Chapter 6: Few Are A Chief's Tears.....

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The months went by fast, with no sign of Cinderpaw. Astrid recovered from her wounds with a little medicine from Gothi and a lot of visits from Hiccup. Stormfly's leg healed perfectly, and you would never know there had been a wound there if no one had told you. My side healed fine; it wasn't a deep gash, and Cinderpaw hadn't had her claws on fire when she slashed at me.

Toothless and I frequently visited my cousin, checking in on her, Thrae, Kohora, and Toothless's siblings. One visit, Toothless bounded excitedly to his brother, sisters, aunt, and friend. He approached Diamondspirit first.

"Guess what?," he said eagerly. "You're gonna be able to fly again! Hiccup's gonna make a new wing for you!" Diamondspirit couldn't say anything, could only hug Toothless. Then Toothless smiled at the Night Furies. "And mom, dad, and Featherwar are alive!" I almost fainted. Everyone gasped. Starrynight began bouncing and jumping around happily. Suddenly Kohora appeared.

"Paintsplash?," she said. "May I speak with you....alone?" I looked at Toothless, then back at my aunt and followed her out of the cave.

Once we were alone, Kohora sighed. "I have seen the future," she said. "Horrible things will happen very soon. Cinderpaw....will return."

I gasped. "But, how?! We left her in the dust three months ago!"

Kohora could only shake her head sadly. "Fate wants someone dead, Paintsplash; she wants Cinderpaw to kill them. And I know who." Kohora's blind eyes began to water. She drew in a shaky breath. "This person WILL die. I can only provide you with a prophecy: Few are a chief's tears, for rare is it he has to mourn. When he does mourn, his tears will fill the oceans ten times over. Fire and claws will kill from the inside, one will die in front of the chief. He will mourn as he rarely needs to, and he will cry. His tears won't subside, his grief will kill him slowly over time. In the end, he will die and be with the one he lost again, forever."

I felt sick. Who was it? Obviously someone important to Hiccup. But who? Toothless? Valka? Astrid? I didn't want to find out, but I would soon. I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't stop.

I looked at my aunt, who was about to cry. I shook my head and ran off, crying and saying "No!" over and over again, for I had a feeling I knew who it was, and I didn't want to believe it. Yes, Cinderpaw wanted to eradicate all traces of Hiccup's family and loved ones, but she wasn't that set on killing Valka. That left only two possibilities, because Hiccup was supposed to lose someone. He'd already lost his father. He wouldn't be able to live if he lost someone else he loved. Either Astrid or Toothless was going to be killed, and I couldn't bear the thought of either one of them dying.

I flew up to Berk and ran up the small incline that lead to Hiccup's house. I sped past the house and onto a reasonbly sized hill behind it. I buried myself in the grass and sobbed.

"Why? Why? Please, God, why?," I bawled. "Hiccup's gone through enough pain in his life; losing his mother, being ridiculed for his weakness, hiding Toothless from his own tribe, losing his leg in the battle with the Red Death, being in several incidents that involved Astrid in a life or death situation, his father's death, being stalked by Cinderpaw, and now, losing someone else to that horrible creature. Why?!" I couldn't talk anymore. I was crying too hard. I just laid in the grass, drowning in my own tears.

I couldn't warn Hiccup about this, for my drawing powers wouldn't do that much, and I couldn't stop this for Fate would get her way in the end. It was inevitable.

Someone would die in the end.

And it wouldn't be pretty.

It wouldn't be a peaceful, painless death. It would be one with fire and claws and blood and teeth. It would kill Hiccup from the inside, eating away at his heart and his conscience. The worst part was, though, Hiccup would be right there when this someone died. He'd witness their last breath, their limpness, their glazed-over, once bright eyes.

I cried some more. I remembered what Kohora had said.

"Few are a chief's tears, for rare is it he has to mourn. When he does mourn, his tears will fill the oceans ten times over. Fire and claws will kill from the inside, one will die in front of the chief. He will mourn as he rarely needs to, and he will cry. His tears won't subside, his grief will kill him slowly over time. In the end, he will die and be with the one he lost again, forever."

That prophecy scared me. Hiccup would be so miserable it would kill him. Was that how hard he would take this death? He took his father's death pretty hard, but now he was happy and relaxed and not the slightest bit miserable about it. However, whenever someone accidentally brought up the incident or referenced Stoick in front of Hiccup, he would turn downcast suddenly and excuse himself from the room or area where the conversation was located. He'd leave without turning around, and his eyes would tear up as he left. If Toothless was with him, the dragon would scratch at his ears and run off, whinnying as he recalled his sin. It HAD only been a few months since the death. About seven, if I'm remembering correctly.

I felt something on my shoulder. I looked up weakly, tears streaming from his eyes. It was Toothless, and his paw was on my shoulder and he looked down at me worriedly.

"What is it?," he said, laying down next to me and putting a wing over my back. "You ran out of the caves without saying goodbye to anyone, sobbing and repeating the word 'No' over and over again. What's wrong?" I looked into Toothless's huge green eyes, and I knew I wouldn't be able to tell him about the potential future death of himself without inhaling my tears and drowning myself. So, with a shaky voice and tears threatening to strangle me, I told him the other half of the future.

"K-Kohora said that C-C-Cinderpaw....," I gasped, choking on my own tears as I sobbed.

"Woah, calm down," Toothless said, turning to face me and wiping away my tears. "Kohora said that Cinderpaw...what?"

I drew in a deep breath. "Cinderpaw is a matter of a few days." Toothless gasped.

"How many days?," he demanded fearfully. I looked up at him. My sonar-receptors started to vibrate, and I closed my eyes and bowed my head, putting my paws over it as it was starting to hurt. Then it flashed in front of me, the image of Cinderpaw that had appeared so many times in my nightmares.

I opened my eyes and looked into Toothless's; they were worried after seeing my first future-seeking. I set my jaw and bit my lip as I started to cry again.


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