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Ella's POV

Sasha and I were on watch and saw Rachel's car. I went down to open the gate and when I did I noticed that Blake was driving and Amy was in the passenger's seat and I didn't see Rachel at all.

"Where's your mom?" I asked Blake as they got out of the car.

"She's with my dad." He told me.

"Your dad?!" I asked surprised. "But I thought..."

"We did too." Blake said. "But we found out he's a leader of a group in Augusta. She said she would get a ride back with my dad."

"Plus, they gave us supplies." Amy said as she unloaded the back of car.

She's with Blake's dad?! Who's alive?! That didn't make any sense. When I talked to her about him she told me how she never loved him and only married him because of her mother. So why would she willingly decide to stay with him.

"Hey." Sasha said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You ok?"

"Yeah...I'm fine." I told her as I climb back up and go back on watch.


Later that night Sasha and I heard rustling coming from the forest. Sasha aims her sniper riffle towards the forest and a shine my flashlight in the same direction. We see a man come out from the forest and runs towards the gate panting.

" this Cliff House?" He asked while panting.

"Who wants to know?" Sasha asked.

"I'm Peter." He told us. "Blake's father."

I was a little bit skeptical about letting him in, but Sasha went down and opened the gate for him before I could say anything. After Sasha shuts the gate, Blake and Carl come running over.

"Dad, are you ok?" Blake asked.

"I...I'm fine." He said still out of breath. "Just...a little...out of breath."

"Where's mom?" Blake asked him.

"I'm sorry." Peter said as he looks up at Blake. When he does I notice tears in his eyes. "While we were driving, we got surrounded by the dead. Too many of them. Your mother she...she got out through the sunroof. She jumped in the herd and tried to lure them away. But...she didn't get far, before I watched them... I ended up abandoning the car and had to get here on foot. She sacrificed herself to save me. I'm so sorry, son."

At this point both Blake and Peter were in tears. Blake ran into his father's arms balling his eyes out. Even Carl and Sasha looked pretty devastated. But I wasn't. I wasn't even sad. If anything, I was mad. Mad that this fucker was lying straight to his son's face about his mother being dead.


Within an hour or two everyone heard about what 'supposedly' happened to Rachel. Everyone was pretty upset, except for Daryl who hasn't really shown any emotion since Carol died. But I knew that Rachel wasn't dead, or even if she was it didn't go down the way Peter told us. I went to Rick's room to talk to him about it and knocked on his door.

"Um...who is it?" Rick asked through the door.

"It's Ella." I told him. "I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?"

"Um...just give me a minute." He said.

I wait for a minute and hear a lot of moving around in there. I'm also pretty sure I heard him talking to someone. Just then Rick opens the door.

"Come in." He told me.

I walk in and see Michonne sitting awkwardly on the bed. I notice that the two of them are exchanging some weird looks, but I ignore that and get straight to the point.

"I've been thinking about what Peter told us about Rachel and I just don't believe it." I tell them.

"Look Ella." Michonne said as she gets up and walks over to me. "I know you and Rachel were close and being in denial is totally..."

"I'm not in denial!" I cut her off. "It's that his story doesn't make any sense. There's no way Rachel would sacrifice herself for him."

"Maybe she would." Rick said. "I mean they were married and in love and..."

"Not they weren't!" I yelled before taking a deep breath. "When we first met she told me how she never loved him and only married him because of her mother."

"Maybe she did it for Blake?" Michonne suggested. "He already thought he lost his father once, maybe she didn't want him to go through that again."

"Look, Ella..."

"Don't even." I told him before storming out of there room.

I was just so frustrated that they wouldn't believe me. They thought I was in denial, but I know I wasn't. And I was gonna prove it.

"I believe you." I heard a voice say before I turn around and see Carl. "About Blake's dad lying, I believe you."

"Really?" I asked. "Why would you believe me if your dad and Michonne don't?"

"Because besides Blake, you were the closest to her." He told me. "And if you believe Rachel wouldn't sacrifice herself for Peter, then you're probably right. But we're gonna need to get some proof."

"And I think I know a way how to." I told him.

Carl follows me outside and I opened up the gate. Then the two of us get in the car and drive out, but we make sure to close the gate before we start driving off.


As we were driving I found myself tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Carl and I have been on the road for a while in complete silence. It was kinda awkward so I tried to think of something to talk to him about.

