Chapter 2:Finally I'm out

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A/N:Alright so it seem a lot of you liked the chapter so I'll at least make second chapter and then I'll go to "I'll become a hero my on way" master and another thing I'm adding a few more characters to the harem and here they are

Fem Vali(which will be called Valerie

Alright now on with the chapter
Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union"we see are home boy Y/N go through his daily routine which is get bullied,go to recovery girl,miss a class and then survive a fight in battle training only this time it was different has Y/N finally snap and unleashed a power that has not been seen by anyone has he transformed into something which also added him a new sword after that he obliterated his bullies,easily defeated two teachers and three shotted All might let us see what happens to him now

Y/N:Alright talk to me doc how does it look like

Y/N was now sitting on a hospital bed but not injured or bruised he was all healed up and it wasn't because of recovery girl Midnight and Charlotte we're also there in the room

Recovery girl:There's really not much to tell all your injuries that you've had before are completely gone without a trace

Y/N:Are you sure the x-Ray didn't see anything inside me or something

Recovery girl:No your hole bone structure and muscles are normal plus you're heart and brain are also normal

Y/N:Mhmmm okay

Midnight:Tell me Y/N what could have cause this to happen this change you went through

Y/N:I don't know all I can say is that when they we're insulting me one of them talk bad about my family then I started hearing a voice in my head telling me to let go two minutes later I'm beating the s**t out of-


Y/N:Turns towards his friend he gives her the "really" look while she just playfully take out her tongue at him

Y/N:Yeah two minutes later I was beating them up what surprised me more was how easily I beat All might

Midnight:Wait before you said you heard voice what kind of voice

Y/N:I don't know but when heard this person voice it felt familiar like I know it

Then they hear the intercom

Intercom:Could Y/N L/N please head towards the headmasters office immediately

The intercom turns off

Y/N:Huh so after all times the finally decided to talk to me *sigh*I won't have it

Charlotte:What you mean

Y/N:It means this is good bye I'm leaving Union I can't stay here

This shocked the three but understood why he has to do this Charlotte walk up to him and gives him a hug

Charlotte:I'll miss you

Y/N smiles and hugs back

Y/N:I'll miss you too

The break the hug then he turns towards midnight

Y/N:Thank you midnight for all the good that you have done for me

Midnight:Oh it was nothing I was just doing a what hero is supposed to do


They give each other a hug he then turns to the one who cures him all the times

Y/N:And thank you Recovery girl for always helping me and healing me

Recovery:It was my pleasure young man now you better get going

Y/N nods and leaves the infirmary but before he head to headmaster office he goes to his room has he arrive he opens the door and goes to closet that was beside his work space has he opens if he sees two things he hadn't used in years

Y/N:*smirked*Sorry that I took so long ladies

he leans down and grabs the two things has they present themselves has Y/N firearms Ebony and Ivory

He puts his guns on there holsters and leaves his room has he goes towards the headmasters office has he arrive at the elevator the doors open and it was empty he walks in presses floor number 30 has the elevator doors close it's started to go up has it last 5 minutes it reaches the top the doors open and he could see the headmaster of the academy




James Ironwood(Irondick is what his name should be)


Ozpin:Mister L/N I thought we said come immediately

Y/N:Oh I'm sorry it's just this my first time being called up here even though I have ask to talk to you guys for hundreds of times

Ozpin:Well enough of that please take a sit

Y/N just shrugs his shoulders and walk towards the chair that's in front of the headmasters desk has he grabs the top spinning it around has the back of the chair is pointed toward Y/N sits down

Y/N:I'm here,I'm sitting and so what you do you want from me is this about yesterday's

Nezu:Indeed it is mister L/N we have been questionable about what had happen and we wish you explain to us the transformation you went through

Y/N:What transformation?

The headmaster we're surprised by Y/N answer

Sirzech:You know this one

has then a screen of the fight that happened appears showing Y/N in his transformation bonding his new sword it shows clips of the fight and how he easily took down the students,the teachers and all might

Y/N:Oohhh that transformation you know you should have been a bit more specific

Ironwood then slams his fist on the desk

Ironwood:Okay enough of this childish act your gonna tell us what that is right now! or we will-

Y/N:You will what expel me I was already thinking of quitting this school anyways so you don't have to do the work


Y/N:Like I said I'm leaving I have had it with this school this school only brings out the worst out of people you know I though you we're heroes that the people out saving people are heroes but no there just a bunch of fakes

Hanzo:You better watch yourself there young man because your are talking to real heroes

Y/N:Oh then why didn't you help huh

Sirzech:Look we we're very busy with other work so we couldn't help yo-

Y/N angrily gets up and tosses the chair ti the wall

Y/N:Were you busy all the time!! I have been bullied in this school for two years and no of you,none of the teachers not even other students have done anything to help me!!!

Ozpin:Mister Y/N please calm down we don't need unnecessary violence here

Y/N:No!! I'm done I'm leaving this school and you can't stop me also if you think I know about what happened to me yesterday I don't and even if I did I wouldn't tell some fake heroes

Hanzo:Then just leave you stupid brat!!

Hanzo screamed at him Y/N did has he was told has he turned around and started walking towards the elevator but before he presses the button he quickly
spun around taking out Ivary has he fires a bullet which hits Hanzo in the shoulder


Y/N:That was a warning you better hope that the next time we meet I'm in a very very good mood

He presses the button and goes in the elevator has it takes him down

Nezu:What have we done

Ozpin:I do not know but all I can hope is that his still on are side because will need him for Salem

Back with Y/N he was walking towards his room has he open it he goes to his side and started packing his things

???:What are you doing

A familiar voice is heard has Y/N looks back at little and see five  people two his teammates and three others which are



Jeanne D'arc


Leonardo Da vinci

Y/N just ignores them and keeps packing his stuff that is until Ishtar rudely turns him around

Ishtar:Hey weakling master was talking just answer her question

Y/N just looks at Ishtar unamused has he grabs Ishtar arm and moves it away from his shoulder has turns around towards his stuff he keeps packing

Y/N:Well if you must know I'm packing my things because I'm leaving

The five:Wait your leaving!

