I Miss You

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Carl's POV

Michonne grabbed her katana and held it against Keith's neck. Tommy then walked over and took Keith's bag before patting him down and took his gun and knife. But something I noticed as they did this, was the fact that Keith wasn't resisting. It almost looked like he was ok with it.

"What do we do with him?" Rachel asked me.

"I don't know." I said facing her. "Maybe..."


I turned around and saw Keith was on the ground with blood dripping out of his mouth. And Zelda standing over him and saw her start to kick to him in the stomach.

"HEY!" Michonne yelled as she held Zelda back.

"Tommy and Mark, tie him up and keep an eye on him." I ordered. "Everyone else, follow me inside."

Everyone followed me as we went inside, even a reluctant Zelda who continued to glare at Keith. When we got inside we see Maggie holding a crying Hershel.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Keith is here." I told her.

"Vlad's son." Zelda spoke.

"And I want all of us to discuss what to do with him." I told her.

"Kill him." Zelda immediately said causing all of us to look at her. "What? I can't be the only one thinking it."

Just then the door opens and we see Tommy walk in.

"Did he say anything?" Blake asked Tommy.

"He said he wants to help stop his dad." Tommy told us.

"Yeah, right." Zelda scoffed. "And let me guess. He also talked about how fucked up his dad and sister are and that he's nothing like them."

"Um...yeah." Tommy said.

"Figures." Zelda said. "Now can we all agree to kill him and move on?"

"Everyone knows I'm perfectly fine with killing." Rachel spoke up. "But don't you think we can use him to our advantage?"

"How?" Amy asked.

"He's Vlad's son." Rachel told us. "Odds are he'll know stuff that can help us."

"Except for the fact that we can't trust him." Zelda added. "Don't you remember that he shoot Joey."

"I agree with Rachel." Joey spoke causing all of us to look at him.

"Are you insane?!" Zelda yelled.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but I don't think we have a choice." Joey told her. "Do I like him? No. Do I trust him? Of course not. But let's face it, if we're ever gonna take on Vlad and the Blaze Tribe we're gonna need people. And if we have the son of our enemy on our side that gives us a pretty good leg up."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing?" Zelda said sounding annoyed before turning to me. "Back me up here?"

"They got a point." I told her. "The more people we have the better."

"Blake?" Zelda asked sounding desperate.

"I'm sorry, but they're right." Blake said grabbing my hand.

Everyone else nodded and agreed with us. Which made Zelda to get more frustrated.

"Fine." Zelda said annoyed. "But don't come crying to me when he stabs you in the back."

And with that, she stormed out of the cottage. With Joey following her trying to calm her down.

"Do you think we should keep an eye on her?" Michonne asked. "In case she tries to do anything?"

I turned to Ted and Katie, since they've known Zelda longer and might know what she'll do or won't do.

"What do you think?" I asked as they look at one another.

"I don't know." Ted said. "Zelda's always been such a nice and trusting person."

"I've never seen her this mad before." Katie told us. "So I have no idea what she's capable of."

"Well we'll worry about that later." I said. "As for now, I want to ask Keith a couple questions."

Everyone followed me outside where we see Keith still tied on the ground with Mark standing over him.

"Where did Zelda and Joey go?" Blake asked Mark.

"That way." He pointed. "I was gonna ask what's wrong, but Zelda looked scary mad."

"She's not exactly happy with our new visitor." I told him before crouching down in front of Keith. "So why are you here?"

"I want to help you defeat my dad." Keith told me. "What he's doing isn't right."

"Zelda told us that you said stuff like this before." I informed him. "But then you shot Joey. Would you like to explain?"

"I know I've messed up before." He said with a sigh. "And I'm so sorry for shooting your friend, Joey. But my sister knows me better than anyone, and she also knows how to manipulate me. She tells me these things and gets in my head to the point where I can't even think straight and I don't know what I'm doing. I know that doesn't excuse what I did. But I swear to you, I will do whatever it takes to stop my dad."

I looked around at the others and all exchanged looks. I don't know if what he says it true, but from the way he's acting he seems pretty sincere.

"You know in order to stop your dad, we might have to kill him. Your sister too." I told him. "Do you think you could do that?"

