Planetary Mission (1)

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Lyra's POV:
The red headed teen ran to Billy and jumped in his arms. He held her and said "how'd you get on this ship? I thought you weren't here." "
She pulled away from him. "I jumped on a ship. That was coming here. They don't know I left. Well they probably do now but I was trapped on that other ship. They wouldn't let me do anything and then..." Max didn't finish. "Then what?" Billy asked. "Well some stuff happened. Really bad stuff. So I did what I had to do and left." She replied. Billy looked around and then pulled Max and I Into the rec room. "What bad stuff happened. You can tell us." Billy said. Max looked at me and I said "I'm Lyra. Lyra Sarko." "Woah. Are you serious? You're a legend!" Max said, astonished that she was standing in front of me. "Yeah I've been getting that a lot lately." I replied. Billy knelt down to her level and said "Max, what happened on that ship? I need to know." Max gulped and said "those things. They were on the ship. They had a hive. I saw it and tried to tell people. But they wouldn't listen. Instead the drugged me up and kept me in a room unless I wanted to cooperate. And then people started going missing. Left and right. And nobody knew why. How can you go missing on a civilization ship with computers running it. They overran the ship quickly. Everyone I knew was dying. Me and one other kid made it on one of the ships. The ships that deployed from the civilization ship, were carrying weapons. For you guys. Because you're the best of the best. You would need them more than anyone. And everyone on that ship is dead. Everyone." Max's voice broke at the end and she hugged Billy. He hugged her and looked at me. I looked at him with wide eyes and I didn't know what to say. "Billy and Lyra." Tina said. My head snapped in her direction and Billy let go of his younger sister. Tina held an electronic clipboard in her hand. The clipboard made scanning noises and she said "Maxine Mayfield." "Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." She said sassily to the major.

Tina said "well, Max. You have to go to the med lab. To see if you have all your vaccinations." Tina couldn't see the bag Max was holding, cause of the large table in the rec room. Billy said "why does she have to do that?" "Because she snuck onto the ship. Her and one other child. So when we find the other one, they will be checked for vaccinations." Tina replied. "I have all my vaccinations. You don't need to check. All you have to do is scan the chip in my wrist and it'll tell you." Max said. "Fine." Tina said as she motioned for Max to walk over to where she stood. Max nudged me with the bag she was holding. I quickly took it from her, Tina not noticing. She walked over to Tina, who scanned her wrist. "All vaccinations accounted for." The computer voice said. Max yanked her arm away from Tina and Billy said "ok now can we go?" Tina said "I'm going to take her to Sam. And he can decide if she can stay here or what." Billy went to step forward and I pushed on his chest. "Either I take her to Sam or she can leave now." Tina said. Max looked at her brother, fear in her eyes. Billy said "ok." Tina nodded and began to walk away. Max followed, not saying anything else to us. Billy saw Max's bag in my hand and looked to see if the coast was clear. "We have to hide it." Billy said. "Where?" I asked. Billy looked around the rec room and noticed a bean bag in the corner. He moved it and there was a panel in the wall that led to the ventilation system. Billy grabbed the bag from me and put the bag inside. He moved the bean bag to the corner and he said "only you and I sit there. Understand? If I'm not there, you sit." I nodded and said "ok. We can't draw attention to it though." "Most people sit in the same places anyways. Let's get some sleep before the mission tomorrow." Billy said. I nodded again and we retreated to our rooms.


I woke up to a guitar blaring through the speakers. I panted as it scared me and the song was blaring.

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

I noticed that I had a bunch of gear in my closet. Armor and such. I put on cargo pants with boots. I grabbed a tank top, with a jacket and put my armor over it. I quickly put my hair in a pony tail. Nerves coursed through my body. I put my dog tags around my neck and walked out of my room. The song continued to blare through the speakers. I didn't know what they were trying to get at with this song. "All military crew members please head to docking bay." Mother said over the song. I did as I was told and Blaze walked next to me. He sung along to the song and I rolled my eyes at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I said.

Steve walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go
Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat, yeah

When we got to the docking bay, Billy was dancing and everyone was crowded around him. Blaze clapped his hands as he walked in and Arlo hooted. I stood next to Calypso and Zander eyed Billy. Kace headbanged to the song, his curly hair going everywhere. Donovan belted the song and I did the same. Blaze danced with Billy who was currently killing him. Chase clapped his hands to the beat and Teddy inhaled on his cigarettes while bopping his head. Walter watched us in shock. He looked like he hated everything that was happening.

