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continuation of night 33

"Fuck. They're hot."Indi said as she and the other girls were still on the terrace looking down at the boys in the backyard.

VC-Indi-These two bombshells strut in here and immediately all the boys look captivated by them. Ugh, this is the part of the show I hate.

"Is that Summer?"Sasha asked.

"You know her?"Liv asked.

"Yea. From The Challenge."Sasha responded.

"She's an interesting one for sure."said Alexa.

VC-Alexa-Seeing Summer walk in here is very surprising. The last ive heard from her was way back in 2018. She's a pretty nice girl but...she's like, fake nice. You'll think she's your friend but she probably doesnt even like you. Its all a front.


"Hey you."Summer said as she gave Dean a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Long time no see."he responded as he put his arm around her waist.

"Very long time indeed."she giggled.

Seth still looked on at the two in confusion.

From up on the terrace, Liv took notice of this.

"Did she just fucking kiss his cheek?"Liv asked.

VC-Liv-What the....Am I missing something here? Who the fuck is she?

"Im about to go down there and start some shit, I swear to god."Liv said.

"Girl, arent you single?"Cameron asked.

"Yea but-"

"But nothing. He aint your man. Why are you trying to fight?"

Liv didnt respond.


"Which one of you guys think you can show me the best time?"Summer asked the guys, "Im ready to get my party on."

The guys plus Summer and Aliyah were all gathered at the outdoor kitchen having drinks.

"Well if you like to party then, im your guy."said Damian.

The guys all cheered him on.

"You better not let me down."she said with a wink.

VC-Summer-For sure I see a lot of potential with some of the guys already. I just cant wait to get this thing started!

"So obviously y'all been watching the show, who you got your eyes on?"Jey asked.

"Maybe I got my eyes on you."Aliyah flirted.

Jey smiled.

"I also had my eyes on somebody else but...he got into a relationship recently so I guess theres no luck there."Aliyah added as she side eyed Ricochet.

Ricochet blushed.

"Never say never, am I right Ric?"Damian asked.

"Dont look at me, I'm not responding to that."said Ricochet.

GC-Ricochet and Damian

Damian-Dude, these new girls are on fire.

Ricochet-Yea I gotta admit, they're fine. Aliyah's hot as fuck.

Damian-Its like, impossible not to stare at them.

"ALIYAH!"Liv shouted from on the terrace after feeling like the guys were giving too much attention to the new girls.

Aliyah and Summer both turned to where the girls were.

"HEY GUYS!"Aliyah waved. Summer also waved.

VC-Liv-So im not totally upset at these new arrivals because Aliyah's my girl. We've been friends ever since Temptation Island so im kind of happy that she's here. It makes up for Mandy going home.

The girls all eventually came down from the terrace and greeted the two new arrivals.

"Nice to meet you!"Summer said as she gave Bianca a hug, "Oh my god, you all look so gorgeous!"

VC-AdamP-I can definitely tell that some of the girls are not happy at all to see Summer and Aliyah. A lot of them are putting on fake smiles. But can you blame them? New singles are a huge threat to a lot of people right now. Not only can they lose their partner but these newbies can take their spot and be the reason why they get kicked off the island.

As the rest of the Islanders were busy getting acquainted with the new girls, Sasha pulled Bianca and Carmelo aside (interrupting him from gawking at Aliyah) to finally set things straight.

"Is everything okay Sash?"Bianca asked.

"Actually, no. Everything is not okay. Carmelo, what went on that night that you and I were on the terrace?"Sasha asked him.

"We kissed, I already told B about everything." he said.

"Tell me exactly what you told her."

"We were flirting and stuff and-we kissed."

"No no no, you're telling her that I wanted you to kiss me. Why are you saying that?"

"Because thats what happened."


"Y'all can we drop this? I literally dont care."said Bianca.

"He's spreading rumors about me! Carmelo, you were the one that wanted to kiss me! You fucking asked to kiss me and I let you! Why are you telling people that I was desperate to kiss you and that I turned the kiss into something more?"Sasha yelled.

"Thats what happened!"he said.

