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Lyra's POV:
Billy was placed on a bed in another room. I sat in a chair across from the bed. It had been a few hours. I had changed into some comfortable clothing. Billy opened his eyes. He looked over at me and said "Lyra?" I walked over to the bed. "Hey." I said. I pushed Billy's curls out of his face and he sat up. "How you doing?" I asked. He sighed and said "don't know. There's not much pain right now." I nodded and he said "lay with me." He moved over a little and I laid down next to him. He put a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful." He whispered. Billy stroked my cheek with his thumb. I leaned into his hand as he cupped my cheek. His thumb moved down to my bottom lip, he ran it across and I stared at him. He scooter closer to me. Our lips were inches away from each other, his hot breath fanned against my face. "Kiss me." I whispered, my lips slightly brushing against his. Billy kissed me and our lips moved in sync. His hand slid up my shirt, cupping my right breast. I pulled away from him and he left kisses on my neck. He pushed me down onto the bed. He hovered over me, being careful not to cause pain to his thigh. He lifted my shirt, my breasts being exposed. Billy went down to my abdomen, kissing it. He kissed all the way to my cleavage. Billy's hand went between my legs and he ran his hand across my crotch. I inhaled sharply and he smirked. He began to kiss me again, rubbing his hand up and down my crotch. I moaned against his lips, bucking my hips to his hand. He pulled away and I buried my face into his chest. My fingers dug into his arm and he brought his lips to my left breast. He kissed it gently, moving to the nipple. The door handle jiggled and I immediately pulled my shirt down. Sam walked in and I pulled the blanket to my chest. "Lyra. I have some news for you." He said. "What is it?" I asked. "We seem to have gotten a transmission. Coming from a planet nearby. I need to go to the bridge to actually see the entire thing but I saw a portion of it. I believe it's you're brother." Sam said. I gasped softly and said "Orion?" "I think. I have to go to the bridge. I'll watch and listen to the transmission and report it back to you." He said. I nodded and felt Billy move his hand across my crotch. I bit my lip and Sam said "there's food out here. David and Kace just brought some back." I nodded, not being able to speak. Sam went to walk away and then he stopped. He came back over and said "also, Gavin will want to give you more meds." "Thanks Sam." Billy replied. Billy continued to do his work. Sam walked out and a breathy moan left my lips. I buried my face into Billy's neck as I came undone. I looked at him and he smirked. "You're beautiful when you cum." Billy said. I took a deep breath and said "you're an asshole." Billy didn't say anything. He just looked down. "A sexy asshole." I added. Billy smirked and kissed my lips. I changed my panties quickly and shook my hair out. "You couldn't wait till Sam left?" I asked. Billy shook his head and said "no. That's what made it more fun." I rolled my eyes at him. Billy grabbed me, pulling me onto the bed. I squealed while giggling. Billy smiled really big, something that he doesn't do. "I love you." Billy whispered. I played with the ends of his hair and said "I love you too." He kissed me passionately and Blaze walked into the room.

"Forrester, what do you want?" Billy asked. "Lyra needs to eat." He replied. I sat up and Billy put his arm around my waist. "We all gotta eat. Don't we?" Billy said. Blaze nodded and said "but who's more important?" "Guys, knock it off." I muttered. Billy stood up. His lips parted as he put weight on his leg. "Billy." I said nervously. He exhaled and began walking towards Blaze. Blaze walked towards him and they stood feet away from each other. I don't know how Billy was walking. Pure adrenaline probably. Blaze crossed his arms and Billy licked his lips. I stood up and got in between them. "Stop. I'm so sick of this. Sam might've found my brother. Can you guys be happy for me? Please?" I asked. The two of them nodded, not saying anything.

Billy hobbled out of the room and sat down where the food was. Blaze followed me and sat next to me. Tina was dissecting a Facehugger on one of the medical tables and it smelled. Kace pushed his plate away and said "can't eat." Tina ignored him and didn't say anything. Hawk gagged and stood up. Halo said "Tina can you stop? It's really fucking nasty." Blaze snickered and Chase stared at the young girl with his mouth agape. "You smells that, Max? That's actually shit." Billy said. Max rolled her eyes and didn't say anything.

I sighed and said "can't you do that somewhere else?" Tina didn't reply. Billy tilted his head and grabbed a spoonful of jello. He bent his spoon back and Zander grabbed one and did the same. Billy and Zander flung jello at the back of her head. Tina turned around and her eyes widened. Billy snickered and Zander did the same. "What the fuck?" Tina asked. "It smells. Can you stop?" Zander said. Billy lit up a cigarette and said "how does it feel to have jello on you?" Tina didn't reply. She just made a face. Billy chuckled and kissed my neck up and down. Tina eyed him and Billy smirked.

Sam's POV:
I made it to the bridge safely. I barricaded the door and opened the transmission. A face popped up from it. My eyes widened. "Oh my god." I said. Orion Sorko voice came through the speakers on the bridge. I couldn't believe he was alive. He was a ghost story. Most people didn't even believe the story, that Lyra had made it all up in her head.

"Hello? Is there anyone there? Oh god. They're everywhere. I've killed the majority of them, but there's still some around. Please, if anyone gets this transmission, tell Lyra that I'm ok. Lyra Sorko. My younger sister. I'm sure she's been looking for me and that she's been worried. I've been on my own for some time now. I'm not sure how long it's been. But all I know is, that you can help the both of us."

I stared at it in shock. I began trying to figure out when it was sent.

A month ago. I panted and it was from a planet that isn't far away. We could literally take a ship there and pick him up. This would be our next mission. Find Orion Sorko.

The end sucks but I tried!

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