Getting Better

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1 Year Later

Carl's POV

It's been a year after everything went down with Vlad and things have been getting better, not perfect, but we're getting there.  In fact, things are almost like the way they used to be.  Other than the fact that people still come back from the dead.  Most of the former Blaze Tribe members were ok with the change in leadership and accepted it.  Although I can tell that some of them aren't fully accepting of it. 

Since I've been in charge everyone has been assigned a job.  Zelda has been put in charge of the infirmary and works with former Blaze Tribe member and former prisoners who also have medical experience.  Rachel, Keith and Katie have been training people.  Katie trains people with guns and how to shoot, Rachel trains people with melee weapons, and Keith trains people with hand to hand combat.  Maggie and Mark have started planting vegetables and crops which ended up being where the majority of the food for Boston comes from.  Maggie also helps me when it comes to big picture stuff for the community.  Amy has started a daycare for all the babies and toddlers including Judith, Hershel, Emily (Tommy and Amy's daughter), and RJ (my brother).  Michonne, Tommy, and Joey are head of security and spend most of their time on watch.  Blake and Ted are in charge of going out on runs.  Each week they'll switch off and take a group out for a few days.  As for me, being in charge I mainly just make sure everything's running smoothly and help people's problems when they come to me with them.

My eye shoot open after hearing the door knock several times.  I look over at Blake who roles over and groans pretending not to hear it.

"Come on, we gotta get up."  I told him as I throw the blanket off of us and stand up.

"But whyyyyyyy?"  He wined.

"Because we promised we'd watch the kids today for Amy."  I remind him.

"But whyyyyyyy?"  He wined once again.

"Because Amy and Tommy are getting married tonight and she still has a lot on her plate."  I told him as I put on my shirt and pants.  "And you agreed to do it."

"Ugh."  He groaned before putting the pillow over his head.

I rolled my eyes before walking downstairs and getting the door.  As soon as I open it Amy walks in holding Emily.

"Good morning."  Amy told me.  "Where's Blake."

"He's coming."  I told him.  "So how many kids are supposed to be here?"

"Maggie said she'll drop Hershel off in about and hour and obviously Judith and RJ are already here.  So I think there should be five more."  She told me.

"Looks like Blake's gonna have his hands full."  I said.

"I guess he is."  She laughed.

"Morning."  I hear Blake say tiredly.

"Hey Blake."  Amy said as she hands him Emily.  "Thank you so much for doing this."

"Yeah, it's no problem."  He said.

"Here's the schedule for the kids."  Amy told him handing him a sheet of paper.  "Their parents should come and pick them up around 3:00."

"Alright sounds good."  Amy said.  "I'll see you both tonight."

We waved goodbye to her as she hurried out.  Then I kissed Blake goodbye before I headed out to my office.


I sat in my office looking over lists of complains and problems that people have left me.  Mainly just stupid stuff like they want more food or games to play or whatever.  Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."  I call.

I looked up and saw Zelda walk in.   I'm assuming she's stopping by to bring me a new bandage for my 'eye' like she does every week.  I held out my hand waiting for her to give me the bandage, but she didn't.

"I can't give you a bandage."  She tells me.

"What?"  I asked sounding a little shocked.

"Carl, we're running low on bandages in the infirmary."  She told me.  "Your eye has been healed for a while and..."

"It's not my eye."  I tell her.  "It's a hole in my face."

"Right.  Well I don't think we should waste them in case we really need them later."  She told me.

"Fine."  I sighed.  "Was there anything else?"

She didn't say anything.  Instead she just put a small box on my desk.  I picked it up and opened it and saw an eye patch inside.

"I know you don't feel comfortable having your ey...hole exposed."  She told me.  "But just so you know, I don't think anyone really gives a shit about it."

After she said that she walked out and left.  I looked down at the eye patch and started to undo the bandage on my face and then threw it in the trash.  And then covered my hole with the eye patch.  Then I heard another knock on the door.

"Come in."  I called out once again.

Then Father Johnathan, the town's priest, walks in and takes a seat across from my desk.

"How can I help you, Father?"  I asked him.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to say anything at Thomas and Amelia's wedding?"  He asked me. 

I was a little taken aback by hearing their full names.  I didn't even know Amy's first name was really Amelia.

"Um...sure."  I said.

"That's great."  He said as he stands up.  "Come find me before the ceremony and I'll let you know when you'll speak.  God bless."

After he left I couldn't help but role my eyes.  I'm not really into all that 'god' stuff, especially after all the shit that has happened.  But Tommy and Amy wanted a real wedding with a real priest and there just so happened to be one here.  Anyway I took out a blank piece of paper and a pen thinking about what to write.


Everyone was gathered in the church.  Luckily the church was big enough to hold everyone, even though it was a little cramped.  Most of the people were just wearing regular clothes, odds are because they didn't have anything fancy.  But fortunately Amy found a wedding dress while out on a run and Keith had a suit that Tommy was able to borrow.

Right now I'm searching the church for Father Johnathan.  He told me to find him before the wedding started, but he didn't exactly tell me where.

"Hey Carl."  Tommy said stopping me.  "Have you seen Father Johnathan?"

"I don't."  I tell him.  "I'm actually looking for him now."

"Well when you find him tell him the wedding's supposed to have started 5 minutes ago."  He told me.

"I will."  I tell him.

I continued to search the church.  I started asking around and no one has seemed to seen him.  Then I thought maybe he would be waiting outside the church.  So I go outside and still couldn't find him.

"Carl."  I turned around and see Keith behind me.  "Where the hell is Father Johnathan?"

"I have no idea."  I told him.  "Maybe he's at his house?"

Keith nods in agreement and both of us start running towards his house.  We knocked on the door a couple times, but didn't get an answer.

"He's no answering."  I said.

"Step back."  Keith told me.

He gestures me to step back, so I do.  Then he kicks the door open in one swift movement. 

"Wow."  I said impressed.  "You gotta teach me how to do that."

He lightly chuckles before the two of us goes inside.  I've never been in his house before and I wasn't really surprised by all the crosses and other religious stuff.

"Father Johnathan?"  I called out.

"Are you home?"  Keith called out.

"He's not here."  I told him.

"Maybe."  Keith said.  "But let's check upstairs."

The two of us runs up the stairs.  All of the doors were left wide open, except for one.  We walk up to the door and I twist the doorknob and push it open.

Both of us let out a gasp.  There we saw Father Johnathan as a walker.  Dangling from a noose that was tied to his ceiling fan.  His undead body growling trying to reach towards us.  So much was running through my mind.  Things were just getting better.  We were all starting to get our lives back.  So why did he have to do this.

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