Bianca groaned.

"How could you lie through your teeth like that? Oh my god!" Sasha said in amusement.

"I went in for a quick kiss and you were the one that kept the kiss going-"


"Thats how I remember it happening. Why would I make out with you?"

"Why would I make out with you!?"Sasha fired back.

"Guys! Can y'all stop!"Bianca yelled.

"I dont want you believing that id do that to you Bianca! Why would I want to make out with him, I was crazy about Xyon at the time! I wasnt thinking about his ass! He was the one that pulled me aside and said that he wanted me from the beginning!"

"Look, I dont care! At the end of the day both of y'all kissed behind my back! Everything is being filmed so the truth will come out eventually."Bianca said.

"Carmelo you changed the whole story up and you know that!"Sasha said to him, "I cant believe you're saying that I wanted to make out with you! Who the fuck do you think you are? You better come off of that high horse kid, you aint even all that."

"That aint what you was telling me that night."Carmelo said.

"You're a fucking liar. Dont you ever lie about me again."Sasha warned.

A frustrated Bianca walked away. Sasha followed behind her.

VC-Sasha-Listen, I hate to admit it but the only man ive ever thirsted for was Roman. Lets ignore Xyon for a moment. Carmelo aint even close to being on Roman's level okay. Id never chase after him. Bianca should know me better than that.

VC-Carmelo-I clearly remember leaning in to kiss her and....her lips didnt stop moving. Im a gentleman okay. Yes, I did ask to kiss her. I didnt ask to make out with her. Id never make out with her on our first kiss. But she led me in that direction so....I followed.

"B!"Sasha called out.

Bianca turned around.

"Why didnt you tell me what he said? Do you really think id do that to you?"

"Maybe you shouldn't have kissed him in the first place Sasha."she said.

Sasha's jaw dropped, "Bianca!"

Bianca continued walking away.

Sasha trailed behind.

"So you believe him, huh?"Sasha asked.

The women were now in the living room.

"Sasha, I dont know okay! The point is, you two kissed. I dont care who wanted, it happened! The same way you were hurt after finding out about Xyon and Mandy, is the same way I feel about you and Melo."

"No no no, those situations are completely different!"

"Why didnt you tell me it happened then? You had a whole week to tell me you guys kissed and you didnt!"

"Because it didnt matter to me!"

"So because it doesnt matter to you, it shouldnt matter to me? Im not supposed to be bothered by the fact y'all kissed just because it doesnt matter to you? What kind of friend does that? This is the same guy that ive been sleeping next to and messing with for the past week!"

"Bianca if I had brought it up, it would have caused problems! I didnt want that!"

"So you'd just rather me find out from somebody else? You'd rather me find out by watching the show? You could have done the mature thing Sasha!"

"Why are you putting all the blame on me and not Carmelo!"

"Carmelo means nothing to me! You on the other hand, you were my friend!"

"Bianca, come on."Sasha sighed, " We're better than this."

"And not only that but you didnt even tell me about you and Tez!"

Sasha was at a loss for words.

"Im being honest...im just hurt that you call yourself my friend but yet you do these thing behind my back. I understand why you didnt tell me about Carmelo and Montez, its not that it didnt matter to you, its because you knew you were wrong for doing that. But like I told you, I dont care okay. I dont care about Carmelo anymore. If you said that he wanted to kiss you then whatever. The bottom line is that it shouldnt have happened! Im fucking tired of shit going on behind my back all the time! Im sick of it! You and Jey are cut from the same cloth!"Bianca said as she stormed off.

Sasha just watched as she left.

VC-Bianca-Im tired of being played like a fool, man. This shit's annoying. I gotta stop being this nice, peaceful girl because people are taking advantage of that.


Outside on the recoupling bench, Summer, Damian, Seth, Liv, Dean, Cameron, Finn, Alexa and AdamC were all hanging out.

"Oh my god, back in the day those parties were wild."Summer said.

"Yea, I miss them."Alexa agreed.

Summer, along with Alexa, Finn and Dean were reminiscing about the house parties that she used to throw in 2017, after The Challenge Free Agents had finished filming.

