Pool Party

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Lyra's POV:
I woke up on top of Billy's chest. He smelled of nicotine and his soap that he used when he showered last night. I straddled his waist and kissed his shirtless chest. "Billy." I hummed. I leaned up to his lips and kissed them. He pushed me away and I kissed his chest again. "Wake up." I said as I kissed his Adam's apple. He opened his eyes and I said "hi baby." He yawned and I leaned down to his chest, kissing it once again. "What's up?" He asked. I sat up and said "there's breakfast downstairs. Come with me?" Billy smirked and said "I think we should stay right here. I like you where you are." I rolled my eyes and said "come on. I'm hungry." He sighed and said "fine." I smiled, getting off of his lap. I walked to the bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail. I turned around to see Billy behind me. "Hello." I said while smiling. "Hi." He mumbled as he kissed my cheek. Billy picked me up and set me on the counter. He kissed me and began attacking my neck with his lips. I giggled and said "what're you doing?" "Kissing you." He replied. He got in between my legs and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed my lips and pulled away. "I'm hungry." I said as I pushed on his chest. Billy stepped back a little and said "come on. Let's stay." I shook my head and said "no. Let's go downstairs. Come on." Billy got back in between my legs and buried his face into my neck. "You make me so horny." He groaned into my neck. I hopped off the counter and said "I'll make it up to you. Tonight." I walked out of the bathroom. I pulled on my jeans and Billy grabbed a tank top. I grabbed his jacket and slid it on. Billy smirked as he watched me put on his jacket.

I walked out of the room. Billy caught up with me as I walked to the elevator. I giggled as he put his arm around me. Max got into the elevator with us as we rode down. Billy swayed us back and forth while Max stared at us. "You guys are disgusting." She said. Billy rolled his eyes and the elevator doors opened. I stood in line and began to put food on my plate. "Hello Maxine." Tina said. A huff escaped Max's lips and she said "how many times am I gonna tell you that my name is Max. Not Maxine. It's just Max." "Yeah Tina. It's Max." Billy said. Tina sighed and walked away. Blaze looked at my tray and said "that's a lot of food." I shrugged and said "I'm hungry." Billy kissed on my neck and Blaze made a face. "Don't make me lose my appetite." Blaze said. "I'm gonna barf." Chase replied as he stepped around me. I grabbed my orange juice and sat down. Billy sat next to me and like clockwork, Blaze was on the other side of me. Calypso sat across from me while David sat next to her. Tina sat at the table adjacent from us and Halo sat next to Blaze. Max was on the other side of Billy. Blue and Jax walked into the cafeteria holding hands. "Awe. They're so fucking cute." Calypso said. "How come you don't say that about Lyra and me?" Billy asked her. Calypso shrugged and said "l don't know you that well, Billy. If you hurt Lyra, I promise you I'll kick you're ass." Billy smirked and shoved some eggs in his mouth. He leaned over and tried to kiss me. "Ew." I said as I pushed him away. Blaze said "you got eggs falling out of your mouth. That's nasty." Jax set his tray down and Blue was talking to him about something. David said "why do you eat like a buffoon?" Billy looked over and said "huh?" "Why do you eat like a buffoon?" David repeated. Billy furrowed his eyebrows and said "how do you even know what a buffoon is?" "Nature books." David replied. Blaze snickered and Halo rolled her eyes at the android. "That's my jacket." Blue said to Jax. Jax went to take it off and Blue said "no. Keep it, it suits you." Jax smiled and his boyfriend bit his lip as he stared at Jax.

The two of them sat down at the table, eating their breakfast. Zander sat down as well. "We should party." He said. Chase huffed and said "and how would we do that, genius?" "We wait till Tina falls asleep and use the pool." Zander replied. Blaze shrugged and said "that's if we can even get away with it." "Why would she know?" Zander asked. Halo huffed and said "she sees and knows everything." "Yeah but we could totally get away with it." Arlo said as he sat down. Blue shrugged and said "you guys should do it. Y'all deserve some fun." "What time does she usually go to sleep?" Billy asked. "Porpentina usually goes to sleep at 11:30 at night." David replied. Everyone stared at him and he said "I don't stalk her I just am very observant." "Uh-huh." Kace said slowly. "So 11:30. That's the time." Arlo said. Blaze smirked as he picked up some eggs with his fork.

"Ok so we just wait till Tina falls asleep. And then it's fucking party time." Blaze said. Billy chuckled and said "hell yeah." I munched on my toast and Max said "the pool party will be for us too right?" Chase scoffed and Arlo said "no. It would be for us only." Billy nodded and said "why would you kids wanna be there anyway? I mean, seriously? Don't y'all have better things to do." Max looked down sightly, her hair falling into her face. "Right?" Billy asked. Max nodded while looking down.

