March 30th, 3:36 pm

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March 30th, 3:36 pm

Hello, excuse me, may I talk to you for a moment?

Yeah, sure.

You are Princey, correct?

Yes...??? Who is this?

Apologies. My name is Logan, and I am a friend of "Anxiety's".

Oh, yes! I've heard about you.

You have?

Yes, Anxiety and I were friends through the time you two were dating.

Oh... yes.


How may I help you?

Well, Anxiety, as you call him, has been rather upset seeming of late, and, although I am not all that good with emotions, I was pretty sure something was troubling him. Eventually, last night, he ended up telling me about you, and some of the things that have happened between the two of you over the past couple months.



After hearing all of it, I wanted to come discuss it with you.

Okay... what about it?

I want to talk to you specifically about how Anxiety is feeling at the moment, and perhaps get a feel for why he might be worried about telling you who he is.

He wouldn't tell me, either. But, I know him quite well, and I feel that maybe I can be of assistance.

Okay, I'm intrigued.

We can't talk here though.

Why not?

He will be returning for his phone any minute, and he can't know I've talked to you. He'll freak about me being in his phone, especially since he hasn't told me who you are, or his password.

He hasn't?


Did you look?

No, I thought it best to leave it anonymous, as I really don't want to intrude where I'm not wanted. I simply wanted to talk to you. (Also, I did not want to learn your name, and accidentally let it slip in conversation)

Oh okay.

Wait, if you don't know his pw, how'd you get into his phone?

I hacked it.



That's... wow. You can do that?


That's a little scary, you know that?

I suppose.

Are you sure we should do this?

Yes, I'm sure. Anxiety has been... struggling more than usual, and I've noticed an increase of him wearing hoodies and long sleeved shirts, and he tugs the sleeves down a lot.


Yes, and I've been worried about him. I've known him long enough to know how secretive he is, in real life. It's not healthy.

I just want to help.


How do I know I can trust you? You literally hacked into Anxiety's phone, and also hurt him a lot a couple months ago.

I hacked into his phone because I will go to extreme measures to make sure that he is okay, and to protect him. Also, would you rather me to have continued dating him, when I knew I couldn't love him?

The longer a relationship lasts, the harder it is on the heart when it ends.

Fair enough. Okay.

Yes, and I'm here to seek your help, because I know that your relationship is what's bothering him, but I think you and I together can figure out exactly what about it makes him not want to tell you who he is.

He won't tell me. Not that he ever does tell me much.

So he's not just being extra secretive to me, then?

I'm not sure. I haven't read your conversations, and I don't know how much he's told you. If anything, he might have even been more open with you.

Wow, really?

I believe so.

Now, we're running out of time. He'll be back for his phone any minute.

We can't continue to talk here.

Well then, what are we to do?

I will write down your number in my phone, and I will message you from there.

Are you sure Anx won't be upset if he finds out?

He won't find out.

If you don't want to, that's fine. I won't make you. I am simply trying to help.

Text me from your phone, and I'll think about it. I don't know how I feel about going behind Anx's back, even if it's to try to help him.

As well as you.

Me too, then.

That sounds like a good plan.

Now I'm going to delete these messages so that Anxiety will not know we've been talking. That way, whether you agree or refuse to help me, he'll never know.

Okay, sounds good.

I'll talk to you soon, Princey

Ttyl Logan

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I had all of the story basically planned out, up until Roman's name was revealed. I had to take some time, and really think about where I want the story to go now. Because, I don't want to simply rush in, and end up with a sloppy end to the story. Especially considering how much I love the first half, and how I recently discontinued a book because I didn't like how rushed it and another book was.

I want to take my time, and tell a good story.

All the same, I thank you all for your patience.

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