Chapter 5 - Start of a Tour

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[Jackie’s POV]

“RISE AND SHINE!! WE GOT TO BE READY BY 0700, soldiers!! Buses will be here by then!!” I hear Jaime shout. I look at the clock. Its 5:45 am and he decides to go all commando on us. Seesh.

I grab the Pierce the Veil tshirt Mike gave me last night, my sparkly black skinnies, and red Vans with my make up and hair products and head to the bathroom. As I walk towards the bathroom, someone exits and I bump into them, dropping my stuff on the ground. I look up and its Vic. He has on a Sleeping with Sirens tshirt and blue skinny jeans. He looks at me in surprise.

I just freeze.

“Sorry,” he said we kneel down and pick up everything. I reach for my shampoo at the same time he does and our hands touch. A small sparks lights inside my skin and then I see another image bleeds into my eyes. I’m in a car with Vic, he has his arm around me, and were just driving. It was raining like in the last image. It disappears and I look straight at Vic.

“Uuuhh…” I said, at a loss of words.

“H-here. Sorry,” he said, handing me my shampoo.

“Thanks,” I said and he walks away. I just gather my stuff and enter the bathroom.

That image had to be a piece of memory if I feel like I’ve lived it. But why can’t I remember it??!

“Ugh,” I grunt and just get ready for the shower.

I shower, get dressed, put on some eyeliner, straighten my hair, and put on my blue and black checkered beanie. I take a final look at myself in the mirror, grab my stuff, and head back to my room to put them back in my suitcase. I drag the 2 suitcases down the stairs for Mike to help me and we just wait for Tony and his girlfriend who is working merch with me, and who will also be meeting us at the check-in.

Soon the bus pulls up in front and we’re off to San Diego to check in.

[Vic’s POV]

Another memory?? Something weird is going on. I have this feeling that I don’t know the truth about my life.

We all board the bus, and just depart from the band house to San Diego to check in before we head to Tucson, Arizona.

It’s a 2 hour drive so most of us have time to relax and sleep and do whatever. I sleep in my bunk, everyone else playing Black Ops. Jackie and I decided to sleep. She takes Jaime’s bunk and I climb into mine.

I’m sleeping and I have a dream with Jackie again. Were in a car, its raining outside, and we stopped at a stop light. The me I was looking at loops his arm around Jackie and kisses her cheek.

 Its weird because its as if I’m in the back watching this happen. I’m driving, and Jackie is in the passenger seat.

“3 years together. Happy, babe??” I asked, my arms around her, my other hand on the wheel.

3 years?? 3 years of what??

“Absolutely. You’re the best guy any girl can ever have. I’m really lucky and happy to be with you,” she said as i saw me kiss her. The rain started coming down hard now.

This scene seems so familiar.

The lights turns green and the car drives slowly through rain. I then hear some tires screech and see a car driving out of control smashing through the other cars that are stopped on the other street.

“VIC!!” I hear Jackie shout and then take my hand (well, the me that is driving up front). The headlights come at us fast, blinding. I shield myself and then find myself waking up, my eyes shooting open.

Sweat beads my forehead and my heart is racing and I’m catching my breath. What the heck was that??!

All of a sudden, I hear a short scream and a thump bellow me. That scream was Jackie.

I crawl out of my bunk and see that everyone heard the scream.

“What was that??” Tony asked.

“I think it was Jackie,” I said and slide open Jaime’s bunk. I find Jackie, sweat on her forehead and rubbing her forehead. “Oww…” she groaned

“Jackie, are you okay??” I asked as I pulled her out and stand her up, Mike and Jaime helping.

“Yeah, just had a bad dream and I woke up and hit my head,” she said.

“I’ll get you some ice,” Mike said.

I sit Jackie down on the couch and she leans back. “Did you hit your head hard??” I asked.

“No, not hard. Just a hard bump, but no brain damage. That dream was way too crazy, though,” she said.

“What was it about??” I asked as I sat down next to me.

