military ship to be on. All the soldiers that are on the Covenant, are the best of the best. Sam is the captain and my Major is back on the ship. There's a Xenomorph breakout on our ship right now. So when we go back, we'll have to take care of it." Orion stared up at me in shock. "I can't believe that. You grew up." He said.

Sam said "we should get going." "You can't. Not at night. That's when the storms start. And they usually block any accessible ways to leave the planet. And if we wanted to leave, we'd have to take the long way around, which is through the swampy area." Orion said. "What the hell were they mining for here anyway?" Blaze asked. "Don't know. But they never finished." Everyone sat down and Orion closed and barricaded the door. "I have blankets and pillows. I took them from the sleeping quarters that the miners had." Billy grabbed a blanket and a pillow. He motioned for me to come over and sit next to him. He put his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck. "I don't wanna see that." Orion said in disgust. Billy shrugged and said "you better get used to it. You're gonna see a lot of it." Blaze nodded in agreement while sitting next to me. Orion huffed and I giggled. I missed annoying my older brother. That was something I hadn't done in over ten years.

"You'll like the Covenant." I said to him. "Yeah. When it's not infested with aliens." Chase said. Orion said "how many aliens are there?" "There's a lot. There's even a large one. The biggest one to ever exist." Sam said. "We'll take care of them. They ain't gonna live to see another day when we get back." Billy said as he grabbed a cigarette. "How many hours does this storm go on for?" Gavin asked. Orion thought about it and said "five to six hours?" Billy huffed and said "great. We're stuck here."

Here's the update! I've been waiting to write this for a very long time. I didn't expect all the reads on this book! Thank you all so much!!

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