Ch. 5 | The Kitchen Floor

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Ch. 5 | The Kitchen Floor

          My voice rolled out so solemnly, "Hey..." Honestly, I couldn't believe he even answered. My eyes drifted over to the clock. Keri was probably at work is why.

"I, uh... Sorry I haven't talked to you much." Ghost responded. My mind had to pause to think of just the right thing to say and in that time he got nervous. "I know I've been a terrible friend and bandmate and all but I just haven't felt me an-"

"Hey, it's okay." I cut him off, "Take all the time in the world. We've all just been worried, you know? I wouldn't even be bothering you but, um... M-My sister and her fiancé are taking a trip to LA and wanted me to come out to see them since I'm off tour. I just was wondering if I could see you while I was out there?"

"Uh, yes!" I could practically picture that look on his face he gets when I say something underrated. He asked, "Do you need a place to stay?"

I wanted to stay with him like we've done in the past. We enjoy each other's company, but... He lives with Keri. Yeah, it's probably best I avoid that situation. That would be just asking for trouble.

"No, thanks. I'm staying in a hotel by your house though." I replied, "I'll text you the dates of my stay."

His tone dropped suddenly, "Good, because I have to go. Keri just got home."

"Alright," I sighed without even meaning to, "Have a good night."

"It's still daylight here." He snickered, "But, yeah, you too."



I lingered on the call for a moment longer but he was quick to hang up. He probably just didn't want trouble with his asshole boyfriend. They fight like cats and dogs whenever I've been exposed to their relationship. Ghost must have Stockholm's or something because he still loves him beyond belief. I'll never understand it because when I was in that situation with Jessica, I woke up. I got myself the fuck out of there. Now she's pretty much nothing and I'm rather successful. Bad things do eventually happen to bad people. Following that logic, Keri should be hit by a bus any day now.

Ryan walked back into the kitchen. Somehow over the ten minutes he was gone, he scarfed down that entire container of rice. He tossed it in the trash and put the spoon beside the sink. I rolled my eyes to myself and took his spoon, putting it in the dishwasher. I swear he is allergic to the dishwasher or something. He never does dishes or even bothers putting dirty dishes in there.

"So, when are you going to visit him?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow, "Were you listening in?"

Ryan shrugged as he opened the freezer, "It's a small house. I can't help it if my ears happen to hear things."

"Riiight." I patronized him and he only laughed. "I don't know when I'm going to go, but I'm going to have to let my sister know I'm using her as an excuse."

He pushed the freezer door shut with his foot and the set the chocolate ice cream on the counter. "I'm sure she'll be cool with it. She's pretty chill. You shouldn't need an excuse to go see him though."

"Keri would kill me if I went out there just 'cause. He'd accuse me of moving in on what's "his"."

"Well, are you?" He asked. I sighed dramatically and sunk down to the floor. Ryan opened the silverware drawer and handed me a spoon. "That answers that."

"I haven't eaten dinner yet." I replied.

He sat down next to me on the floor with the tub of ice cream that we're already halfway through. By we I mean me mostly. I eat sugar when I'm stressed and depressed, and I've been a little of both lately.

Ryan gave me a "really?" kind of look. "Since when did you start giving a shit about your diet?"

"Okay, true."

Well, it's not like we have the option for good diets on the bus anyways! It's habit. A habit I've had since I was thirteen and could barely play guitar let alone was touring, but that's besides the point. I stress myself out so much that I'm still skinny enough.

"You have feelings for him?" He asked.

"I don't know... I, I just don't know. I've always had no issue saying I love him, but I mean that in a brotherly way. At least that's what I've always thought..."


I sighed again, "But, when he smiles and laughs... I smile, and I feel so different inside. In a way I would never feel looking at any other guy. I'm not into guys, but... I think I might be into Ghost."

"You think or you know?" He asked, and as the words came out of his mouth, I found myself crawling back to the freezer. "What are you doing?"

I grabbed the Fireball out of the bottom shelf. As the freezer door shut, I fell against it. "Ice cream doesn't fix everything."

"Whiskey doesn't either."

After taking a large drink straight from the bottle, I replied, "You fuckin' sound like Chris."

His soulful eyes lingered on me for a moment. "About the whiskey? Or about Ghost?"

I took another shot off the bottle. My sights diverted away as I muttered, "Both."

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