"I want things to better." He told me. "Not just for me or for you, but for everyone. And if killing my dad and sister will make that happen, I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it."

"Ok." I tell him. "But sense we don't exactly trust you so we'll be keeping you tied up and have someone with you at all times."

"Understandable." Keith said.

"I have a question." Blake spoke up getting my attention. "Before...you know what happened...I thought I heard Rick say something to you. It sounded like he said 'promise'."

"He did." Keith told us.

"Promise what?" Blake asked.

"My bag." Keith said turning to Tommy. "Inside you'll see a zipper on the inside."

Tommy looked inside Keith's bag. He rummaged around inside for a second before he pulled something out.

"What are those?" I asked him.

"Their letters." Keith told us. "From Rick. I promised him I'd deliver them to you."

Tommy then went around passing out the letters to each of us. And then he handed me mine. I looked down and saw my name written in dad's handwriting. I could see the letter shaking in my hand from how nervous I was.

"I'm um..." I spoke softly. "I'm...gonna...be back..."

I took the letter in my hand and started walking down by the pond. I sat down on one of the rocks looking out at the pond before looking down at the letter. Then I opened it and took a breath before reading it.

'Dear Carl,

           I remember the day you were born. I remember seeing you for the first time in your mother's arms. I remember the feeling I felt when I first saw you. It was an indescribable feeling of joy and happiness. But also fear.

I was terrified. Terrified because I didn't know how to protect you or keep you safe. Even before everything. And I couldn't.

I couldn't keep you safe from the horrors of the world. And that's ok. Because it made you who you are today. A brave, strong man who I'm proud to call my son.

I'm sure by the time you're reading this I'll already be dead. And I know you're planning a fight against the Blaze Tribe. And this fight will cause a war. And in war, people will die.

But I know that deep down you don't want that to happen. And maybe it doesn't have to.

You can defeat Vlad, but you don't have to kill him. I believe you can be better than that, I know you can and I know you want to.

You, Michonne, Blake, Maggie, Rachel, and everyone else can build a life. A new life. A better life.

You shouldn't have to live in a life where you have to kill people to survive. You can make it so I can be the last person to get killed. So no one has to go through that again, and no one has to live this way, that every life is worth something.

Start everything over.

Show everyone that they can live without killing. That they can live a life worth living. That they could go back to the way things were before.

I know you can do it. I believe in you Carl.

I love you.


It wasn't until I saw water stains on the letter that I realized I was crying. I started to wipe my eye and then I felt an arm wrap around me. I look over and see Blake sitting next to me. I could his face was red and he had tears in his eyes, so he probably just read dad's letter.

"I miss him." I managed to get out.

As soon as I said that I started to break down into tears. I started crying into Blake's shoulder and felt him rubbing my back.

I miss you, dad.


Keith's POV

I woke up and see that it's still the middle of the night. I also see Amy, I think her name, walking towards the cottage. Then she turns around to face me.

"I'll be right back." She told me. "Don't try anything stupid."

I nod as she walks into the cottage. I shut my eyes trying to get some more sleep before morning. Then my eyes immediately shoot open as I feel a cool metal against my neck. And there I see Zelda in front of me with a knife to my throat.

"Don't move. And don't say a word." She threatened. "Listen good because I won't repeat myself. I fucking hate you. I want to watch you bleed. I want to watch the life leave your eyes."

I started shaking in fear. Looking into her eyes I saw nothing but hate and anger.

"But I won't." She spoke. "Not yet anyway. You see, for some reason everyone here buys into your bullshit. But I don't. I know you. You once told me you were nothing like your father or sister. But you're exactly like them."


"I'm talking!" She yelled in a whisper. "Now I love these people. I love them more than anything. And if I see you step out of line, even for a millisecond. I will make sure to kill you the slowest and most painfullest way imaginable."

She removes the knife from my neck and stands up. Then she walks to the cottage and opened the door before turning to me.

"Goodnight Keith." She said with sinister smile. "Don't let the walkers bite."

I noticed that I was still shaking in fear. I didn't realize how much I hurt her until now. She was so nice to me when we were imprisoned together. And I ruined that. Maybe I am just like dad and Anna.

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