Chapter 5: Rescue

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I blinked weakly and looked down. Toothless was unconscious, as was Stormfly. My side hurt, really, really bad, and when I saw it, I felt sick. I had a gash along my torso that was dripping with blood. I remembered my prediction. I remember me looking at this me, laying limp on a ledge of rock. Then I remembered Hiccup and Astrid.

I looked over toward the middle of the cave. Astrid was crying and pure white as Shredder held her down, a line of blood running down from Astrid's neck. Cinderpaw was stalking Hiccup, backing him against a wall. He was missing his dagger and firesword; they were laying far out of reach behind Cinderpaw.

"Cinderpaw," Hiccup was saying desperately, holding his hands in front of him as he backed up. "Just give me Astrid, and we won't come back ever. Please, just reason with me!"

Cinderpaw hissed. "I don't do reasoning, weakling," she growled. "And I don't wanna go through my life knowing you're still alive. I want to rip out your heart myself and shred you into a million pieces. You. Must. DIE." Cinderpaw flared her wings and launched herself forward.

"HICCUP!!!," Astrid shouted from under Shredder.

Suddenly, a flash of red shot in between Cinderpaw and Hiccup. That flash of red was flaming and roaring. It was Hookfang. He pinned Cinderpaw down and knocked her out, Snotlout whooping joyously.


Cloudjumper sped into the cave and barreled into Shredder, knocking her out as well.

"Mom!," Hiccup shouted gleefully. Valka smiled at her son. Toothless had woken up by this time, and he nudged Hiccup. "Yeah," Hiccup said. "We kinda have to go now, if we wanna get away before they wake up. If we hurry, they won't catch our scent, and won't be able to follow us. Eret, carry Stormfly. Paintsplash will follow us, and Astrid'll ride with me."

Hiccup ran over to Astrid, and quickly realized he had to carry her.

"What did you let them do to you?!," he gasped, seeing her condition.

"No questions," Astrid said bluntly as Hiccup picked her up. "Just get me home. I'm done with this madness."

The riders had just about left, and I tried to fly after them, but I hurt too much to lift myself off the ground.

"T-Toothless!," I called, grimacing as I held my side. Toothless looked behind him, and yelped when he saw the blood escaping from between my claws.

"Paintsplash!," he shouted, and Hiccup let him fly down and carry me in his arms. He held me like Hiccup held Astrid, one arm in the crook of my knees and the other supporting my head. "You're gonna be okay, Paintsplash. Just hold on," Toothless said as he pumped his wings, trying to catch up with the other riders. His words soothed me, and I smiled weakly up at him.

Then I passed out in his arms.

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