Chapter 24 - Christmas Surprises (A Lucker Dedication)

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Mitch Lucker and his family, who i had make an appearance in this chapter. I cried when i wrote this chapter. May Mitch rest in peace and i wish so much strength for his family and friends this holidays. Sorry if this made you cry. Please feel free to comment. I wont take anything negative. This is a dedication to Mitch's memory. 

[Vic's POV]

"Daddy!! Mommy!! Look what Jackie and Vic got me!!" Kenadee shouts, running up to Mitch.

We invited Mitch, his wife, and their daughter to spend Christmas with us. She showed off a teddy bear me and Jackie got her.

"Wow, that's cute. Did you say thank you??" Mitch asked, pulling Kenadee on his lap.

"Yeah," she said and went on to play with her bear. Jackie and i smile as she played with it.

It was a great Christmas Eve with friends and family, despite my parents and Jackie's parents not being here.

"HO HO HO!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" a deep voce booms from upstairs, and then i see Santa (Jaime) come down stairs in his red suit, cap, beard, pillow under his shirt.

"Santa!!" Kenadee shouts happily.

"Hello, everyone!! I hope everyone has been a good boy or good girl!!" Jaime said in a dep Santa voice.

"I wouldnt say much about Mike!!" i mocked, making Jackie slap my chest playfully. Everyone laughs

"Ho ho ho, i know Vic hasnt been nice, either," SANTA joked.

"Ooohh," everyone said.

Jaime then picks up Kenadee and sits her on his lap. "Now, what is your name little girl??" he said.

"Kenadee," she said, shyly.

"Well, Kenadee, have you been a good girl??" Santa asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Really?? What do your parents have to say??" Jaime asked, looking at Mitch and Jolie.

"Yes, she was, Santa," Mitch said, hiding a smirk.

"Well, Kenadee,  if your parents say you were good, then you deserve a treat," Jaime said, reaching into his toy sack and pulling out a candy cane.

"For you," he said. Kenadee takes the candy cane and hugs Santa. "Thank you, Santa," she said.

"Your welcome. Welp. I better get going. Got more presents to deliver!!" Bye now. HO HO HO!!!" Santa said and waves goodbye and goes back upstairs.

Then, i stand up and pull Jackie with me. "Alright, now there's something i want to do before we continue," i said, ready with my present for Jackie.

"Vic," she said questioningly.

"Jackie, first, i want to say that you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, before, during, and after amnesia. I love you so much," i said.

"Aww, Vic, i love you, too," she said as we share a kiss.

Alright, here goes.

"And i wanted to ask you if..." i said, and reach into my pocket and get on one knee. Jackie's eyes grow huge.

"Jackie Ortiz, will you marry me??" i asked, showing the ring in the box.

She stood there, so surprised, her mouth going from shock to smile.

"Vic, i-i...yes. YES!!!" she said, almost fainting backwards. Luckily, Tony and Jaime were behind her.

I stand up and put the ring on her finger, everyone cheering for us. She then throws her arms around me and then crushes her lips against mine, and we kiss passionatly, spinning her around and then setting her down gently.

"Oh, Vic. There's something i want to tell you, its big news," she said, looking a bit nervous.

Skylar then moves next to her and takes her hand in her's. 

"Yeah??" i asked, waiting to see what she wanted to tell me.

"Well.... I'm pregnant," she said.

All of a sudden, before i can think, Mike, Tony, and Jaime, who so happened to be drinking hot chocolate at the same time, had a spit take moment, almost drenching all of us in the drink.

"I'm sorry, did i hear that right??" Jaime coughed.

We ignored them and then look at each other. "Seriously??" i asked, surprise and joy overflowing me.

She nods. "Yeah. I was so nervous in telling you since i didnt know how you would take it. Are you mad??" she asked.

"No!! I'm happy!! I'm gonna be a dad!!" i said and kiss her again, my hands on her waist as everyone cheered.

"Really happy for you guys," Mitch said, holding Kenadee in one arm, and Jolie in another.

"So are we," Mike said, getting over the surprise he had. 

"Merry Christmas, Vic" Jackie said, kissing my cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Jackie," i said and hold her close to me.

Soon, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Mike said, running to the door. We sit down when i hear Mike sneer.

"Well, look who decided to show up," he said.

Jackie and I run up and see who it was. 

It was our parents....

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