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Carl's POV

Rachel told me about her plan for us to escape. We had to wait for the guard to come back in before we could start it. When we heard someone coming Rachel and I looked at each other and got ready. The guard had food for us and gave it to myself and Jessica's father. Then he walked over to give food to Rachel, where she started the plan.

"You know..." Rachel said to the guard in a very seductive, and kinda disturbing, way. "You come in here every day and bring us our breakfast, lunch and dinner. But what about dessert?"

"Uh...we don't have dessert." The guard told her.

"Really? Because I see something I like." She said getting very close to his face.

"Um...I...uh..." That was all that came out of his mouth.

That's when Rachel grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and started making out with him through the bars of the cell. She reached her hand down to his waste until she grabbed the keys and took it off his belt before throwing them to me. Then she grabbed his gun and his taser and did the same thing with them. Once I had all of them I gave Rachel the thumbs up and she pulled away from the guard.

"Maybe we can finish this another time." Rachel told him.

I couldn't see the guards face but he just seemed to walk out after she said that. Once I was sure he was gone I took the keys and unlocked my cell. Then I did the same to Rachel's cell. Rachel then walked over to Jessica's dad cell.

"Are you with us?" Rachel asked him.

He nodded before Rachel took the keys and let him out. Then the three of us started heading towards the exit.

"Where are all the guards?" I asked we walked down an empty hallway.

"Jessica told me that she had a plan and needed to take most of her guards with her." Dr. Walsh told us.

"How would you know that?" Rachel asked him.

"You know how the guard comes and takes me out for a few hours." Dr. Walsh said. "He brings me to talk to my daughter and she tells me what's going on."

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"Because as crazy as that little bitch is, she still loves her father." Rachel told me before turning to Dr. Walsh. "Al, do you know where the armory would be?"

"Yeah, I walk by it every time I see Jess." Al told us. "But every time I've walked by there are always some guards guarding it."

"That won't be a problem." Rachel told him. "Just take us to the armory and we'll handle the guards."

Dr. Walsh started walking ahead of us leading us towards the armory. When he was far enough ahead I turned to Rachel.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" I whispered to her.

"I have no idea." She whispered back. "But he's a doctor and he's weak. Even if he's not with us fully, I can easily scare him into doing what we want."

Al stops as he reaches a corner and waves us over. Rachel and I go over and peak our heads over the corner. We see two guards standing in front of the door just like Dr. Walsh told us. I take out my gun but Rachel puts her hand on in and lowers it.

"If we start firing off guns it'll draw more guards towards us." Rachel whispered to me.

"We could use the taser." I suggested.

"We can, but that'll only take care of one of them." Rachel tells me before pulling out a lion shaped pin.

"Are you sure that'll work?" I asked her.

"I'll make it work." She said pulling out the sharp part of the pin. "Ready?"

"Ready." I told her.

Rachel and I both start running towards the guards when they're not looking our way. By the time they turned around I take the taser and shocked one of the guards neck. I held the taser at his neck until it looked like he passed out. I look over at Rachel and see her covered in blood putting her lion pin back on while standing over the guard with a slit in his neck. I can't believe she just did that with just a pin.

"Let's grab some weapons and go before someone comes." Rachel told me.

Rachel, Al, and I go into the armory and grab as much guns and ammo as we can carry. When we have enough, we go back into the hallway. Then I see Rachel grab the bodies and drag them into the armory before shutting the door.

"Where do we go to get to the back exit?" Rachel asked Al.

"Follow me." Dr. Walsh said.

We followed him to a door that looked like it was leading outside. When we opened the door we found ourselves outside behind the police station. The three of us peaked over the corner to see who was around and I couldn't believe what I saw. I saw a group of Jessica's guards walking dad, Michonne and Blake towards the police station at gunpoint.

"They have Blake." Rachel said.

"They have my dad and Michonne too." I tell them.

"I think I counted thirteen of them." Dr. Walsh told us.

"We have to help them." I said.

"We can't shoot at them." Dr. Walsh told us. "It'll alert the guards that are still inside."

"Here." Rachel said holding three silencers. "I found them in the armory."

Rachel and I take the silencers and connect them to our guns.

"We still can't shoot them." Al told us. "They have body armor all over them."

"Not their faces." Rachel told us. "As long as we make headshots we're good. But we'll have to do it fast. Once they realize we're shooting at them, they could kill Blake or your dad or Michonne."

"Let's do it." I said as I load up my gun.

Rachel, Al and I take our positions and aim our guns. We look at each other and nod and at that time we start firing our guns. One by one bodies start falling on the ground as we shoot them. And by some miracle all thirteen of them were lying dead on the ground with my dad, Michonne and Blake the only ones standing.

The three of us start making our way over to them and when they see us they start running over to us with handcuffs on. I wrap my arms around dad and Michonne. I started crying without even realizing it and so are they.

Blake's POV

When I saw mom I couldn't help but start to cry. When I went over to try to hug her but realized that my hands were still handcuffed. But that didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a hug as she started crying.

After we all got reunited I saw Carl go over and uncuff his dad and Michonne. Then I saw him walk over to me and uncuff me. Once my hands are free Carl and I hug one another. I couldn't believe how much I missed him and I was so happy that I was reunited with him.

"So, you're Blake's mother?" I hear Rick ask.

"Yes I am." Mom told him. "And you must Carl's father."

"Rick." He said holding out his hand.

"Rachel." She told him shaking his hand.

"I'm Michonne." Michonne introduced herself. "And I think it would be better if we head back to Cliff House."

"Shouldn't Carol be back with the car by now?" I asked.

"She might have just stayed back because she was worried about Daryl." Michonne suggested.

"What happened to Daryl?" Carl asked sounding worried.

"We found him on the side of the road pretty beat up." I tell him. "But he should be fine."

"Got some keys." I hear mom call out and see that she's holding up car keys she found off one of the dead bodies. "Now we need the car."

"I saw some cars around back." Dr. Walsh said. "I'm sure one of them work with those keys."

The six of us go around to the back of the police station and see a parking lot with a bunch of cars in them. We go around trying to find the right car. It takes us a few tries but we finally find the car that works with keys mom found.

It's a five seat car so mom was in the driver's seat with Michonne in the passenger's seat. So Dr. Walsh, Rick, Carl and I were squeezing together in the backseats. Although being squished up against Carl feels nice, though it would feel a lot better if his dad wasn't right next to us. Mom started the car and Michonne directed her towards Cliff house.

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