"So there were multiple parties?"Seth asked.

"Yes. Good memories."said Summer.

"Wait, so how come I was never invited to any of these parties?"Seth asked.

"No offense but no one really liked you at that time."Summer said.

"How am I not supposed to be offended by that?"

"You and Charlotte were on our shit list. Did you forget that the two of you kicked me off the show for no reason?"Summer said.

"We did what we had to do!"Seth defended himself.

"Whatever, im over it. I cant hold a grudge forever. You'll be invited to my next one for sure."she said, "But I am so glad to be here with you guys again. Especially you Dean."

"Why Dean specifically?" asked Liv.

Summer smiled and twirled a lock of her hair "Lets just say......I know why you dont want to let him go Liv."

"What does that mean?"Liv asked.

"Its nothing."Dean butted in, "Its really not relevant right now."

"Oh no, please do tell."said Seth.

Summer put her hand on Dean's lap, "I'll leave the story up to Deano to tell."

"Judging by how nervous he looks, I think we can all guess what the story is."said AdamC.

VC-Liv-Did they use to hook up or something? Oh my god, just when I thought my troubles are over. This bitch looks like she's here to cause problems.

Summer stood up from her seat, "Im going to go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back guys."

As she began walking, she ended up stumbling which caused her to spill her entire drink of Vodka and cranberry juice all on Liv's lap.

Everybody's jaws dropped.

Liv was frozen in shock.

"Oh my god, im so sorry hun."Summer apologized.

An outraged Liv got up and stormed off.

Alexa followed behind her to the outdoor kitchen.

"Oh my gosh, that was totally a mistake."said Summer to the rest of the Islanders that was there, "I think I've had one too many drinks."

VC-Cameron-She's so lucky she didn't spill that shit on me. If she did, that would've been it. I don't care if it was a mistake or what, her ass was getting beat.

"Do you need me to help you with anything?"Alexa asked Liv.

"She fucking did that on purpose!"Liv yelled as she tried to clean herself up, "That fucking bitch! How the fuck could her whole drink fall on me? Are you kidding me right now?"

Alexa just quietly listened on as Liv cursed and ranted.

At the same time, Summer came into the outdoor kitchen.

"Hey babe, im super sorry about what happened-"

"Yea whatever."Liv angrily said without even looking at her.

"You dont think I did that on purpose do you?"Summer asked.

"Well thats what it fucking seems like."

"Liv! I would never do that to you! Im so sorry!"Summer said.

"Just forget it."Liv said as she aggressively wiped her thighs with a napkin.

Summer was dumb founded. She didnt know what to say.

"Why would I even do that on purpose?"Summer asked.

Liv walked off, leaving her and Alexa behind.

"Jeez. Someone's a little worked up."Summer said.

VC-Liv-*while sobbing* Out of all the people that was sitting there, her drink happens to fall on me? Was she so drunk that she couldn't keep her balance? Are you kidding? Im not fucking stupid. Gosh *sniffles* This place is going to turn me into a crazy woman!


10:54 pm

"Bayley, can I speak to you for a minute?"Sasha asked Bayley, interrupting her conversation with Tay.

"Um....sure I guess."Bayley awkwardly responded.

Sasha then led her up to the terrace where they were alone.

"Are you happy?"Sasha asked as she folded her arms.


"You've turned Bianca against me. Thats what you wanted to do right?"Sasha asked.

"I turned her against you? Woah woah woah, hold up-"

"I know about all of the shit you told her last night!"


"Did you have any business telling her about Montez and I?"

"She needed to know."

"Thats not for you to decide! Ive stayed out of your way this entire time, why cant you stay out of mine! Im already dealing with enough shit, I dont fucking need this! You have no right to be talking about me like that!"

"And why not? Everything I said to them was completely true and you know that! Stop always acting like the victim Sasha! You're just as shady as everybody else! You're a shit friend to have and you know it! The world must revolve around you, doesnt it?"


From down in the backyard, the two women could have been heard arguing by the other Islanders.

"Yup, they're going at it."Seth said as he listened on.