There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad
And leave him when he's down, yeah
But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating the sound of the beat
Oh yeah

As the song ended, Tina and Blue walked into the room with a whole cart full of weapons. Katarina and Roxy walked in with them. Everyone got in a straight line with their hands behind their backs. Well all the military personnel did. Calypso stood next to Tina. "Now. This is the cart which has all our weapons in it. Pick one machine gun and pick one pistol. Take two grenades. That's it. Everything else is off limits unless I say. Understood?" Everyone nodded and Zander went first. Then Chase. I stepped up next. I grabbed an AK, a high powered pistol and two grenades. Blaze grabbed a pistol and the bat with the nails in it. He also grabbed two grenades. Billy grabbed his guns and grenades and stood next to me. Once everyone got their weapons, Sam walked in. "I'm here to wish you all good luck. These missions are very dangerous. But we have to do them because survivors could be on the planets. Now we do have the scanners that will tell you if there's any life forms but they don't work that well. So you all need to be careful. You'll all do great." Sam said. Blue said "alright! Let's load up." We all got into a dropship. Donovan drove while Teddy was the co pilot. We went to an unnamed planet. As we landed I looked out the window. It looked to be a cave like planet. "Unnamed cave planet. Air: breathable. Fifty life forms on site." The computer voice said. Tina opened the door and said "my team you're with me. The rest of you go with your teams. We're going straight. Katarina you go left, Roxy you go right." The two females nodded and led their teams in the other directions. Calypso was with us since she was a doctor in training. Our footsteps echoed in the cave. Blue looked around and said "this place is fucking dark." Tina turned on the flashlight that was attached to her gun. I held my gun in my hands. Calypso had an earpiece in and she was talking to Gavin. Blaze twirled his bat and Tina went around the corner and the cave just got bigger. I walked up next to Billy who was smoking a cigarette. He exhaled, blowing the smoke ahead of him as he walked.

Blaze whistled, causing it to echo throughout the cave. Tina said "stay here." She went into the darkness while we stood at the opening of the cave. A hissing sound was heard. Blaze raised his bat above his head and Billy took another drag on his cigarette before putting it out. I aimed my AK at the darkness, ready for whatever was going to come out of it. "Oh my god." Tina's voice echoed. Blue stepped forward and pitter patter sounds we're heard. "Holy shit!" Blue screamed. Their guns went off and my eyes widened. Xenomorphs were all over the place. "Fucking shoot them!" Blue said. Calypso gasped and hid behind Billy and I. Billy shot one coming up the side of me and killed one that was on the wall. Blaze swung his bat and hit one. It screeched and came at him again. He yelled as he bashed it's head in. One sat in front of me. It hissed and didn't attack me. It was planning to attack me, trying to figure out which way it could jump to get me incapacitated. I whimpered and cocked my gun.

I shot it in the head and it screeched, yellow blood flying everywhere. Billy pulled me away from the blood that fell onto the ground. The blood ate away the rocks on the ground. Blaze hit one that was going to jump on Billy. "Dickheads! Shoot!" He said. One was on the ceiling. It hissed at Billy and he shot it in the head. Blue yelled as he held his mini gun, shooting the majority of them. Tina shot about five or six. Blaze hit one with the bat, blood splashing onto his arm. Blaze screamed in pain and he fell onto the ground. "Blaze!" Calypso screamed. She rushed over to him to try and tend to his wounds. Ten more were headed toward us. "Move!" Billy yelled. He threw a grenade and in a matter of seconds they blew up. There was one left standing. I screamed as it charged at me. It snarled and reached for me.

I kicked it away from me. Billy used his gun and shot off all of it's limbs. Squeals were heard and Billy shot it in the chest. It died at Billy's feet. Billy grabbed a knife and cut off it's head. Blaze has tears streaming down his face because of the pain. Calypso stared down at his arm and said "oh Blaze. Oh my god." Billy held the Xenomorph head and Tina stared at it. "Throw it away." She said. "No. This is my trophy. Fuck that." Billy replied. Blue stood over Blaze who was holding his arm. "Get up." Blue said. "I can't fucking get up! My arm is on fucking fire!" Blaze screamed. Tina shushed him and said "there might be more of them." Calypso was carrying a bag full of first aid supplies. She grabbed his wrist and he sniffled. "I'm gonna wrap this up ok? Just hang on." She said. Blaze nodded and she grabbed gauze. Calypso ribbed a disinfectant on his wound and he buried his face into the crook of her neck. Tina sat down on the ground, running her fingers through her hair. Blaze sobbed as Calypso bandaged up his arm. "I'm almost done. It's ok." She said. Blaze nodded against her neck and Tina sighed. I stared at the Xenomorph head Billy was holding. "You're really going to take that?" I asked. He nodded and said "yep." Blue looked down at Tina and said "we should get back." Tina looked up at him and said "I know. We've done all we can. Plus there's nothing here. Just all these fucking caves."

Blue helped Blaze onto his feet and we walked back to the dropship. The other teams were there and they looked just as shocked as we did. We reached the Covenant and everyone headed to the rec room. Well except Billy. He took the head to the med lab so they could get rid of the blood and then he'd have the head. I went to the med bay with Calypso and Blaze. Gavin's eyes widened as he saw the bandage on Blaze's arm. He scanned it with a device and said "I'll look at this in a few days. Kid, don't you know to stay away from Xenomorph blood?" Blaze nodded and said "yeah. I don't even know what happened. I killed one and then the blood was singeing my skin." Calypso said "I did what I could. He should be ok." "I fucking hate space." Gavin muttered. I snickered at that and he eyed me. Blaze didn't want to move. So he stayed in the med bay and I headed back towards the rec room. Billy sat on the bean bag and Max was still nowhere to be seen. Today was eventful. What would tomorrow bring?

This update is long asf. kw-2187 you're welcome!!!!!

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