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Lrya's POV:
I woke up to an automated voice. It scared me. I panted and calmed myself down. I huffed and realized I fell asleep in the windowsill. "Good morning, Lrya. Please proceed to the showers." The voice said. "Thanks...." I answered, not knowing that to call her. "I am Mother. I'm the ship's computer. I'm here to help with anything and everything you need." She said. I didn't reply and I grabbed a change of clothes and my towel. I stepped out of my room to see everyone heading to the showers. Katarina stood next to me and said "come on." She began to walk and I followed her. The guys headed to their shower room that was across the way. Billy inhaled on a cigarette and he turned around. He made eye contact with me and I looked at him.

Katarina said "he's staring at you." I looked at her and said "I'm aware." She smirked and said "he's got an ass." I turned to look and she was right. I pulled my bottom lip into my teeth and didn't say anything. I wasn't going to agree with her out loud where Billy could hear me. She elbowed me and I said "I saw it." "What do you think?" She said. I rolled my eyes and said "he has a nice ass." The smirk on her face grew and I shrugged. "Thanks princess." Billy said from behind me. I jumped out of my skin and I looked at him. He smirked and I just stared at him. I didn't say anything. He walked away and my jaw dropped.

"Look at the way it moves." Katarina said, extra loud. Billy turned to look at me and he chuckled, disappearing into the bathroom. Katarina laughed and I walked away from her. I found a shower in the bathroom and began to undress. "What's the matter?" She asked me. "You didn't need to do that." I said to her. Katarina said "I didn't do anything. All I did was make you look." "You made me say it." I replied. Katarina shrugged and said "what's he gonna do? Nothing. He probably appreciates it." I shook my head and said "this wasn't how I wanted my first day to go." I got under the shower head and turned everything out. Once I finished, I got dressed, fixed my hair and put makeup on. Katarina said "mascara?" "Yes. What's the problem?" I asked. She shrugged and said "nothing. I haven't seen any in a long time." I put it back into my bag and said "what do we do now?" "Set your stuff back in your room and we'll go to the cafeteria for breakfast." She said. I walked back to my room and set my stuff down. The cafeteria was a pretty long way from the bedrooms. I walked into the cafeteria and Billy looked over at me. I wanted to hide under one of the tables but I couldn't. I got in line for food and began picking things out. "So.." Billy said. He was right behind me. I jumped again and said "can you not do that?" "Do what?" He asked. "Come up behind me. I don't like it." I replied as I grabbed some eggs. Billy ate a piece of bacon off his tray, the bacon crunching as he did so. I watched him lick his lips and I turned around. I heard him chuckle and he said "so you think my ass is nice?" "Shh!" I shushed him. He chuckled again and he brought his head closer to mine. "Guess what?" He asked. "What?" I said. "I like yours too." Billy whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. I went to elbow him and I missed. "Ooh. Missed me." Billy taunted. I turned around and looked at him. I was fuming. "Can y'all move up? I'm starving." A blonde said. Billy winked at me and I turned around, getting the rest of my food. I sat down at a table by myself and I heard someone yell my name. "Lyra!" I looked up and saw my best friend. Calypso. "Oh my god." I said as I ran over to her. She literally jumped into my arms and I caught her. I hugged her and said "oh my god. Get some food and then we can talk." She nodded and quickly got some food. When I went to go back to my table, Billy was sitting there. He waved at me and I rolled my eyes. I sat down across from him and a brunette with hair styled upwards, sat down next to him. "Forrester." Billy said. "Hargrove." The brunette said. "What's your name?" I asked the brunette. "I'm Blaze. Nice to meet you." He said. This boy had beautiful features. Billy eyed him while eating his bacon. "Do you have to sit here?" Billy asked. Blaze looked at him and frowned playfully. "You want me to leave Billy?" He asked while frowning.

Calypso sat next to me and she saw the tension between Blaze and Billy. "Hi Blaze." She said. Blaze looked over at her and he smiled. "Hey Callie. How's it?" Blaze asked her. Calypso said "it's going good. How's the soldier life?" "Same as usual." He replied. Billy watched a boy sit at our table. "What the hell Randall?" Billy said. The boy known as Randall looked up. "I hate when you call me that. My name is Teddy. Call me Teddy." He said. "I'm Lyra." I said to him, trying to introduce myself. Teddy half smiled and said "you're fucking amazing."

