Think With Your Head

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Carl's POV

"I'm saying, that between me and you, Blake, Keith, Tommy, Amy, Rachel, Michonne, Maggie, Joey, Katie, Ted and Mark, odds are one of us is the killer."

"No."  I blurted out.  "I can't believe that."


"No!"  I yelled.  "You can't expect me to believe that the killer is someone I've grown to care about.  Someone who I call family."

"I don't like it anymore than you do, but we gotta face facts."  She told me.  "People are dying and they'll probably keep dying if we don't figure out who it is."

"How don't I know it's you?"  I asked.  "You added yourself on the list of suspects didn't you."

"I'm glad you're thinking like that."  She said with a slight smile.

"Like what?"  I asked confused.

"You're starting to think with your head and not with your heart."  She told me.  "And as for me being the killer, I know I'm not, but I guess I'll just have to prove it to you."

"Why are you telling me this?"  I asked.  "You don't know if I'm the killer."

"I don't."  She told me.  "But I know I can't solve this by myself.  And out of everyone, you're the least likely person to do it."

I didn't really have a response to that.  I guess I'm glad she trusts me, but I still can't wrap my head around it.  I've known some of these people for years and just thinking that one of them could go around murdering innocent people.

"And by the way, I think it's best if we don't tell anyone about this."  Zelda told me.

She probably thought I'd go tell Blake or Michonne about this.  Which to be fair, I was kinda planning on it.

"Because hypothetically if you were to go tell Blake or Michonne or someone else about this."  She started.  "And they ended up being the killer..."

"They wouldn't kill us."  I cut off her.  "And they're not the killer."

"Hypothetically."  She reminded me.

"They wouldn't do it hypothetically either."  I told her.

She let out a disappointed sigh.

"Ok, well the more people that know about this the more likely the killer will find out."  She told me.  "And odds are the killer will come after us.  Plus the more people that know about this, the more people we'll be putting in danger too."

She was right.  If I told Blake or Michonne or anyone about this, I'd be putting them in danger.  Then I noticed that she got up and started heading for the door.

"Do you think the killer is the mole?"  I blurt out before she leaves.

She stops in her place and then turns her head to face me.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind."  She told me.  "But I don't think so."

"You don't?"

"I don't think there ever was a mole.  Cause if there was then they did nothing to stop us from defeating Vlad.  Plus he's been locked up for a over a year and not once was anyone caught trying to break him out.  And why would the mole, who was supposed to be part of the Blaze Tribe, only kill former Blaze Tribe members and wait a year to start doing it?"

"So the mole thing was just some bullshit Anna told you to throw us off."

"I mean anything's possible, but it looks that way."

Then she walked out of my office.  And everything she just told me all started going through my head at once.  And it all started to make sense.  Then a sudden knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Come in."  I said as Ted walked in and sat across from me.

"I wanted to ask you something?"  Ted asked sounding kinda nervous.

"Ok."  I said waiting for him to answer.

"Well Joey's birthday is tomorrow."  He told me.  "Or at least I think it is...or maybe it's coming up...or maybe it already happened...Or..."

"Ted."  I cut him off.  "Get to the point."

"Oh, right sorry."  He apologized.  "Anyway I was thinking that maybe we could throw him a little party.  And I know that's kinda a stupid thing to ask with everything going on, but he's always wanted a party and our parents were always too busy with work to actually throw him one and..."

"Ted."  I cut him off once again.  "It's fine, you can throw him a party.  But you know you could have just done that without telling me."

"I's just I was hoping you would come."

"Um...yeah, I'll try to stop by if I can."  I tell him.

"Cool, thanks."  He said before he got up and left.

It was kinda odd having him come here and ask for a party, especially with a killer running around.  Plus that fact that he's one of the suspects to be the killer.  But at the same time it also made me happy.  Because even though all this shit is happening he's still trying to push past that and try to make a normal life.  And that's exactly what I wanted to happen.


I woke up the next morning and immediately noticed that Blake wasn't next to me.  And instantly I started to panic.

"Blake!"  I yelled.

"What?"  I heard him ask as he walked in with a plate of food.  "Is everything ok?

"Um...yeah."  I said.  "I just didn't know where you were."

"I got up early and decided to make you breakfast."  He told me before handing me the plate of food.

"Thanks."  I said before taking the fork and start eating.  "By the way, we're gonna be going to Joey's birthday party."

"What?"  He asked confused.

"Ted wanted to throw him a party and I told him that we'd try to go."  I explain.

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?"  He asked sounding concerned.  "Especially with a killer running around."

"I know, but we really need a win right now."  I tell him.  "And I think coming together for a celebration is a great win for us."

"I guess you're right.  So what time are we supposed to be there?"  He asked.

"Um...I don't know."  I said as I thought about it.  "I don't think he gave me a time.  I'm assuming sometime this afternoon."

"Oh, so I guess we have some time to kill."  He said raising his eyebrows.

Then all of the sudden I felt his lips latch onto mine.  And before I knew it he was on top of me.  I heard the plate crash as we knocked it off the bed.  I felt his lips start to move down as he sucked on my neck.


Blake and I both let out a loud groan as he gets off of me.  Then the two of us walk downstairs and opened the door revealing Tommy.

"Is this important?"  I asked a little annoyed.

"Y-yeah."  He said with a worried look on his face.

"Shit."  Blake muttered probably also noticing the look he had.

We saw a bunch of people running down the street and the three of us immediately followed them.

"Who is it this time?"  Blake asked as we ran.

"I don't know, I didn't see it."  Tommy told us.  "All I saw was a big crowd of people and screams."

We started to notice the crowd of people by the eastern wall.  The three of us pushed through the crowd until we saw it...

One the ground was a walker.  I noticed it's mouth was covered with some sort of cloth and it's wrists and ankles were tied to stakes planted on the ground keeping it from moving.  I also saw it's fingers have been cut off.

And that walker, was Joey.

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