"Is that Sasha and Bayley?"Finn asked.

Seth nodded.

"Whats going on?"Finn asked again.

"I think its best if we stay out of it."

"I dont give a fuck if you dont like me Bayley!"Sasha carried on, "Its wrong for you to go to my two closest friends in the house and trash talk me!"




"STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS, YOU GOT THAT? GOOD!"Sasha said as she began walking away.

"You're shady as hell dude, everyone sees it! Stop acting like you're the greatest thing in here."Bayley commented.

A mentally exhausted Sasha didnt respond to her, she kept on walking.

VC-Bayley-I dont regret what I told Indi and Bianca last night. I wasnt trash talking anyone, I was simply telling them just who Sasha really is. I didnt lie about anything, I didnt call her any names, everything I told them about Sasha was true. I guess the truth hurts doesnt it?

Seth found Sasha standing by the recoupling bench's firepit, trying to warm her cold body. By this time, most of the Islanders were already in the communal bedroom getting ready to call it a night.

"Hey, are you okay?"he asked as he approached her.

She turned her tear soaked face to look at him. She shook her head no.

Seth didnt ask any further questions, he just wrapped his arms around her.

"Tonight's been so bad."she said with a sniffle, "Im so tired of defending myself Seth. Im always doing it. Always."

He hugged her even tighter.

VC-Sasha-*wipes eyes* Today has probably been the worst day ive had in a long time. I had to go up against Bayley, Carmelo and Bianca. Its...difficult to go through this. I can only take so much you know? Im tired of it *voice breaks*

VC-Seth-My heart breaks for Sasha. She's been going through problem after problem and...im getting frustrated by it so I can only imagine how she feels. I just feel like I need to protect her from here on out. I hate seeing her like this. She deserves to be happy and...I want that for her more than anything.


day 34

11:24 am

As Summer and Aliyah were laying on the lounge chairs, soaking up the sun and gossiping about the other Islanders, Summer's phone went off.

She gasped, "Guys! I got a text!"

After everyone gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

"We're going on dates!"Summer cheered.

"Yay."Indi rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god."said Aliyah as her eyes scanned all of the boys, "Can I pick all of you?"

VC-Jade-I'm trying my best to like Summer and Aliyah but so far....that ain't happening.

"Damian, what do you say? Do you want to be my first date?"Summer asked.

Damian smiled, "Of course. You're lucky im a good cook."

VC-Summer-I just get really good vibes from Damian. There is a lot of chemistry between us and he's great to talk to so, he should be fun.

"And the second guy id like to choose is.....Deano of course."she said as she went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Why would you choose to get food poisoning, Summer?

"So for me....id like to pick Carmelo and Jey."said Aliyah, "Jade, Bianca, please dont kill me."

"Just dont act up."said Jade.

Aliyah laughed. Jade didnt.


After being picked for the dates, Dean, Damian Carmelo and Jey were all taken to a local grocery store to do some shopping for the meals they were planning to prepare. For Dean, Jey and Carmelo, it was the first time they were tasked with grocery shopping. Not to mention that they were given the company's credit card. Is this a recipe for disaster? You're damn right it is.

"Where the fuck do we begin?"Jey asked as he and the guys were standing in the alcohol aisle.

Dean was busy checking out the alcohol of course.

"Did you guys even decide on what you're going to be cooking for the girls?"Damian asked.

Carmelo and Jey looked at each other.

"Well theres your first step."said Damian.

"Maybe we should check the freezer section to see what they got?"Jey asked.

"Yea theres probably pizza rolls."said Dean as he casually placed a bottle of Jack Daniels into his cart.

"You're going to give Summer pizza rolls?"Damian asked.

"Who said anything about Summer?"Dean asked.

"How do you make steak?"Carmelo asked.

"What?"Damian asked.

"Im planning on cooking some steak. How do I even begin with that?"

"Theres probably microwavable steaks in the freezer aisle bro."said Dean.

"Good thinking."Carmelo responded.

"The freezer aisle got everything."Dean said as he casually placed three more bottles of whiskey into his cart.

