Chapter Seven

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I went to camp to give Percy his birthday present. It was his birthday in a week, but I couldn't be here for his birthday. So I'm here now.

It was 7:45, and normally Percy is awake at 7. So I walked into his room, expecting that he'd just he relaxing or getting ready for the day or something.

But no. He was still sleeping. And he was not alone. And he was not with Annabeth. He was with Nico.

I slipped out of his room and put the box down, going to find Grover. He would know what happened. I don't want to wake Percy and Nico.

"Grover!" I yelled at the satyr, getting him to turn around. He was walking around with Thalia and uh... I think he was Leo.

"Tyson!" Grover seemed happy to see me, at least. I gave him a big hug, knowing when to back off. "I didn't think you'd be at camp."

"I'm here for the day." I explained. "I was about to go see Percy, but he's asleep still. Did him and Annabeth break up?"

They were really cute together. Percy and Annabeth.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Percys best friend confirmed that for me. "Yesterday. I can't really say why. Like, I know. They just don't want others knowing. And Percy doesn't know I know."

"Is it because he likes Nico?"

The pop Leo had did not stay in his mouth, nor did Thalia's coffee. Grover just looked at me.

"I don't...." He started off. "Where did you get that idea from even?"

I told them to follow me back to Percy's and I's cabin. His door was still cracked open. They hadn't really moved at all. Still in there. Spooning. Hands overlapping. Being all adorable.

"Well I'll be damned." Thalia remarked. "All three of the big three are gay."

"Wouldn't that just make Percy bi, though?" Leo questioned as we let them sleep in peace. Grover shook his head.

"He's gay." Grover knew what was up. "That's why he broke up with Annabeth yesterday. He didn't want people knowing. But I mean, now there's... 6 of us?"


Guess who got a photo of them sleeping just in case they tried to deny it?

Nobody should trust me with this information. Because I met with the four lovebirds (Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Piper) for breakfast and boy did I have news for them.

"Okay, before you blow up and start rambling or something." My best friend noticed my jumpiness. "What has you so excited?"

"So before I say it." I explained to them and looked at the daughter of Pluto. "Promise that, no matter what, you'll try to understand and won't freak out."

"I don't know why I would." Hazel remarked as if she wasn't homophobic. "Spill your guts."

"Percy and Nico are together."

They all dropped their forks and kind of store at me.

I wasn't sure if Hazel was mad or shocked. Or both.

"They're what?" Frank was the one to ask, though.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it, either." I assured them if that. "Percys brother asked Grover about him and Annabeth and Grover said they broke up. Wasn't allowed to say why. Tyson suggested that and we all kind of gave him a weird look and he brought us to their cabin and Percy's door was cracked open and I mean..."

I slid my phone over with the photo open.

"They're sleeping together." I confirmed that much for them. "That's where Nico was last night. According to Grover, Percy broke up with Annabeth because he's gay and it was getting to be too much for him. He didn't want people to know. But what can you do when he does this? Kind of hard to keep it a secret at that point."

They all examined the photo. Making sure that it was Nico with Percy. And it was. They were spooning as they slept and it was goals.

"I can't believe he actually did that." Jason commented. "Nico didn't have the confidence to even tell Percy he liked him we of right after the break up yesterday. Much less sleep with the guy."

"You lied to me?" Piper accused her boyfriend of that. "I asked you if Nico had a thing for Percy. You said you didn't know and assumed he didn't."

"Sorry." Jason apologized to his girlfriend. "He didn't like the idea of being out. He threatened me when I suggested he come out."

"Yeah," Hazel agreed to the idea of that. "I don't think he really cares anymore.."

We're we amazed that she was pissed the fuck off? Yes. Yes we were.

"You're not mad?" I asked Nico's sister.

"No," the daughter of Pluto assured us. "I'm more mad that he never told me anything about this. I was always persistent that he wasn't gay or bi because he always snapped at me whenever I mentioned that if he had girl OR GUY problems I was there. He always insisted he was straight. Women. Son of a bitch lied to me. And Percy... I don't know why. But I'm not too surprised by that. I once caught him checking out Frank when he had amnesia. It was fucking hilarious."

"He checked me out?" Frank didn't recall that memory.

"He checked all of the guys out on the Argo." Hazel added on. "Jason, he really liked your butt. I don't know what he likes with you, Leo. He store at you a lot, though. Annabeth got mad at him for it, once. And Nico.... It was a mystery how Nico didn't notice that Percy wanted him more than anything."

"Well he's noticed now." I remarked as Nico emerged from being missing and sat down next to me. I was lonely on this side of the bench. The four were all on the same side.

"So you decided to show up after all." Hazel remarked to her older brother as he sat down. Wearing Percy's sweater that I gave him because it was too big on me and he liked tøp. Which proved my theory all the better that they're actually a thing.

Nico pointed at his sister.

"I'm having a good morning," he told her. "I don't want to hear it. You're not ruining it."

Did you have some of that morning sex, Nico? It was going on 8:30, you've had plenty of time.

And had I said that out loud, he would've killed me.

Hazel did the thing. Just to get on his nerves a little bit for worrying her last night.

"Okay." She put her hands up in defeat as I saw Percy sit down with Grover and the others. They didn't want to make this public yet. "but if you ever have anything you need to talk about. Girl problems. Boy prob—"

"Hazel, we've had this talk." Nico reminded his sister. "I'm straight."

"Yeah." I added on. "As a unicorn riding a rainbow."

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