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Lyra's POV:
I stood with my hands behind back, in a room full of soldiers that had the capability to be on the Covenant. You had to be the best of the best. I was pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm the best though. I saw another person get transferred to Flicker. Which is a ship that's not great. I was next. "Lyra Larissa Sarko." My name was called. I walked in front of the captain of the Sulaco. "You are being transferred to the Covenant." My eyes widened and I didn't know what to say. I nodded and stepped off the stage. I went to my bunk and quickly packed all my things. I held my duffle bag at my side and stood with everyone else. "Flicker is departing from dock 9. Destiny is departing from dock 22. Covenant is departing from dock 32." A computer voice said. I squeezed through people and began to walk to the loading dock. Before I could step onto the dropship a man stopped me. "I.D?" He asked. I pulled it out and he scanned it. "Lyra Sarko, assigned to the Covenant." The computer said. The man let me through and he handed me my I.D back. I sat down in a seat and pulled the restraints over my body. Not many people were assigned to the Covenant. It was mostly crew members. I was the only soldier. That shocked me. I would be the only soldier coming onto the Covenant. I was in for a ride.


We arrived at the ship. It was gigantic. It's the biggest military ship in the fleet. The doors opened and crew went to their designated stations. A man with dark curly hair stood, leaning against the wall. I threw my bag over my shoulder and stepped out of the dropship. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" He asked me. I cleared my throat and said "I'm the new soldier." "You're Lyra?" He asked. I nodded and he removed his sunglasses. "I'm Commander Blue Ramirez. You will refer to me as Commander or Commander Ramirez. Understood?" He said. "Yes sir." I replied. He nodded and said "follow me." He began to walk down a hall and I quickly followed him. We got into an elevator that took us up. We reached a floor that was a lot more open and not as crowded. He led me to a room and said "this is where I leave you." He walked away and I grabbed the door handle, and opened the door. A woman with short curly hair looked up from her desk. "You must be Lyra." She said. I nodded and said "yep." "I'm Major Porpentina Daniels. But I go by Daniels ok? Not Tina. Not anything else. Got it?" She said. I nodded and said "yes ma'am." She smiled and said "good. Now I'm the boss of you around here. We're very happy to have you. When I found out you were getting transferred, I couldn't believe it." "Neither could I. I can't believe I'm good enough to be here." I replied. Tina said "well we're glad you're here. Want me to show you to your room?" "Yes please. And I don't have a bunk?" I asked. Tina shook her head and said "everyone has their own room here. This is my office. I'm here most of the time. Let me give you the grand tour." She walked out of the room and I followed her. She showed me the cafeteria, the rec room, the showers, and the labs. "Now here are the quarters. Yours will be down here." She said. She led me to a room at the far end of the hall. I opened the door and walked inside. There was a king sized bed inside. My own toilet and sink. I gasped and said "I haven't had anything this nice in a long time." Tina smiled and said "well. Let me show you our team." I followed her to a room where a bunch of people sat. "Knock it off with the bickering." A boy said. Boys surrounded the room. There were a few women but mostly boys and men. I saw someone I knew. "Goudy!" I said. The boy looked up and said "holy shit. Sarko? Is that you." He ran over and hugged me. Tina said "looks like you know Don?" "Donovan was on the Sulaco with me. We had some good times together." I replied. Donovan smiled and Tina said "alright well there's Kace, Arlo, Teddy, Blaze, Zander, Chase, Roxy, Katarina, and Billy." I waved to everyone and Tina said "I'll leave you to it." I sat down next to Donovan and a guy sat across from me. He stared at me and Donovan didn't pay any attention to him. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Yeah. What's your name?" He said. "Lyra. Lyra Sarko." I replied. He inhaled on his cigarette and said "shit. You really are her aren't you?" I nodded and said "the only and only." "Name's Billy." He said as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and he pulled away. Billy licked his lips and I watched his tongue glide across his bottom lip. He smiled at me and I winked back.

"This is Kace." Donovan said. Kace looked over at me and said "hi." "Hi." I said. "Tina brought you in and you interrupted our conversation." Kace said. I shrugged and said "didn't know that." "It's fine. We weren't talking much anyway." Donovan replied. Kace looked at him like he had just gotten betrayed. Billy said "you're a soldier?" I nodded and said "yeah." "Aren't you the girl who's brother was captured by them?" Billy asked. "Mm-hmm." I replied not wanting to open my mouth. Kace looked between Billy and I, his eyes darting back and forth so quickly. "What's your brother's name?" A blonde asked. I turned to look at him and said "Orion." The blonde walked over and sat down next to Billy. "I'm Zander. Zander Benjamin." A smirk was plastered on his face and I nodded to him. "There's no way your brother is alive. You do know that right?" He asked. I said "he's alive." Zander shook his head while he leaned forward. "Quit it Zander." Billy said. Zander ignored him and sighed. "Your brother was captured by a Xenomorph. One, he could've been killed by a scout. Two, a facehugger could've killed him, and three, maybe he didn't die when he was captured but he's definitely dead now. How long has it been? Five or six years?" Zander said. I stood up and Zander did the same. Oohs were heard across the room and a female voice said "that's enough." She walked over and got in between Zander and I. "Stand down Benjamin." She said. He scoffed and said "fine. I'm just telling it like it is." A brunette guy stood up and said "Zander. Come on." He looked to him and said "it's fine Blaze." Zander walked away and the brunette female said "you ok?" I nodded and said "yeah." "I'm Katarina. Well I should probably tell you my last name. That's how they want us to refer to one another. Only when the Commander and Daniels are around." She said. I half smiled and she said "my last name is Graysmark." "I'm the legendary Sarko." I replied. Katarina said "you're a legend around here." She walked away and I sat back down next to Donovan. "It is now time for resting." A female computer voice said. "We're going right now, mother." Donovan said. Everyone began to pile out of the room. I made my way back to my room and unpacked my things. My room had a huge windowsill. I fell asleep in the window, staring at the stars.

Here's chapter one!! I'll have another chapter up soon!!!

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