VC-Damian-Im giving up on these guys.

The boys eventually went off on their own in the grocery to do their shopping.

"Dude, this shit's confusing."Jey complained to himself as he walked through the candy aisle, "How did I even get here?"

VC-Jey-Yo, I love cooking, I really do. I just hate shopping for the ingredients. I usually leave that up to Jimmy or Naomi. That aint my thing.

As Jey struggled to navigate through the grocery, Dean was busy throwing almost everything he saw into his cart. There was even a can of baby milk formula in his cart.

VC-Dean-You never know when a baby might drop by.

After spending an hour and a half aimlessly walking through the grocery store, the guys all returned to The Villa with bags upon bags of groceries. As you can imagine, most of the stuff they bought were for their own personal consumption such as various types of cereals, canned soups, alcohol, snacks and frozen foods. Also, thanks to these stupid idiots WWETV is now on the verge of bankruptcy meaning that we may have to make some budget cuts. Beth, just giving you a heads up.

After packing away the groceries, the men showered, got dressed for their dates and then headed to the outdoor kitchen to begin creating their masterpieces.

"What do you think they're going to cook for us?"Summer asked Aliyah as they both were in the dressing room doing their hair.

"Probably like Sloppy Joes or meatball sandwiches or something. They're guys, what do you expect?"Aliyah.

The Outdoor Kitchen

5:20 pm


A huge flame erupted from one of the stove burners.

"What the fuck did you do?"Jey asked Dean who was currently at the stove.

"Nothing! Dude I literally just turned the stupid stove on!"he responded.

"Can we please not set The Villa on fire today? It's the only place we got to live."said Carmelo.

"We can just go back to Casa Amor."said Dean.

"Then you better burn this bitch to the ground Dean!"said Damian as they all laughed.

VC-Carmelo-So, ive kind of been forced to hang out with Jey all day against my will and its a bit awkward because we both still dont fuck with each other. But you know what, i'll be the bigger man. We aint got to be best friends but....lets just kill the tension right now.

"Yo, Jey can I talk to you real quick?"Carmelo asked Jey as he was currently seasoning some meat.

"What's up?"

"I think you and I got off on the wrong foot at first bro."Carmelo said "Im ready to just forget about it and carry on with the rest of the show in peace if you're up to it."

Damian and Dean turned their attention to them.

"You know what....yea man, I agree."said Jey, "I apologize for acting out and coming at you like that. I wasnt in the best state of mind at the time and it was wrong of me to do that."

"Yea I understand, I understand. So, we cool?"

"Yea bro, we cool."Jey said as he and Carmelo fist bumped.

"This is a cause for celebration. Im pouring shots for everyone with the whiskey I bought." said Dean.

VC-Jey-Carmelo aint going to be in my close circle of friends because at the end of the day, he still has my girl. But...I dont see why we cant try to be civil with each other. We need some unity in this house.

"Im so fucking jealous right now."Liv said to Alexa as they both were laying on a daybed watching the guys in the kitchen, "I hope Summer gets food poisoning."

"I think its very likely that will happen."Alexa responded.

"Was Dean and Summer ever an item?"Liv asked.

"I dont even know. I mean judging by the way they're acting, that's what it seems like."

Liv sighed, "Do you think I should give up on Dean?"

"Give up on trying to get him back? Or give up on having sex with him?"

"Both. He has all these beautiful women trying to get him. I don't think I can keep fighting them off any longer. And I cant compare to them. The public already thinks he deserves better than me. I'm fighting a losing battle here."

"Liv....maybe you do need to stop fighting for him and let him fight for you for once."

"He fought Austin for me."

Alexa laughed, "I dont mean physically. If he loves you and he wants you then....he'll show it. Let him chase after you. He needs to improve, its not like he doesn't know that."

Liv nodded, "Yea, you're right."

VC-Liv-I really think that it's time I take a step back from Dean. It's what I need to do. He knows that I'm all for him. I want to know if he's all for me too and I think this is the way I'm going to find out.

T. O. B. E. C. O. N. T. I. N. U. E. D

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