Chapter 3 - Meeting the Band

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[Jackie’s POV]

I receive a call a day before from the manager from Pierce the Veil that the bass player, Jaime, will be picking me up at the airport.

The day came and I say goodbye to my parents and Daniel. I board the plane that takes off from Dallas to L.A.

I sleep most of the flight, had another dream with the guy, and doodled him on my sketch book, which I bought with me, and then arrive and go claim my baggage.

I felt a bit dizzy and full of jet lag and decide to buy some food nearby. I eat a breakfast burrito and caramel frappe from a McDonald’s stand and then look around the terminal for a bass player I have no idea how he looks like. I then see a guy with brown spiky and a funny-cute face, wearing a Pierce the Veil tshirt, black skinnies, and checkered Vans sneakers. He held a sign that read Jackie Ortiz. My name. That had to be Jaime, the bass player.

I walk up to him. “Jaime, right??” I asked.

“The one and only. And you must be Jackie Ortiz, our new merch girl,” he said.

“Yeah,” I said and then he just hugs me.

“Sorry. I’m a bit of a hugger,” he said and I just hug him back. I just shrug. We break the hug and then his eyes fall on the long scar on my arm as he grabbed my luggage.

“What happened to your arm??” he asked.

“Oh, an accident 3 years ago. Fell down some stairs, through a window 3 stories. Doctor said it was a miracle I lived, but I had a bad case of amnesia. That was not a great day for me,” I said.

“Oh, sorry it happened to you,” he said.

“I’m fine now, though. I regained some memory,” I said as we walked out of the terminal to the airport parking garage.

“That’s good to hear. So, you nervous about meeting the band??” he asked as we arrive to a black Camaro.

“Well, sort of. I really haven’t heard of you guys until I got the letter, so I feel kind of bad not knowing you well,” I said.

“Hey, no shame. We’re a bit of a start. You have heard of Sleeping with Sirens, right??” he asked.

“Yeah, I think I’ve heard of them. I’m into All Time Low, Mayday Parade, stuff like that,” I said.

“Well, you are going to love us and Sleeping with Sirens. Kellin and Vic are like best friends, so we all carry a good friendship with the band,” he snickered.

Vic. Why did that name all of a sudden send shivers down my spine??

“Hello?? Earth to Jackie,” I heard Jaime say. Jaime stood in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face and snapping his fingers with his other hand.

Oops. Lost focus again.

“What?? Oh!! Sorry. I black out a bit sometimes,” I said.

“We all do. Madame,” he said, opening the passenger door like some strange butler.

I laugh and climb in as he goes around and climbs into the driver’s seat and starts the car.

“So how long is it from the airport to the band house??” I asked as we exited the garage.

“About a 20 minute drive. We live in the suburbs and tomorrow the bus is gonna pull up in front,” Jaime said.

“Cool. Jaime, what are the other guys like??” I asked.

“You’re gonna love them. They always know how to keep everyone’s spirits up,” he said.

“That sounds good. I don’t want to be that shy girl in the corner,” I said.

“You wont. Trust me. You’ll make a lot of friends. I’m your friend now, aren’t I??” he said, poking my side.

I laugh and just nod. It is true. Jaime did make me feel welcomed.

“Quick question, though. Have I seen you before??” he asked.

“Not since today,” I said.

“Hmm. You just look really familiar,” he said.

We soon pull up to a white 2-story house.

“Welcome to Casa of Pierce,” he said as he pulled out my luggage from the back.

“Looks nice,” I said as we approach the front door.

We walk in and the walls have a couple posters and pictures on frames.

“Its not much, but its homey. There’s a lot of love in this house,” Jaime said as he set down my luggage.

“YOU CHEAT!!” I heard a guy’s voice shout from the living room.


“-sigh-  Yep. You can just really feel the love,” Jaime said sarcastically.

We walk in and find two guys wrestling, tattoos on their arms, their hair reaching around their shoulders. A video game paused on the television screen.

“HEY!!” Jaime shouts. They stop and stare at us.

“Who’s the girl??” one of them asked. He had gauges on his ears.

“This is Jackie. She’s one of our merch girls. Jackie, these goofs are Mike and Tony, guitar and drums of PTV,” Jaime said, introducing me.

Mike puts his cap back on and helps Tony up.

“Nice to meet you, Jackie. Welcome to the Pierce the Veil family,” Tony saids.

“Nice to meet you guys, too. And thanks,” I said.

“Please, make yourself at home, Jackie,” Jaime said then goes upstairs. “HEY VIC!! COME MEET ONE OF THE MERCH GIRLS!!” he shouts upstairs.

“So how are you liking the job so far??” Mike said as he helped take my jacket off.

“Great. You guys are such gentlemen,” I mocked. Tony had walked into the kitchen.

“Hey, my mother raised me to be polite to women. Don’t be hating,” he said as he put my jacket on a chair. I laugh and sit down on the couch. “No hate. Just saying,” I shrugged.

Tony comes back and hands me a glass of iced tea. “What happened to you arm??” he said looking at my scar.

“An accident 3 years ago. It wasn’t really a good day for me. Fell down some stairs and through a window and fell 3 stories into a car. Suppose to me a miracle I’m alive,” I said.

“Wow. That sucks,” Tony said as he sat down in front of the TV and grabbed a controller.

“Yeah, I suffered a bit of amnesia, but I regained some of my memory again,” I said.

“Well, then that’s good,” Mike said as he and Tony continued their game.

Soon Jaime comes back down with another guy. “And, Jackie, this is our singer, Vic,” he said. As soon as I saw him, my heart stopped and I stand up rapidly. His eyes grow in shock as we stared at each other.

It’s the same guy I’ve seen in my dreams for 3 years.

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