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I lay on the cliff, crying uncontrollably.

"I knew I should've gone with them!," I bawled, burying my head in my paws. "I never should've let them go off by themselves! It's been three days, Stormfly! THREE. DAYS! Oh, where are they? Please, God, please let them be okay!!"

Stormfly put a wing over my shaking body. She didn't say anything, but stared out into the storm sullenly. We were soaked; there were no trees anywhere nearby, and, at this point, we were too depressed to move. I knew some of what had happened, for I had seen it in the future, but I had only seen Hiccup grabbing hold of the Stormcutter's tail. I couldn't prophecize the rest of what had happened, and so I lay on the cliff, drowning pathetically in rain, tears, and worry. The Stormcutter had flown up into the clouds AND far away, and so we couldn't see what happened even if we tried.

Stormfly growled deep in her throat, and I looked up at her, tears blurring my vision. She seemed to be pondering something, mulling it over in her highly intelligent brain.

"What are you thinking about?," I asked shakily. Stormfly looked down at me, and I saw rage blazing in her piercing orange eyes. She set her jaw and drew in a deep breath.


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