Order union 66

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Blaze:now this universe is crazy this Yn is a Sith Lord

Anakin:wait Yn a Sith Lord


Blaze:because of union Yn was tired of abuse from the students and the neglect of the teachers

Ahsoka lights up her lightsaber and about to attack union but blaze stops her

Ahsoka:let me go they need to pay for what they did to yn

Blaze:they will death will always behind them no matter what they will die when they return to there universe

Blaze puts Ahsoka down as she turns off her lightsaber and she went back to her seat as anakin looks at her surprised that her own padawan did that

D/n:what's the story of this universe we already saw a Yn as a sith

Blaze:yes but that's the remnant universe this universe is another union universe

Blaze:in this universe Yn was hated because Yn had the power union couldn't have or take away from Yn Yn was a force user all Yn wanted to be a hero but he saw heroes kill his parents along with his soon to be sibling

M/n:I was pregnant with another child

Blaze:was but not anymore and Yn was going to become a brother to the young sibling what was worse that the heroes killed the on live television people laughed but somewhere in the galaxy felt Yn pain and traveled to earth that person was a sith a dark lord of the Sith Yn escape union and meet his master as he trained in the dark side of the force as Yn completed he was named a Sith Lord and now it was time for his revenge let's watch

(Comment a good Sith Lord name for yourself)

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(Instead of Jedi being killed it's the hero's and villains also union students and teachers )

(At union city it was chaos bodies everywhere heroes,villains everywhere at the union academy Yn and his army killing the union students and teachers as union students and teachers are shocked that Yn was the one killing them

Yn:this for my father,my mother,and my sibling I'll make sure all of are sent to hell

Union students charged at Yn only to be cut down to pieces as Yn soldier take down the rest of the students Yn went to the staff room to see the teachers

Glynda:Yn ln what is the meaning of this-


Glynda see Yn lightsaber in her stomach as she falls down dead Yn takes his lightsaber out of her as Yn continues killing the teacher till it was time to kill the headmasters

As Yn arrived to headmasters office he sees Nezu and ozpin and markarov not there only ironwood and sirzechs

Yn:I see two headmasters where the other three

Sirzechs:hiding you won't find them Yn

Yn:oh I will after I kill you to I'm going to enjoy it

Yn lights up his lightsaber

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Yn stab's ironwood


Yn then cut of his head

Sirzechs charges at Yn sirzechs attacks were to sloppy Yn wasn't even dodge cause of sirzechs just doing random swings Yn then cut off sirzechs hands and use the force to look into his memories after finding where Nezu,ozpin,markarov are Yn used the force to take out his heart and cuts it as sirzechs lays on the floor dead

Yn returns to the hallway of union academy seeing bodies of teachers and students as Yn sees only a small few of Yn students the ones that bullied yn


As they are in power block cuffs it will block there powers while wearing the cuffs

Yn:these are the ones that survived

Captain:yes sir

Yn:good get a squad tell to hack the tv station I want everyone in the world to see them get killed by me

Captain:yes sir

Bakugo:your going to pay for this loser

Yn:no it is all of you that going to pay murdering three innocent people my family they did nothing to anyone of you and you people killed them now your parents are going to see me kill all of you

The soldiers take the group away

Few days later

Everyone television in the world see some of the union students in handcuffs as Yn started talking

Yn:hello citizens of earth you may not know me but I'm the man that attacked union academy and my soldiers killed the students and teachers all and some of the villans as well but all of maybe asking who am I well remember union heroes killed a family the ln family well I'm there son and all of you laughed at there deaths my father was a great man he never harmed anyone my mother was a sweet woman she didn't do anything bad they died because of union couldn't take or have my powers so union killed them and the worst part was my mother was pregnant with my sibling I was going to become a big brother and now I won't get that chance so if I can't have a family then the union students won't either I'm going to kill the these students of union as there parents are watching.

Yn goes to the students

Yn:any last words

Cardin:you whore of a mother should've aborted you and your sibling

Yn lights up his lightsaber and cuts cardin head off as his body dropped to the ground

Yn cuts off bakugo top half of bakugo head

Yn cuts off akeno breast and stabs her in the middle of her chest

Yn stabs Weiss through her throat

Yn cuts off sun tail then cuts him in half

Yn cuts off yangs hands and stabs her in the throat

Yn stabs shoto multiple times as he bleeds to death

Only rias gremory left

Yn:I killed your brother,killed your pawn,and killed your best friend and finally killed your perrage there all waiting for you on there other side be ready to join them

Rias:you'll be dead and I'll meet you on the other side as we will torture you like the old times

Yn:I'll be ready for it make you fear me all over again

Yn stabs rias in the heart as she falls on the floor dead

Yn:they are gone but I'm not done with earth we'll continue till there's no more heroes or villains captain get your men ready we're leaving to head towards the hero schools only kill heroes that only care about fame and greed if you need any assistance let me know

Captain:yes sir

Yn cuts the camera

As the people were afraid of Yn and his soldiers they went after the other hero schools getting rid of hero's that care about fame and money and killing villains that loves hurting and killing the innocent after a few days Yn mission was complete as Yn went back to korriban as Yn arrived home to see his wife and kids

Yn wife

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Ahsoka tano after she left the Jedi order Yn found her as she didn't trust Yn as Yn explained his life to her she was sad that his world killed his parents as she thought how none but he master believed her after hearing that anakin "died" she joined Yn and became a Sith assassin also a lover to Yn and have three beautiful children

First adopted child

Eri L/n tano as Yn saved from overhaul and became Yn and Ahsoka first daughter and surprisingly she's strong with the force

S/n L/n tano the son of Yn and Ahsoka tano he named his son after his father as to honor his father and has Yn eye color and wisdom also strong with the force

D/n L/n tano the daughter of Yn and Ahsoka she looks like Ahsoka but with Yn eye color also very strong in the force along with s/n as d/n was named after Yn mother

As Yn and Ahsoka will be ready to train there children when their older only they focus reading sith text books and meditation also lightsaber practice)

Blaze:so what do you all think

Everyone I mean everyone was quiet

Blaze:will take a break and go onto the next multiverse

Next universe (Yn future predictions)

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