Billy scoffed and Zander said "have some manners Billy. We don't want you to rage again." "Rage?" I asked. Blaze winced and said "ooh shit." Billy looked at him and said "do you have something to say Forrester? Because we can go." "How about no. Cause I'm eating breakfast." Blaze replied. Calypso said "don't do it. You guys got blood everywhere last time." Billy nodded and Blaze said "so Lyra, are you glad you're here?" "Yes. I was too advanced for the other ships. And I never thought I'd be good enough to be here. And now here I am." I said. Zander looked over and said "we'll see about that won't we?" "Yes. We will." I replied. Billy said "she's ten times better than you Zander." "Oh?" Zander asked. "Yeah. So shut your mouth." Billy said to him. Zander went to say something and the cafeteria doors opened. "Hello, hello!" A man said. "Hey dad." A blonde said. The man looked over and saw me. "Lyra Sarko. I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet. And you've met my sons. Zander and Chase?" He asked. "Yes. I've met them." I replied. Chase nodded to his father and he stopped in front of me. "I'm Captain Sam Benjamin." He held out his hand and I shook it. "Hi." I said. "Would you like a tour of the ship? Maybe I'll show you the labs." Sam said. Tina stepped in and said "the labs are off limits." "Why is that?" I asked her. Tina said "the scientists don't want us in there. I've been inside once, it's not a good place to be." "Fine. I won't take her in the labs. I'll show her the infirmary. And she can meet Gavin." Sam replied. I nodded and said "sure." Sam clapped and said "great!" He began walking out of the room and I didn't have much of an appetite anymore anyway. Calypso was right next to me and before I opened the cafeteria doors a boy stopped me, he had a hold of my arm. I looked up at the brunette and he said "I'm Arlo. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last night." "Hi. You obviously know who I am." I replied. Arlo nodded and said "yeah. You're the legendary Lyra. It's hard to believe that you graduated as young as you did. But I think that's fucking amazing." I chuckled and said "thanks." Arlo smiled at me and Sam came in through the doors. "Come on! We got a whole day planned!" He said enthusiastically. "Bye Arlo." I said to him as I walked away.

Sam led us through a hall and said "we have to go down a level." Tina stood next to me and the elevator went down. The doors opened up and a man looked up. He huffed as Sam walked in. "Gavin! We've got a new soldier! Meet the famous Lyra Sarko." Sam said. Gavin held his hand out and I shook it. "I'm the ship's doctor. And this is where you'll come if you ever get hurt. Either me or Calypso will fix you up." He said. I nodded and said "well it's nice to meet you." Sam chomped on his apple, pieces of it falling all over the floor.

Gavin huffed and said "clean up your shit." Sam gasped dramatically and said "language." Tina smiled a little and Sam said "I'll show you the bridge." We walked back into the elevator and we were on one of the upper levels. "This is where I work my magic." Sam said. He sat in his chair and sighed. Tina looked around at everything and I said "you've never been up here?" She shook her head and said "no. This is my first time." Sam pretended to shoot a gun from his seat and Calypso said "you have this view? That's amazing."

"I wish I had this view. It's absolutely beautiful." Calypso said. I smiled at everything on the bridge and Vanessa walked out of a room. "Lyra? Oh my god." She said as she hugged me. I smiled and said "I haven't seen you in a long time." "Well I've been here. Working with this idiot." She said as she looked at Sam. He smirked and said "you love me though." Vanessa rolled her eyes playfully and a man walked in. "Hello everyone." He said. "Walter. How are ya?" Sam asked. Walter shrugged and said "I believe I'm fine for today." I furrowed my eyebrows and Calypso leaned over to me and said "he's an android." "Oh." I said. "Hello Daniels. How is your morning?" He asked Tina. She shrugged and said "it's normal. This is our new soldier. Lyra Sarko." "It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lyra." Walter said to me. I nodded and said "hello Walter." A small smile was on his face and Tina said "we have training tomorrow. I hope you're ready Sarko." I turned to her and said "I'm ready." "She's going to do great Daniels." Calypso said to her. Tina nodded and "we'll see."

Here's the update!!

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