“Well, your gonna think I’m crazy, but I was in the back of a car, and I was seeing, well, me, and you. We were in a car and it was raining, and we were… there. We were driving and all of a sudden a car crashed at us. The headlights approached me and I woke up, and my head ended up meeting the top of the bunk,” she said as Mike gave her a bag of ice and she stuck it on her head.

The others looked weirdly at each other.

I froze. “Jackie, by any chance did we… kiss… in you dream??” I asked and I gulped

She looked at me with her eyes the size of the moon. “Y-yeah. How did you know??” she asked, freaked out.

“Because I just had the same dream right now,” I said.

[Jackie’s POV]

“What??!” I asked, the pain in my forehead diminishing.

I see myself in a car accident, and all of a sudden, Vic has the same dream as I did??

“Ummm, is there something we should know between you two??” Mike asked.

“I don’t know. Its weird, that looked like a memory, but I can’t remember much of what happened back ten. I had amnesia, remember??” he told Mike.

“Wait. You had amnesia??!” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah. I was helping my dad on the roof, and I took a bad fall. Lost a lot of memory,” he said.

“I had amnesia, too. My parents said I fell down some stairs and out a window. That’s where I got this scar,” I said, showing him my thin scar.

“I got this on the back of my neck,” he said, lifting the hair from the back of his neck and revealing a bulging scar. Small, but I couldn’t imagine the injury that caused it.

“That looks too bad to be from falling off a roof,” I said, putting the ice pack down after it left my forehead a little numb.

“That’s what my dad said. And that scar couldn’t have been from falling off a window,” he said.

“Well, that’s what my parents told me,” I said.

“You know, I’m thinking someone isn’t really being honest, and its not Vic or Jackie,” Jaime said.

“Jackie, do you have any memory of your past before your accident 3 years ago??” he asked.

“Well, I only regained one memory. It was night, and it was raining. Someone called my name, and I ran through the rain. That’s my earliest memory,” I said.

“Nothing in relation of a building, stairs, or window,” Tony saids as he sat next to me.

Now that she mentioned it, he’s right.

“Did I really fall three stories??” I asked myself.

“Who knows,” Jaime asked. 

I run to my purse and grab my phone. I dial a number and wait.

“Who are you calling??” Vic asked.

“My dad. He’s the one who told me that day in the hospital what happened to me,” I said.

“Hello,” my mom’s voice rung.

“Hey, mom,”  i said.

“Jacqueline, honey, how are you sweetie?? How’s the tour??” she said.

“Fine. But I wanted to ask you something. Is Dad there??” I said.

“No he’s at work. But what is it??” she asked.

“Tell me the truth. Did I really fall down stairs and out a window??” I asked.

The phone went silent for a long time.

“Mom??” I said to make sure she was still there.

“I’m here, and yes, you did, sweetie?? I told you you had a memory loss and forgot most of your life,” she said.

“But my scars couldn’t have been from all that happened to me. Ma, tell me the truth now, please. I keep having these nightmares and-“ I said before she interrupted.

“What nightmares??” she asked.

“I don’t know. I’m in a car, and I’m with… this guy… and this car crashed us,” I said.

The phone went silent. “That’s probably from a movie or something. Oh, hang on. Daniel is calling me. I got to go. Have fun on tour, honey. Bye,” she said quickly and hung up before I can say anything else.

“Well??” Mike asked.

“I don’t think I fell down any stairs,” I said.

“Let me try my dad,” Vic asked, taking out his phone.

He dials a number and brings the phone to his ear and goes into the bathroom.

“Vic keeps his phone conversations to himself sometimes,” Jaime said. We wait a while and then he came out.

“Jackie, I don’t think you fell from any stairs and I don’t think I was on any roof,” he said.

A/N: How's it going so far?? Anyone wanna be Tony's girlfriend in the story?? First one to message me with the name of the character they want, gets to be it. Its not a competition though. If you didnt make it first, i'll still fit you into the story. :)

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