Y/N:If you want you can grab a microphone and yelled that to world

Gudako:You can't leave!

Y/N puts his last book in the back zip it has he then stands up and look directly at Gudako

Y/N:Oh and why is that

Mash:Because we're a team and we need you

Y/N:Oh so now we're a team I though it was just you,Mash and stubborn stripper oh right now that I think about her where is she

Ishtar:In hospital bed because of you

Y/N:Oh right I forgot about that heh that's karma for you

Gudako:Look I know we've done bad things to you

Y/N:Oh no you haven't done bad things you've done the worst things I've ask all six of you for help and what do I get more bullies I ask Ryuko she hurts me I ask you and you tell this four to hurt me worse and the thing is you didn't hesitate

The girls look down because what he was saying is truth

Jeanne:But maybe we can start again


Y/N puts Force edge on his back,grabs his bags and puts it over his shoulder

Y/N:I don't know what made you want to hurt me but know your karma will come

Y/N looks at Mash

Y/N:I'm pretty sure the spirit inside you his thinking of ways to leave a horrible person like you

He looks at Ishtar

Y/N:You no goddess your just a tsudere who does not nothing but make things worst

He then looks at Jeanne

Y/N:If god were still alive he be very disappointed in you

(A/N:Seen Highschool dxd is this world I'm going with the plot of there world that gods dead)

And finally he looks at Leonardo

Y/N:So much for one the brightest minds in the world has she can't even think of way to help a young boy getting bullied

He walks out the room has the girls begin to cry Y/N was now walking at the front the school going towards the bullhead that's up head that's is until


Y/N stops he turns around and sees some his former friends






Y/N:Oh it's just you guys

Jirou:Is it true that your leaving

Y/N:And if it is who told you

Ruby:Gudako and here servants

Y/N:*mind*Of course she did

Mina:But why do you have to go don't you want to stay here with your friends

Y/N:What friends the only one I have ever had was Charlotte

Asuka:Aren't we friends

Y/N:No you never helped me when I needed you just watch and you enjoyed the show so tell me are friends supposed to enjoy under friends suffering

The girls look down

Pyrrha:But maybe we can restart

Y/N:Like I said to the slut master and her slutty servants N.O no!

Y/N just turn around and keep walking his former friends called his name but he ignored it he gets on the bullhead has it flies towards verse city

Time Skip brought you by Hanzo running away has Y/N was running after him while also firing at him with both of his guns

Y/N was now walking through the city but then he hears that voice again but a bit feminine


This got Y/N attention has he look around the area but he sees nothing suspicious

???:Follow my voice Y/N follow it

Y/N not having another choice follows the voice it took ten minutes but he arrive at where it was taking him he looks up ahead and see and abandoned house has he then sees a flash back of a small white hair kid and little more talker white hair girl has they we're running at the front of the house that his seeing now

Y/N:I know this place

He then walks towards it has he goes through what ones was the entrance has he sees two things a painting of a man with white hair,a women with blond hair,boy and girl with white sitting on the blond women laps bellow the painting in front the stairs was a weird looking sword

It was stab on ground or wood

???:Hold it hold the blade

Y/N did what the voice said has he walks towards the big sword standing in front of it has he reaches it he hold it and everything around him turns black he kills back away from the sword he goes to grab Force Edge behind him but it was missing his bags and guns we're also missing

???:Y/N my sweet little boy you've finally come

Y/N then hears that voice which felt very familiar to him he turns around and see the blond woman


Beside her was the man with white hair


Y/N puts the pieces to together has he sheds tears seeing his parents

Y/N:*with tears*Mom Dad

Sparda:*smiles*Yes it's us son

Y/N then run towards them with his arms open has he hugs both of his parents his parents hug him back

Y/N:*with tears*You guys have no idea how much I've missed you

Eva:Has have we my little hunter

They separate from the hug and Eva placed her hand on Y/N cheeks

Eva:Look at him Honey he almost looks like you

Sparda:Like looking at myself in the mirror

Y/N:Yeah wait how are you here I saw you two die and Vergil I saw her die too but how are you two here

Sparda:Just before we died we placed some of are energy in the sword so when you would have returned we may have this final moments with you

Y/N:*sad*Oh so you've have to leave after this

Y/N looks down sad but Sparda places his hand on his shoulder Y/N looks up at him has the father smiles at his son

Sparda:It is alright son you may not have us in person but you'll always have us

He then points at Y/N chest


Y/N:Right but what about Vergil what happened to her

Eva:Oh do not worry about her she's alive only we don't know where so promise that you'll find here

Y/N:*nods*I will

Eva:Good now tell us what has happened while we been gone

Y/N tells his story from what happened to him after the massacre to his life at the orphanage to then his time at Union which made his parents very angry well mostly Sparda has his screaming out rage

Sparda:Aaaaahhhh!!!!! OZPIN YOU MOTHERF*****R

Y/N:Is he gonna calm down

Eva:Just give him a few seconds

30 seconds pass Sparda calm down has he walks towards his family

Sparda:Phew good thing I got that out my system

After that they said there goodbyes and Y/N returned to the real world he sees that his still holding his fathers sword has then two balls of energy come out of his they turn towards Y/N and the nods at them and smiles has the balls of energy then fly up to the skies Y/N then holds the Sparda sword tighter has he takes out of the ground and paces it behind him like force edge

Y/N:Alright now let's get to work

Has he leaves his old home

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