Planet 4 (3)

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Lyra's POV:
An alarm sounded. I quickly got dressed in my gear and headed down to the docking bay. Everyone stood there. Calypso had all four kids around her. Walter put on some gear since he was accompanying us. We all boarded the ship. Blue flew us down to the planet. As we all stepped off we realized it was raining. "Rain?" I asked. Blaze watched the water droplets roll off of his arm. Billy huffed and he tried to light up a cigarette. So he walked into the ship to do it. Walter stepped off the ship and looked at everything. His eyes widened slightly and Tina patted his back. "Let's move." She said.

Jax held a machine gun in his hand and Blue stood next to him with his mini gun. We all began walking through long grass. Katarina looked up at the sky, in awe. Tina led the way as we trudged through mud. "Maybe we should split up?" Tina said. Roxy walked away and Jax followed her, along with Blue. The three of them walked away and Billy exhaled smoke. Blaze looked at me and then said "let's go." I nodded and grabbed Billy's hand. Billy held my hand as he followed behind me. I heard running footsteps and Teddy was behind me. He followed us and was mostly quiet while we walked. Billy walked ahead of me, still holding my hand as he did so. Blaze was on my left and Billy kissed my hand as we walked. I blushed and Blaze stared at me. Teddy said "stop." "Why?" Billy asked as he turned on his heel. "Look up." He said. We were in a field and I didn't get what the problem was. Blaze said "whoa holy shit." Billy looked up and I did the same. "Is that.....?" I didn't finish.

It was a crashed ship. "Should we get the rest of the group?" Teddy asked. Billy let go of my hand and began to walk toward it. He stopped a few feet away from it. "Teddy go get Tina. I'm sure she didn't go far." Billy said as he inhaled.

Teddy ran off, tripping as he did so. "You ok?" I asked him. He stood up and said "yeah." His running footsteps departed and I sighed. Billy finished his cigarette and put it out. Blaze wielded his bat and Billy wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and he kissed my neck. It was a few minutes before we heard Tina and the rest of the group show up. We walked toward the ship and began to inspect it. The ship was dark and I shined a light on the wall. The wall read


"The Prometheus? Wasn't that a ship that went missing?" I asked. Tina nodded and said "the Prometheus went missing ten years ago." "Shit." Billy said. Blaze looked at the ship that was rusted from the rain. Arlo pushed a button and a blue light went off, illuminating the whole ship. A woman sat in the chair that was in the middle of the room. She was singing a song.

"Home. Take me home country roads."

"Who is that?" I asked. Kace stepped toward the blue hologram and said "looks like Elizabeth Shaw." Tina walked down a hall and I followed her. She grabbed a pair of dogs tags and I said "who's are they?" "Dr. Elizabeth Shaw." She whispered. I grabbed them from her and looked at them. "What happened to her?" Tina asked. She picked up a picture and it was of Elizabeth and a man. "Shit!" A voice said. Tina turned around and her eyes widened. "What's going on?" I asked. Blaze ran into the hallway and said "shit's going down out here. I'm going in. With or without you."

Tina held her gun and said "what is it?" "Xeno's. They're all over the place." I walked ahead of Blaze and began shooting them. Billy shot them with his gun and Blaze wielded his bat. "It's on!" Blaze yelled as he swung.

Teddy shot one to his right and Kace managed to get one on the ceiling. Blue shot some coming from outside with his mini gun. Roxy and Jax ran into the room. All the Xenomorphs were coming out of the ceiling into the middle of the room. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards where Blue stood.

Roxy let go of Jax and began shooting. Katarina yelped as one landed in front of her. Donovan shot it and she looked at him. Her eyes widened. Chase said "grenade!" Everyone for down and an explosion went off. Zander backed to the entrance where a Xenomorph was. "Look out!" Blue yelled. Zander looked behind him to see the alien in front of him. I grabbed my pistol and shot it in the head, yellow blood going everywhere. Zander panted and was frozen. I walked over and said "snap out of it! You need to help us fight! Now!" He nodded and began to shoot the rest of them. A Xenomorph grabbed my leg and pulled me to the middle of the room. Everyone screamed my name as it stood over me. "Move!" Blaze said as he ran over. I rolled out of the way and Blaze hit the Xenomorph in the head.

