♡ Prologue ♡

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School had just ended, and Kwon Soo-Yun wove her way through the throng of students, not any particular destination in mind but rather in the hopes of catching her friends for a quick chat before heading home.

Or more specifically, Lee Cheong-San.

Soo-Yun had known Cheong-San since grade school, but it wasn't until an incident in 6th grade involving a failed prank that led to their friendship, and consequently, a crush. For as long as Soo-Yun could remember, Cheong-San was always there as a constant support, made her laugh at odd times, and his mom was just the sweetest, always offering hospitality whenever her parents were out of town. However, that didn't stop the spark of irrational jealousy that came up whenever she saw Cheong-San and On-Jo interacting.

Shaking her head, Soo-Yun stopped in the courtyard, a smile blooming on her face as she caught sight of the back of Cheong-San's head. She made shushing motions at Gyeong-Su, who immediately understood her reactions and kept Cheong-San distracted in their conversation.

Soo-Yun wrapped her hands around Cheong-San's eyes and she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"Guess who?"

Cheong-San grinned, taking her hands off his eyes and turning around to face Soo-Yun. "Gyeong-Su run, it's you-know-who."

Soo-Yun pouted, trying to tug her hands out of his grip. "Hey!"

Cheong-San's eyes softened as he gazed at her. Behind them, Gyeong-Su rolled his eyes.

Any further conversation was interrupted by the arrival of I-Sak and On-Jo. Soo-Yun waved as they came near, the latter shoving Cheong-San's shoulder so hard that he dropped his phone in surprise.

"My phone!"

As Cheong-San scrambled to pick it up, On-Jo held out her bag to him. "Hey, gopher. Let's go have some fried chicken."

"It hasn't opened yet," grumbled Cheong-San, but nevertheless took her bag.

"Yes, it has. Your mom said she's trying out a new recipe today," On-Jo counters, as Gyeong-Su whacks Cheong-San on the head, somewhat affronted. Soo-Yun assumed that this was the topic of their previous discussion before their arrival, brought up once again with On-Jo's remark. Linking their arms through Soo-Yun's, I-Sak and On-Jo pull her away to the side, as everyone confirms their attendance to the impromptu dinner invite.

"Ohhhhh," Gyeong-Su drawled excitedly. "Is this a double date?"

"Mwoya? How annoying." said an irritated I-Sak as she all but drags On-Jo and Soo-Yun to the school's entrance.

"How can it be a double date when there's five of us?" Soo-Yun wondered as she glanced back to see the boys trailing them, Gyeong-Su whistling some tune and Cheong-San carrying an extra backpack.


"SOO-YUN, DARLING!" Cheong-San's mom bellows, handing a large platter of fried chicken to On-Jo, and embracing Soo-Yun before she even has a chance to sit down.

"Mrs. Lee!" Soo-Yun greets excitedly, returning her hug and missing Cheong-San's fond smile.

The other three shoot knowing looks at him which calmly went ignored. Gyeong-Su takes a seat next to him, with the girls sitting opposite them.

"Wow, this looks delish!" Soo-Yun comments as Mrs. Lee sets down another two platters of chicken on the table. "But isn't this quite a lot?"

"Well that's because On-Jo eats a lot. Taste and tell me what you think of it, alright?" Cheong-San's mom says as she pats Soo-Yun's head.

"I don't eat a lot, I just eat well," On-Jo huffed, much to the amusement of everyone.

Soon, their lighthearted conversation drifted into more serious matters as Mrs. Lee headed back into the kitchen to discuss with her husband about changing the recipe after taking everyone's feedback.

"Have you heard what's going around in our school about our science teacher, Mr. Lee?" I-Sak started.

"What about him?" Gyeong-Su says with a mouthful of chicken as everyone turns their attention to I-Sak.

I-Sak wrinkles her nose. "They say he smells like a rotting corpse."

"I'm pretty sure it was Na-Yeon who spread that rumor." sighed Soo-Yun.

"I-Sak's right. Remember when Mr. Lee was absent for a while when his son went missing, and when he came back, there was a deathly smell around him." On-Jo chimed in, adding her two cents to the conversation."

"But how would Na-Yeon be familiar with the smell of a rotting corpse? It's not like she's ever been near one." questioned Cheong-San.

"No idea, but that's the only one she's never smelled before, so it must be it," I-Sak said, shrugging.

"That and he acted really weird after what happened with his son."

"True," Soo-Yun mused. " From what I know, Jin-Su was an outcast who was bullied severely."

"I feel sorry for him as well as Mr. Lee. Can you imagine knowing someone you're close to being bullied and yet be unable to do anything about it?" said On-Jo sadly.

Soo-Yun scowled." The Student Council tried taking the matter into the principal's hands but as expected, it was brushed off like nothing. Bloody influential parents."

"That time when he left class suddenly, Mr. Lee had written bizarre words on the blackboard. I doubt they were anything interesting, let alone be related to the lesson." said Gyeong-Su.

"He's known around the school to have been a genius in the old days," I-Sak pauses, before adding as an afterthought. "Although, I guess he's still considered a genius now."

"Geniuses often go crazy," murmured On-Jo.

"Guess you don't have to worry about that then," Cheong-San says lightly, as laughter rang around the table.


Following Gyeong-Su and I-Sak through the stairs, Soo-Yun stopped in her tracks as she realized that Cheong-San and On-Jo were no longer with them. Turning around and walking a few steps, she was greeted with the heartbreaking sight of Cheong-San staring at an open-haired On-Jo with an unreadable expression.

Whirling around quickly to avoid being seen, Soo-Yun hurried away.

A few moments later, On-Jo caught up to her with an apologetic expression. She had opened her mouth to speak-

-but was interrupted by Soo-Yun shaking her head.

"Leave it please."


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