"So...are you and Blake having sex?" I asked him.

"What?!" He asked. "No! Why would you ask me that?!"

"I don't know, it was awkwardly silent and I was trying to think about something to talk about."

"Then can we talk about something else?"

"Fine." I told him. We drive in silent for a few moments before I ask him something else. "So you know your dad and Michonne are banging, right?"

I hear him groan in embarrassment before he puts his head in his hand.

"Unfortunately, I do know." He told me. "A few days ago I went to tell my dad goodnight, but before I could, I...heard stuff."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I looked over at him and noticed that he was slightly laughing too.

"Can we please stop talking about mine and/or my dad's sex life?" He asked.

"I don't think that'll be a problem." I tell him. "Look."

I slowly put on the brakes and stop the car as I see a car on the side of the road. We get out of the car and start to look around the abandoned car.

"Do you think this was Peter's?" Carl asked.

"I'm pretty sure." I tell him. "And look, not a walker in sight."

"Well they could have just left?" Carl suggested.

"That's true." I said. "But look at the ground."

"What about it?" He asked.

"There's no blood on the ground." I tell him. "In Peter's story, he said that he saw them get her. So if they did then there would be blood around here."

"Also, didn't he say that she got out through the sunroof?" Carl asked from inside the car and I nod. "The sunroofs shut, and the button to open it is broken."

I watch as Carl repeated press the sunroof button and notice that nothing happens.

"That it! We got out proof. We can prove he lied." I tell him.

"Hey, Ella." I hear him call me. "Check this out."

Carl hands me a map and I look at it. I notice that there's a circled spot and 'Cliff House' is written over it. I also see a line from the circle to a part of the map.

"This must be where he lives." I tell him.

"We can go there now and get Rachel back." He said.

The two of us get back in our car before we start driving towards Augusta to get Rachel back.


Once again there was an awkward silence between the two of us. I was thinking of something to say to him but he beat me to it.

"So I have a question for you?" He asked me.

"Ask away." I tell him.

"You and Rachel. Are you two like...together?" He asked.

"What?! No! Nothing happened between us." I tell him.

"Ok..." He said. "But do you want something to happen?"

"" I said not able to give a real answer.

Truth was I really wanted to. Ever since we met I've always been attracted to her. But I was always too scared to tell her the truth.

"Stop the car." Carl told me as I slam on the breaks.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He pointed and I saw these big metal walls in the distance.

"That must be it." I tell him.

"We should continue on foot." He tells me. "The car will cause too much attention, and we can try to find a way to sneak in."

I nod and we get out of the car. When we get to the metal walls and walk entirely around the barrier. We looked for a secret way in, but we couldn't find one.

"Now what?" Carl whispered. "There's no way in."

Before I could answer a bright light shined down on us nearly blinding us.

"Don't move." We heard a voice say.

Once my vision adjusted I could see a bunch of people with guns aiming at us. Carl and I looked at each other before nodding and agreeing to do what they say. A bunch of people come and handcuffed out hands behind our backs.

"What should we do with them?" One of the men asked.

"Winston's still gone, he'll decide what to do when he comes back." A woman said. "For now we should put him with the other one."

Other one? Could they be talking about Rachel?

All of a sudden a bag gets thrown over my head and I can't see anything. I feel a gun pointed at my back and follow the direction they were leading me. I hear a door open before getting thrown to the ground and hearing a slam. I start to shake my head like a dog trying to get the bag off of my head. Once I do, I see Rachel sitting in the corner with her hands behind her back.

"Rachel?!" I said glad that she's alive.

"Ella?!" She asked shocked. "Is that Blake?"

"No." Carl said as he shakes off the bag over his head.

"Carl?! How the hell did you guys get here?!" She asked.

"Peter came to Cliff House and told us you died." Carl told her.

"We knew he was lying so we found this place to rescue you." I tell her.

"Well, you two did a great job." She said sarcastically.

"Now that we found you, can I ask why your husband would lock us up?" Carl asked Rachel.

"I know he locked me up because I threatened to tell everyone what he did." She told us. "And since he's not here, they probably just put you in here until he gets back."

"But they mentioned someone named Winston." I told her. "Is he the leader or is Peter?"

"Peter is Winston." She tells me. "He goes by Winston here to hide what he did."

"What did he do exactly?" Carl asked her.

"Something bad." Rachel told us. "Something that ruined everything."

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