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Carl's POV


I immediately woke up after hearing someone repeatedly call my name.  I recognized the voice to be Blake.  So I threw on my robe and ran downstairs to meet him.  I noticed him standing in the open doorway with a worried look on his face.

"Is everything ok?"  I asked.

"No."  He told me.  "Come with me."

I followed him out the door and down the street.  I noticed that up ahead their was a huge crowd of people surrounding a house.  I didn't know who's house it was, but I soon learned why their was a crowd of people surrounding it.

Tied to the reeling of the house was a walker with a pool of blood and guts hanging in front of him.  But this wasn't just some random walker, I recognized this one.  He was a former Blaze Tribe member.  I didn't really know his name or anything specific about him, but I recognized his face.

I can't believe this happened again.  It hasn't even been twenty-four hours and two people have already been killed.  Who's doing this?  And why now?  But I couldn't worry about that now, I had to handle this crowd of people.

"Everyone."  I yelled getting everyone's attention.  "I need all of you to go to the stage now!  We'll figure this out there!"

I could see the sad and worried looks on the majority of their faces before they turned and started heading to the stage.  Then I noticed Zelda run over to me.

"It happened again."  She said when she saw the undead body.

"How could this have happened?!"  I asked.  "Just yesterday we learned there was a killer and now they already claimed their second victim."

"It must have happened some time last night."  Blake told me.  "But how?"

"Pretty easily I'm assuming."  Zelda said as she examined the walker.  "All the guards we have are up along the walls.  And since we're in the middle of town, they could have snuck around easily."

"Zelda, want to do another autopsy of the body?"  I asked.

"I'm on it."  She said.

Then she stabbed the walker in the head with a knife.  And cut him down from the rope before flinging him over her shoulder.

"I'll meet you in your office later and let you know what I find."  She told me before walking off with the dead body over her shoulder.

"We should get to the stage."  Blake told me.  "All those people are gonna want some answers."

Blake and I walked to the stage hand in hand.  Once we got there I got up on the stage and tried to get everyone's attention.

"I need everyone to settle down!"  I told them.  "I'm sure you're all worried about what happened."

"Who killed Spencer?!"  I heard a crying lady call out.

"We don't know yet, but we're trying to figure that out."  I answered.

"How long will that take?!"

"Are we even safe here?!"

"Has anyone else been killed?!"

I kept hearing a bunch of people asking me questions all at the same time.  I could tell they were scared and worried and maybe they deserved to know the truth.

"Everyone listen up!"  I yelled quieting everyone else down.  "Yesterday evening before Tommy and Amy's wedding, we found Father Johnathan dead in his room."

Everyone gasped.

"At first we thought it was a suicide because he was hanged."  I tell them.  "But after further investigation we came to the conclusion that he was strangled.  So now that there is a killer in here I need everyone to be extra careful.  Everyone will be in their houses at soon as the sun goes down with the exception of guards."

"What if one of the guards is the killer?!"  Someone shouted.

"I personally have interviewed every guard and I trust them 100%."  I tell them.

"That's easy for you to say."  I heard a voice say.  "You're not the one in danger."

"What are you talking about?"  I asked him.  "We're all in danger."

"Well so far the only people to get killed have been Blaze Tribe members."  He said.  "So it seems like we're the only ones in danger."

"Maybe you deserve it."  A former prisoner said.  "Some of us prisoners were trapped suffering for years.  So maybe the killer's doing us a favor."

"You want to say that to my face."  The ex Blaze Tribe member said making his way towards the ex prisoner.

"I just did."  The ex prisoner told him now face to face.

Then before I knew an all out fight broke out.  People were punching and kicked and tackling each other.

"Hey!  Stop!"  I yelled trying to get them to stop.  "Enough!  Listen to me!"


Everyone froze and stopped their fighting and turned to see where the gunshot came from, as did I.  There we saw Blaze aiming a gun in the air and then aims it towards the two people who started the fight.

"Next person to throw another punch gets a bullet in the face."  He told them sternly.

"We can't start turning on one another."  I told everyone.  "And we all have to put these past differences behind us.  It doesn't matter who used to be part of the Blaze Tribe and who used to be a prisoner.  Because at the end of the day we all have one very important thing in common.  We're alive.  And as soon as we start turning on each other, then we're no better than the dead walking outside those walls."

I noticed that everyone seemed to have calmed down.  I wasn't sure if it was what I said, or maybe it was Blake's threat, but it seemed to have worked.  After words I dismissed everyone and they all started to leave.  Except for Blake, who came over to me.

"Well that got pretty heated."  Blake told me.

"I just wished that they could try to get along."  I told him.

"Well it's not easy.  I know it wasn't for me."  He told me.  "At first I thought you were crazy for sparing Vlad and trying to start something with the Blaze Tribe.  But you really have made things better for all of us here."

"I wouldn't call this better."  I tell him.  "I mean there's a killer running lose and the people here hate each other."

"This killer isn't your fault."  He told me.  "You're doing everything you can to find out who it is and stop them.  And if I know you, and I do, I know that everything will work out in the end."

"Thanks."  I said feeling a lot better about myself.  "I should probably head back to my office and get information from Zelda."

"Do you want me to come with you?"  He asked.

"I was actually hoping you could go get Judith and RJ from Amy's."  I said.  "After everything going on I think it's better to keep them close and since Michonne's on watch..."

"Say no more."  He cut me off.  "I got them."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we both went our separate ways.  After I arrived at my office I noticed Zelda was sitting there waiting for me.

"You're here already."  I said a little shocked.

"How'd everything go with everyone?"  She asked.

"I told them everything."  I admitted.  "Even about Father Johnathan.  I know you didn't want me to but I didn't want to have to lie to them."

"I get it."  She said.  "The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret was so that people won't know theirs a killer.  But after what happened with Spencer, there's no need to hide it now."

"So what did you find out in the autopsy?"  I asked as I sit in my chair.

"Well his guts were ripped out so that's what killed him."  She told me.

"Anything else?"  I asked.

"Nothing to do with the autopsy."  She told me.  "But a couple things did occur to me regarding the killer."

"Do you know who it is?!"  I asked sounding a bit too hopeful.

"I don't know who it is."  She told me.  "But I do have some suspects."

"Really?!"  I asked.  "Who?!"

"Before I get to that I want to ask you, did you notice anything different between Father Johnathan's death and Spencer's death?"  She asked.

I thought about it for a second and only one thing came to mind.

"Well Father Johnathan was killed by strangulation and Spencer was killed by getting gutted, right?"  I said a little unsure.

"Well yeah.  But I mean less about their actual death and more about how the bodies were found?"  She asked.


"Father Johnathan's death was staged to look like a suicide, where as Spencer's death wasn't."  She told me.

"Oh." I said.  "What about it?"

"Well my thought was why would the killer go through the trouble to make their first kill look like a suicide and not the second one."

"Maybe because the killer couldn't find a way to make Spencer's death look like a suicide."  I said.  "After all they probably couldn't strangle him and cutting his stomach open is a pretty hard to do to yourself."

"But the killer could have strangled him."  She told me.  "They had the rope to tie him to the reeling, they could have used it to strangle and hang him just like before."

"Then why didn't they?"  I asked now very confused.

"The only reason I could think of is because at some point between killing Father Johnathan and killing Spencer, the killer figured out we were on to them."  She told me.

"But how?!"  I asked.  "The only people that knew were..."  And then I realized what she was saying.  "Wait...are you saying..."

"I'm saying, that between me and you, Blake, Keith, Tommy, Amy, Rachel, Michonne, Maggie, Joey, Katie, Ted and Mark, odds are one of us is killer."

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