#7: Education System

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We learn things. Either a school, a master-apprentice situation, or going out into the world to plough through it somehow on our own, there is something, some way for us to learn.

Let's dive into something more rigid here. An education system that many in your world follow.

That's not to say that a non-rigid education system is not an education system. It's a very loose form of it. As long as it is acceptable in society to, for example, send ten-year-olds out into the world to catch Pokémon by themselves, then that's fine. If it works, it works :P

Below is a wealth/abundance/over-whelming-ness of questions. Answer as in-depth as you want. I'm not trying to force you to come up with these answers if you don't need it or if you don't want to think about it.

Not even I get into such detail with the education system in my own world :P Either because I don't need to for my story, or I don't want to go down that rabbit hole just yet.

These questions are for anyone and if you want to go all in, you can do that :)


Master and Apprentice?

Some wise, tough master teaches the humble (or problematically arrogant) apprentice.

How To and Who Can

If there is a master-apprenticeship in your world, how does one become a master? How does one become an apprentice of a particular master? Is there a test? Is there a ceremony? Who created the test or ceremony? Is that creator involved in the ruling body of the world?

Can any race or species, or anyone of any financial status become a master or apprentice?

Types and Ranks

How many different types of masters are there (in terms of expertise or maybe some kind of magical ability)? Is there a ranking system for masters? If there is, how is it determined? Are there masters that are not accepted in the society?

Are there apprentices of a certain practice who are not accepted in the society? For example, maybe apprentices under a dark mage might be seen as being friends with evil.

What the Ruling Body Thinks

If somehow the ruling body of the world is involved, do they approve or disapprove of this system? If they disapprove, how can one make them approve of it? If they disapprove, what do they do to stop the master-apprentice system?

What Do They Learn?

What are the specific things an apprentice would learn under the master? Are there frowned-upon subjects? Why are they frowned upon?

Is there a ranking system for apprentices? For example, "newbie" or "expert" type of statuses. How does an apprentice rise up to higher ranks?

After That?

What happens after an apprentice satisfies their master? Become masters themselves? Go out into the world? Save people? Or go into some mountain to meditate to reach enlightenment? What happens to the apprentices? Is there any ceremony marking accomplishments?

What happens to the masters who cannot teach any more? Do they retire? Do they get some retirement payment? Does the ruling body do anything about the master who cannot teach any longer?


NOTE: Many questions in the above Master-Apprentice section can be applied to any education system. You simply need to replace the words. For example, "How many different types of masters are there?" can be, in a more modern system, "How many different types of teachers are there?" OR "What happens to the masters who cannot teach any more?" can be "What happens to the school teachers who cannot teach any more?"


School or home-schooled?

Do kids wake up at eight to get on a bus to go to school and learn subjects? Or, are they typically home-schooled?


Who can make a school?

Who funds the school?

What subjects are there in the school? 

If there are subjects involving magic, what does a magic class look like? What if someone is hurt by someone else's magic, who is responsible? Are there particular tests the students must take to pass this class? Is a magic class frowned upon by parents or the school or is it widely accepted? Why or why not?

How do the students learn? Through a teacher or through an older student? Is there homework? Tests? What happens when kids fail?

Does privilege in terms of race or wealth come into play when it comes to what subjects students can learn?


Is home-schooling widely practiced or frowned upon? Does the ruling body of the world approve? If so, why? If not, why?

Why are the kids home-schooled? What do they gain compared to any other type of schooling? Why is it better?

What subjects do kids learn? Does privilege in terms of race or wealth come into play when it comes to what subjects students can learn?

Do the parents teach the kids or is there some tutoring system in place?

If there is magic learning that needs to happen, what does that look like in home-schooling?


NOTE: Many questions in the above School or Home-schooled section can be applied to any education system. You simply need to replace the words. For example, "Why are the kids home-schooled?" can be, "Why do people become apprentices? What do they gain compared to any other type of education? Why is it better?" OR "Who funds the school?" can be "Who funds the masters?"

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