Chapter 19✍

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Like and comment, this chapter is very fluffy *sends hugs*

Connor ♛

Current mood: spread out on top of my bed in only my boxer briefs, groaning while Lilly looks for a good outfit for me.

"Could you please shut the eff up Con?" Lilly mutters through her teeth, probably annoyed, considering the fact that I've been laying around and complaining for the past two hours.

"Uuuuuugggghhhhh..." I get up, wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. "Did you find something yet?"

"Yeah, and I could show you if you weren't smothering me right now. But who doesn't enjoy being hugged by a hot guy, eh?"

I laugh and urge her, "Anyway... WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR???"

"Okay, for being the CEO of a fashion company, you're pretty terrible at picking out your own outfit. But, I think you should wear this!" She gestures to a light blue button down with a black sweater over it and brown pants.

"Don't you think it's a bit too simple?" I ask skeptically.

She rolls her eyes, "Idiot, you're going to a coffee shop.

"Oh yeah." I say, "I'm so nervous. Superwoman save me!!!"

"Grow a pair and you'll be fine." Lilly laughs at my terrible state.

"Shut the hell up."

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

I'm sitting at the same booth where Troye and I first met and ordered two black coffees for us. Five minutes pass until he's actually here. Ugh...I just want him to be mine again in every way possible. Troye sits down in front of me and begins, "Do I have to spill coffee on you again, or can we skip that part?"

I let out a short laugh, "There's the humor I'm obsessed with... Anyway, so where do you work?"

Troye rolls his eyes, "Okay, we don't need to start over that far. Just have a normal conversation, or try to have one."

Hmmmm... He literally knows all my secrets and shit. The fuck am I supposed to talk to him about?

With this conflict in my head, I go to the first thing that pops up on my head: childhood.

"I obviously know you were born in South Africa and moved to Australia, but I stayed in America my entire life. Actually, my childhood was spent in Minnesota. Same town for 20 years."

Troyes face scrunched up, "Didn't that get boring?"

And just like that, we were back to the day I first saw him. His intelligence clearly showing when he talked about something he was passionate about, like politics and his strong fiery hate for Donald Trump. Eventually, minutes became hours and it was already 10:30, closing time for the café.

"This was fun." I say as Troye and I walk down the empty dimly lit street to Lilly's apartment.

"Yeah, I liked this a lot. This day just proved that I like you a lot to." Troye giggled. I smiled to the ground, kicking at the rocks while Troye rang the doorbell. Out comes Lilly and Nick, a bit sloppy, to be honest.

"Heeeyy Trooyebouuyyy..." Lilly slurs out, clearly showing that her and her boyfriend are drunk, "Could you excuuuusse us for a...a minute?" Nick slams the door shut and me and Troye are forced to listen to what seems like the beginning of straight sex. Troye knocks on the door again and we wait awkwardly for like fucking 10 minutes, listening to things getting knocked over.

I let out a small laugh to lighten the atmosphere, "So, do you want to wait till this is over right here, or do you want to come to my house for a bit?" I know this was a risky offer, he might think I'm gonna jump on him once we get home, but the worst he could do is decline.

Troye bites his lip, looking down, contemplating what I just said. "Ummm...-"

"I won't pounce on you or anything, I swear!" I reassure him.

"Uh- sure, then. Beats listening to them do whatever they're doing." Troye gestures to the door.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

We reach home by an Uber and decide to just chill on the couch in my main house, the one that Troye told me about Chase on.

"I'm hungry Con." Troye says and I roll my eyes.

"You literally just had 3 muffins and a cup of coffee!" I exclaim.

"I want ice cream." Troye announces, basically ignoring what I said three seconds ago. He skips into the kitchen and opens the fridge to take out the only flavor I have: vanilla.

"Ugh, you're so boring." Troye complains, "Atleast tell me you have toppings."

I shrug my shoulders,"I don't have like proper ice cream toppings but I do have like fresh strawberries and Nutella and whatnot."

"NUTELLA!?! You have Nutella!?!" He screams jumping up and down from excitement.

"...uhhh yeah? Why exactly are you freaking out?" I ask with a raised eyebrow while scooping the ice cream into two bowls.

"Nutella is like chocolate, hazelnut, and Jesus had a baby."

"...more like sugar, diabetes, and fat did."

"Excuse me?" Troye asks.

"What?" I say, thrown off by his sudden cordialness.

"Shut the fuck up."

Wow. So after Troye and I scavenged for anything we could possibly put on ice cream (chocolate bars, strawberries, whipped cream, candy, nuts, and of course, Nutella) we set them up in bowls and Troye gasps.

"I have an idea! I top your ice cream and you top mine!" He claps his hands at his 'brilliant' idea and start putting things on my ice cream while I do the same to his.

Let me not put Nutella on his, and see what he does. "Okay, I'm done!" Troye says and he hands me my bowl. It's got ice cream (of course) and some Nutella topped with strawberries, blueberries, nuts, and a little bit of honey. It's perfect. I hand his over and it's got crushed chocolate bars, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. No Nutella. He looks up at me and glares, "Where's my Nutella?"

"I get to decide what goes on your ice cream."

"Not if you make it shit!"

"Nutella looks like a pile of shit!"

Troye grabs the jar and runs around to the other side of the counter, "So does your face!"

I laugh, "Nice comeback, what are you? Five?"

"As if you haven't noticed already!" he laughs, while I chase him to the living room. Troye collapses onto the couch, with me following him, and takes the icecream, emptying it out into the huge jar of Nutella and mixing it all together.


"Hmmm?" He says while taking another scoop into his mouth.

"You have a problem." I giggle.

He smiles while shutting his eyes. (Look at the picture above, that's the smile Troye gives Connor, idk how to explain it.)

"You know you love me." Troye laughs while taking his spoon and putting a bit of Nutella mixed with ice cream on my nose.

"Troye you might wanna stop, you're turning me on," I joke, "mmmm...the Nutella."

Troye shoves my arm and laughs, "I will leave right now dickhead."

After a bit of joking around, we put on a movie, Home Alone, (a classic, fight me) and by the time that was finished, it was 3 am in the morning and we have work the next morning, ugh.

"I should leave." Troye says in a husky morning voice while stretching.

"You could stay and sleep over, if you want. By the time you'll get home, it'll be like 3:30am. You don't have to though, just a suggestion." I say, making sure I don't cross any limits.

", yeah. Uh sure, if it's not a problem with you."

"No, of course not. Do you wanna head to the bedroom, I think I'm just gonna crash here. Too lazy to get up." I explain.

He humors, "I'm also too lazy, mind if I just sleep here?"

"Troye, you can do what you want. Don't ask if I mind. I just want you to be comfortable around me again." I say, making this conversation serious.

He gives me a small smile, "You will." And falls asleep next to me in the couch while I have my arm draped around him.

"I hope I will."

Troye in Connor's snapchat today is SO CUTE.
TUMBLR: aestheticamera
TWITTER: tronnorfacts

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