Chapter Four

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I'm what was worse. That he fell asleep or what would happen if he didn't. Because I... He's warm. I didn't intend to cuddle with him.

As long as I didn't say anything in my sleep that he heard, I should be fine. But apparently with him sleeping, he didn't mind me being there. When I went to move my arms and what not, he whined and rolled over to just do to me what I did to him. So I was trapped.

Figuring that whatever, we have a half hour before lunch, I just went to see if anyone had texted me or anything. And maybe five minutes after I woke up, Percy did, and he wasn't expecting to be cuddling me in my bed.

He didn't just jump. He fell off of my bed.

Percy groaned from the floor and I rolled to look down at him.

"You okay?" I asked the son of Poseidon from above.

"Uh, yeah." He assured me. "I didn't really hit anything aside the floor. You could've woken me up."

"I got up five minutes ago." I remarked, helping him back up. "And I didn't know when you fell asleep. If it was before or after me. Sorry, by the way. I was tired."

Yawning, Percy insisted it was no big deal, he was tired, too. We both got some sleep so it was a win win thing.

Just as long as he didn't think I'm gay.  I mean, I am. And I'm beyond the point of even trying to get over him. But he doesn't need to know that. Maybe when he gets married to Annabeth.



Guess what got to me?

You guess it. My feelings. And nerves.

So heading to lunch, I headed out a minute or so earlier than Nico just because he had to change into decent clothes (I thought he looked hot in what he had but I kept my mouth shut) before walking out in public.

The table rule lifted, I sat with everyone as they freaked out about me being back. It was fine, though. Annabeth was one side of me, Grover in the other. And it...

I could feel Chiron's eyes when he looked at me and Annabeth. How he wouldn't say anything as much as I know he would want to tell me that I don't have to do this. I don't have to be with her. I can be happy. With a him. Because I'm gay.

Once I had finished my food, it was just getting on my nerves. Every time she touched me or flirted or said anything sexual. It... I broke my promise to myself and took her to a little branched off part of the beach that I liked to go to. Close to my cabin. I've never brought anyone here.

This is where I do my thinking. This is where I'd break up with my girlfriend.

"Hey, are you alright?" Annabeth asked me, sounding as worried as ever. Like she always seems to be. "You seemed a little tense at lunch."

"Yeah..." I was slow to say that, though, which made her continue to worry. "Um, so you're going to hate me after this. And I will completely understand if you never went anything to do with me after this. But we need to talk."

The last time I said that was never. But we sat down and she tried to be all touchy and I just... I couldn't. 

She grabbed my hand, I pulled away. She rubbed my arm, I tensed up. It was wrong.

"I'll never hate you." Was a promise she made blindly. "What's going on?"

That was when she went to take my hand and I pulled away. Which seemed to hurt her feelings a little.

"That," I tried to explain something I've never explained before. In this position. I explained liking guys and not girls to Chiron. That was years ago, though. "I can't... I should've never agreed to go out with you, Annabeth. To go out and lead you on and pretend that... You're like my sister, Annabeth. And it's not because of you. It's not because you're touchy or you're really smart or anything like that. It's just..."

I bit down on my lip.

"You're a girl." It was the first time I came out knowing what I was. "And I don't do girls, I do guys. I just didn't want to let you down and I really don't want to come out. But it was... Being back at lunch I couldn't do it. I'm sorry, and I know it was an asshole move and I shouldn't have—"

Had she not stopped me, I would've fallen into an anxiety attack. I've done it one other time.

"Percy." My now ex girlfriend cut me off. "You have nothing to be sorry for. If you're afraid to come out, it's fairly normal to date somebody as a cover up. And plus, I had a hunch. I just assumed that you we're bi. Don't sweat over it. But I do have a class of little kids to go teach. You coming with?"

Okay, wow. She took that a lot better than I ever would've assumed.

"Uh, no, I'm good." I turned down the offer. "I'm going to stay here for a few minutes so I don't like have an anxiety attack later on."

"Suit yourself." Annabeth told me, standing up. "Don't worry, though. I won't tell anyone. If they ask why we broke up, I'll make up some bullshit on the fly."

"Thanks. I will, too."


Food was good. It was amazing.

Percy after weird the entirety of lunch, though. And nobody really knew where he was after lunch. But I met up with Jason, Piper, Grover, and Annabeth. Waiting on Percy. He said he'd be here any minute.

"He was acting weird at lunch." Jason pointed that out to Annabeth. "Did he tell you anything?"

"Uh, yeah." Annabeth answered his questioned pretty quickly and thought for a moment. "Pulled me to a little part of the beach and we broke up. Or, he broke up with me. He was dead for a week and now he's uncomfortable with our relationship. But it's cool. I'll move on."

I... Oh. Okay then. So he's single then.

Jason gave me a look.

"What?" I asked him, not wanting to be outed right now.

"I don't know." He lied, shrugging it off.


Dinner went by nicely. I wasn't tensing up every ten seconds. So between Dinner and campfire, I headed to the Big House, unaware that people could hear me in there.

Unaware that the person that heard me, aside Mr. D because I don't care if he knows anything, was Nico. The last person I wanted to tell because one, gay in the 40s was taboo and I don't know how he stands. But also I have a huge crush on him and don't want to explain that.

But Chiron was willing to talk, so I sat down across from him and it was like 6th grade all over again.

"What's going on, my boy?" Chiron asked as I sat down across from him. "You're next to never here to talk about you. Is everything alright with Annabeth and yourself?"

I shrugged.

"I guess." I told him, unsure of how he meant that. "Like, we broke up. But we're cool so... At least I think we are. She didn't freak out on me about it. So I think we're good."

That was news to him.

"You guys broke up?" The centaur questioned, a bit shocked by that. "Why? What happened?"

"I uh..." I really didn't know how else to phrase it. "I got my head out of my ass and said that you know, I'm gay. I'm dating a girl I never actually liked. I'm uncomfortable. We need to break up. So like she didn't freak out. She was fine when I did tell her that I am gay. And she promised not to tell anyone. But uh... I've gotten this far. How do I like tell anyone else that I'm gay?"

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