Squeals were heard and I panted. Blue saw that we were being outnumbered. He backed to the wall and Jax ran over to him. "Hey! I'm right here! We got this! There's only a few more. Help me get them." Jax said. Blue nodded and tried to calm down. "I'm right here. Nothing's going to happen." Jax said to him, trying to help his boyfriend.

Billy shot one in the head and whooped. "Get the fuckers!" Arlo said. As we finished them off I panted. Tina said "we need to get back to the ship. Now." We did as we were told and we got out of the Prometheus. The trek back to the ship would be long. We had only been going for 10 minutes when Teddy starting coughing. "Are you ok?" I asked. He gasped for air and said "I can't breathe." He was sweating and I tried to hold him up. "Come on. You gotta walk." I said. We began to walk again. We were halfway back. Donovan began complaining about his head and he collapsed. Kace held him up and we were not that far from the ship. Katarina ran up to the ship to get it started. As I walked toward the ship with Teddy, he threw up blood all over my shirt. I screamed and immediately dropped him. Billy said "what the fuck?!" Blaze's eyes widened and I went to pick Teddy up and Billy stopped me. "Billy let me go! I have to help him!" I said. Billy gripped my arms and said "don't do it. He's fucking sick. You'll get it too."

Teddy coughed up blood and I said "just let me get him in the ship. Ok? I won't do anything else." Billy nodded and I picked him back up, helping him into the ship. As I helped him into the infirmary on the ship, he began convulsing. "Teddy." I whispered. He didn't even look normal. He was pale and I tried to help him. Blaze ran to the doorway and said "what're you doing?" Teddy's back exploded and I stepped away from him. "Oh my god." I said, horrified. A white alien emerged from his back. Teddy fell off of the table, his back having a large hole in it. The alien laid on the ground and I grabbed his dog tags quickly. "It's a Neomorph." Blaze said. The Neomorph stood up and hissed. "Shut the door!" I said as I ran into the hall. Blaze closed it and it ran into the door. The alien banged on the door, doing anything it could to get out. I grabbed Blaze's wrist and we began running off the ship. "Go!" He said.

Tina saw us running off the ship and she said "what's going on?" "There's a Neomorph on the ship." Blaze said. Billy's eyes widened and Kace looked down at Donovan who wasn't doing good. The sound of glass breaking was heard and the Neomorph stood in the doorway to the opening of the ship. "Kill it!" Blue said. Katarina stepped forward and began shooting it. It jumped back into the ship and she continued to shoot it. Arlo followed her and he said "holy shit! Don't shoot!" Katarina pulled the trigger and Arlo pulled her out of the way. She screamed and the ship went into flames. I gasped and the explosion was massive. Billy grabbed me and Tina dropped to her knees. Blaze panted and I said "we're stranded." Zander's eyes widened and Chase stared with his mouth hung agape. Katarina was pinned down by Arlo who was protecting her. "What do we do now?" I asked. Nobody could answer me because Donovan started convulsing. "Shit! What's going on?" Roxy said. Kace stepped back and another Neomorph was born. It emerged from Donovan's mouth, dislocating his jaw. "No!" I said. Billy pulled me in the other direction and Blue began shooting the alien. Kace stared at his best friend that was currently dead on the ground. The alien ran off into the long grass. Everyone stood around. Nobody knew what to do. The fire on the ship was dying down and it was getting dark. There was a chittering sound and the Neomorph was running toward us. "Light it up!" Blue said. The Neomorph jumped on Tina and she screamed as it tried to bite her face.

Walter tried to grab the alien and he lost his hand. "Fucking kill it!" Tina said. I kicked it as it ran toward me. Blaze swung at the Neomorph but missed. Roxy shot it and Jax did the same. A bright light appeared and the Neomorph took off running. It screeched and ran away from us. A man in a cloak stood in the field. "Come with me." He said.

Walter looked over at the man and he helped Tina stand up. The man in the cloak began walking away. Kace grabbed Donovan's dog tags and we began to follow the man. Billy kept me close to him while Blaze stood on the other side of me. This man was leading us to safety. Well we all assumed that.

Here's the update! Yes it's long asf! Hope y'all enjoy and happy holidays!!

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