Max stood up, grabbed her board and skated out of the room. "Hey Max! Wait up!" Hawk yelled as he ran after her. Halo followed her brother and Zane walked behind them with a piece of toast. Blaze watched them go out and said "where are they going?" "Probably to the arcade. They'll be fine." I replied. The rest of the day went pretty normal. Until about 10:00 at night. When Zander and I were sneaking drinks to the pool. I snickered as he grabbed a whole bottle of vodka. We stuffed tons of bottles of alcohol in his backpack. We were in the kitchen getting anything we could party with. Tina came in and said "what're you guys doing?" I turned around and said "getting some snacks. We're watching a movie." "Huh. What movie?" She asked. "Return of the Living Dead." I replied. Zander nodded and said "we're having a zombie movie night." Tina nodded and said "well I hope you guys have fun." "We will." I said. She walked away and Billy walked in. "Is there a keg?" He asked. I shrugged and Billy looked through a pantry. "Holy shit! They have one!" He said. I shushed him and he nodded. Billy picked it up and began running down the hall. Zander rolled his eyes and said "out of all of us guys, you picked Hargrove. The crazy one." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "was I supposed to pick someone else to date? Because the heart wants what it wants." Zander scoffed and purposely bumped into me. I stood my ground and shoved him. "Fuck off." I said. Zander stepped to me once again and Kace walked in. "Hey." He said. I eyed Zander and Kace said "Billy's asking for you." I nodded and walked out of the room, taking the elevator to the top of the Covenant. I walked in to see David staring at everything in the room. Calypso had decorated the entire pool area. She has this crazy way of doing things.

David's hair was disheveled and he looked like he had slept. But androids don't sleep, so I don't understand why he looked the way he did. Billy began setting up the keg and Zander gave me glares. Arlo was mixing different drinks and Chase decided he'd do the music. We're on the top floor so it'd be impossible for anyone to hear how loud it is. I stood in my cover up and Kace said "what was up with you and Zander?" "I guess he's mad that I got with Billy instead of him. Do all of you hate me for that?" I asked. Kace shook his head and said "no. It sucks but nobody hates you. I'm not attracted to you but most of the guys are. And you got with Billy. Zander never loses. Ever. So I guess he's taking it like a loss." I sighed and walked away from him. Chase got the music on and Zander immediately chugged a shot. Arlo already had a few and he jumped into the pool. David stared at the blue water and I took off my cover up, my revealing two piece showing. Billy leaned on the wall and he smirked as he eyed by body up and down.

I smirked back at him and he drank a shot. He turned his back to me and someone grabbed me. I squealed and Blaze said "we're gonna have some fun tonight!" He set me down and I said "you scared the hell out of me!" He laughed and adjusted the sunglasses on his head. "It's a party. So let's party." Blaze said.

Bring the Noise began playing. It was a remix and Arlo shouted. Blaze walked over to the table and grabbed a cup of vodka, chugging it. Billy was currently on the keg. Arlo, Kace and Chase counted how many seconds he was on it. I watched him chug the alcohol and Calypso said "he's gonna be super drunk." I sighed and quickly did a few shots. Blaze walked over and said "hey. Be careful." "I'll be fine." I replied. Billy came off of the keg, yelling as he did so. "We have a keg king!" Arlo yelled. Billy brought a cigarette to his lips and walked over to the pool. Arlo and Chase were patting his back, praising him at how much alcohol he had consumed.

Calypso was by my side again. "Where's David?" I asked her. She pointed to the other side of the pool and I said "teach him how to swim." She smirked and walked over to him. Billy grabbed my waist and said "dance with me." I nodded and did another shot. Billy grinded on me and I smirked. Calypso stood in the water with David, teaching him how to swim. Blaze got into the pool along with Kace. I moved away from Billy and began to dance on my own. Arlo watched me move my body to the music. Roxy sat in the corner, getting drunk. Katarina tried to get Arlo's attention, but he was too focused on me. He licked his lips and watched me run my hand down my body. I moved my hips provocatively and Arlo was basically drooling. "You're so cute." I slurred. Arlo smiled and laughed. Billy eyed him and Zander walked over.

"Flirting with Arlo now?" Zander asked. I rolled my eyes and said "fuck off." Billy walked over and said "get away Zander." He exhaled smile and Zander scoffed. Kace looked up from the pool and Calypso got tense.

Zander was drunk. Him and Billy were both drunk. Probably shitfaced. I was tipsy. Arlo hiccuped and said "Billy, you mind if I dance with Lyra?" "Yeah. Actually I do." He replied. I kissed Arlo's cheek and Billy was fuming. Zander grabbed my arm and said "stop fucking with us. Either fuck us, or do nothing." Billy shoved him away from me and I stepped back. I walked away to the drink table. Chase said "hey, I don't agree with my brother. At all." "I know. You're sweet." I replied. Arlo dove into the pool while Billy and Zander stared each other down. Jax and Blue sat in the hot tub with champagne. Them bitches were fancy as fuck. Blue treats his man like fucking royalty. And it's so cute. I did a few more shots, wanting to tune Billy and his bullshit out. But no matter how much I drink, nothing will be tuned out.

This is a cliffhanger! Part two will be up soon!

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