Thursday 2:32 PM

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Thursday 2:32 PM


Bless you?

*sigh* you once asked me what I was sick with. And it's rhabdomyosarcoma a type of cancer. It sets in when kids are like two and then when treated its fine but in my case and same with my sister it's recurring

And it recurred a lot mainly in my chest


Shit im sorry thats just not at all what I was expecting u to say

Lol it's fine I wasn't initially planning on ever telling you but I guess after hearing my parents talk about it to everyone at the funeral earlier and that you've been helping me out even more than u know I figured u deserved to know

Well thanks for trusting me with that

And not to be a horrible person and ruin this moment but I've gotta go take a test

Shit sorry to lay that on u before a test

It's fine

I consider you much more important than my history class

Thx :)



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