Chapter 2 - Disasterology

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*********************3 years Later**************************

My earliest memory was waking up three days later in the hospital after some accident I had. I overhear the doctors tell my parents I had a bad case of amnesia.

I remembered most of everything. My family, some of my friends, and my school. But not how I ended up in the hospital. My dad tell me I fell down a flight of stairs and through a window, down three stories and hit concrete. It was a miracle that I survived all of that damage.

I had a broken leg, 3 cracked ribs, a broken collarbone, dislocated spine, lost some blood, and glass lacerations everywhere. The biggest was a long scar line reaching from my shoulder to above my elbow. The damage isn’t permanent, but I won’t be able to play softball for a few months.

When I got out of the hospital and most of my injuries have healed, my parents and I moved to Dallas from New Orleans, where I grew up, according to my parents. I’ve spent 3 years trying to regain my memory, my parents helping me.

But now, I’ve been getting so bored at home and applying for jobs that can involve traveling, and ever since my fall down the stairs, I’ve kept having these dreams where I’m with a guy with medium-short brown hair, adorable dark brown eyes, and dark-ish tan colored skin (not orange tan, though) holding me in his arms, holding my hand, walking at my side, kissing me…

Basically just being with me.

I’ve drawn him in my sketch book and I feel like I’ve seen him before, but can’t remember when. I wish I didn’t suffer amnesia in the first place.

“Jacqueline!!” my mother shouts from downstairs. I pin up the latest drawing of me with the guy, walking through a flower field, and run downstairs.

“Yeah, mom,” I asked.

“Your job acceptance letter is here!!” she said, and held out a letter.

“Really??!!” I said and hug my mom.

“Yes,” she said and gave me the envelope to read. I open it and read the letter. "I got a job!!" i shout. Also in the envelope is a plane ticket and a boarding pass to Los Angeles.

“Its for a music company. A few of the bands are going on tour and they want me to work the merchandise stand at the venues for one of the bands,” I said, excitement flooding me.

“Which band??” My 10 year old brother, Daniel, asked as he played his video games.

“Umm… a band called Pierce the Veil,” I read from the letter.

All of a sudden, my parents face grew pale, especially my dad’s.

“Mom?? Dad??” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it, honey. How about you go prepare yourself for the when you’re leaving and I’ll call you when dinner is ready,” she said, kissing my cheek and walking to the kitchen. My father continued reading the newspaper and Daniel continues on Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Confused, I just go back upstairs to my room. I leave to L.A. in 3 days. I guess I can call my friend Allison and we can go shopping for some clothes tomorrow.

Pierce the Veil- never heard of them. Sounds very familiar, though, but can’t remember another time when I heard the name. I wonder why my parents looked worried about it.

I look at the drawing of me with the boy. We seem so happy together.

I wonder if he is real.

[Vic’s POV]

“Dinner’s here!!” I hear Tony call.

“FOOOOOOODD!!!!!” I hear Jaime shout, followed by his footsteps stomping down the stairs.

I look back down at the drawing I worked on- a drawing of a girl with black hair that reached around her shoulders, pretty green eyes, and just, really beautiful.

Ever since I woke up in the hospital, I couldn’t remember much of what happened. I had a fractured spine, 2 broken ribs, and a busted arm and shoulder, along with some scratches. My parents tell me I was helping my dad fix the roof and I slipped and fell 2 stories on my back to the concrete.

The girl I’ve drawn has been in a lot of my dreams, and I feel like she’s special to me, so I draw her. In my dreams she’s always with me, hugging me, spending time with me, kissing me…

I close my sketch book and go downstairs to where my band was already eating. I grab my burger and sit down as they eat their Wendy's and talked about the tour that starts in a couple days.

“Vic, my brother, you have to find a girl in this tour,” Jaime said.

“Umm, no thanks. I’m fine on my own. I want to find the one,” I said.

“Guys, don’t bug him. When Vic wants to get a girl, he’ll find one. Don’t be forcing him,” Mike said.

“Thanks, bro,” I said, happy he’s standing up for me..

Tony and Jaime just shrug and continue eating.

Although, a girl would be nice. The girl in my dreams would be nice, if she were real.

But who knows?? She could be real. I do have this feeling I’ve seen her before, but I can’t remember when. Amnesia is horrible.

I hope this tour helps me clear my head a bit.

Picture of Jackie--->>

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