"Goodbye For Now" - From the Author

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I enjoyed writing this very much. These three books, this trilogy, was an adventure to work with. I hope you take ideas and plotlines from this; I believe in the phrase, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". This was a three-month long project, full of laughs, tears, and anger, all of those directed toward the series. I'd get mad at Cinderpaw for something, even though I was her creator. I cried when I imagined the last chapter, even though I was writing it. I laughed at the chapter in "Starting Over" where Paintsplash got high on dragon-nip. There were also periods of cluelessness, where I'd sit, staring at my tablet screen, having not the foggiest clue as to what I should write.

I hope your writing adventures are as wacky and fun as mine.

God bless you all!

Signing off,


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