Chapter Seventeen

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Well shit.

Dad's not here to give me my money. I knew Nico was gay. I knew he liked Percy basically from the start. By the time we talked in the Labyrinth, he was head over heels for Percy but he wanted to act like he hated him. And he did. And I saw it in Percy. That he cared about my brother. One way or another he cared.

That's why I wanted Percy to tell Nico the news. That's why I gave Percy the statue.

Nico was obviously gay from the start. Girls were never icky to him, never had cooties. He had friends of both genders all the time, and I once caught him drawing him and a another boy together, holding hands or something while we were in the Lotus. They never went out. But Nico really liked him for a while.

But Percy came into our lives. And he confused me. Because on one hand, he cared so much for Annabeth and it was obvious she liked him even from what I saw. So I though they might've been together. But Grover assured me that they weren't. And when Percy told me about his talk with Nico before he left and how he yelled at me to not go into the monster... He's always cared about my brother. Nico looked up to the guy. He developed a crush and fell in love with him.

Nico looked a little terrified that I might go 40s on him, though. And I didn't.

"So your head is out of your ass?" I responded. " Gods, you've liked the dude since been met him. You had a crush on him by the time I was dead I'm pretty sure. It took you long enough."

"Hey," my little brother defended himself, now relaxed. "At least I'm not Percy. He dated Annabeth for almost a year. And he's gay, too. At least I didn't do anything like that. I just never came out and kept my mouth shut. Nobody asked. Nobody was told."

"Fair enough." I reasoned, not too surprised about what Percy did. "Three months though? That's a big deal, little bro. Why don't you live here, though? Like, I get his parents are here and all. But camp sucks."

He shrugged, opening a bottle of water. It was his type.

"It's never come up, I guess." Nico explained that to me. "I would love to live here. Percys family is great and his baby sister is the cutest thing ever. But it's never come up. I'm here a lot either way. But I don't know. Because they know mom's dead. But yeah. Camp could be worse. It has been worse. I get out we much as I can, though. If it's during the day I'll find a new part of the city or find something to do. If it's after school I normally come here. They don't care that I'm here."

Percy showed up with a bag of donuts and we popped in a movie to watch. When Bianca noticed we weren't really cuddling or anything, she subtly pushed me to be laying against Percy. And I adjusted it to be a bit comfier. If Bianca can sit there and get more annoyed by us not cuddling then cuddling, I will use that and cuddle all the time.

When Bianca went to the bathroom, I assured Percy that she knew. She actually knew before we knew. Like two years before. But she's cool with it. Rather us cuddle than not.

"I'm not going to complain then." My boyfriend told me, before cuddling up next to me.

She got back and we were passed out five minutes back in the movie.


They were the cutest fucking couple I've seen in a long time. And a little after they fell asleep, my phone started to ring. My dad's phone number.

"Hey, dad!" I remarked as I answered the phone, eating a little more popcorn. "What's up?"

"Bianca, it's you mother."

Well fuck me up and I suddenly felt like I ran a marathon. My heart did, at least.

"M..." I stuttered. "Mom?"

"Yeah!" My mom responded over the phone. "It's me! Where are you and your brother? Or at least you. Your dad tried this place called camp and they said you guys weren't there."

"Oh," I pulled out the piece of paper with Percy's address. "Yeah, were visiting with a friend. I have the address."

I gave them the address but didn't bother waking Percy or Nico up. This could be a nice surprise for him.


When we got there, it was Percy's apartment. And I knew that they were together. They've been together for a while. Nico hasn't told me yet. Percy hasn't said anything word to Poseidon about not being straight. But I have a daughter. She knows everything. Fills me in. Mr. D keeps us all up to date on our kids, too.

"Who..." Maria remarked as we approached the Jackson / Blofis (I think they're married now, Sally and Paul) home.

"A friend from camp." I explained to her. "Poseidon's son. He lives here with his mom."

I knocked on the door, expecting one of his parents to answer. But that didn't happen, and Bianca answered. Gave each of us a hug and we asked where Nico is.

"Oh, he sort of fell asleep on the couch." My daughter explained to us as she let us in. "They both did. Wake them up at your own risk."

This is where the risk of Maria freaking out came in. Seeing Nico literally sleeping with Percy. And yes, they were cuddled up and everything.

I'm just waiting for the awkward conversation that comes out of Nico telling me he had a boyfriend.

I had a feeling it might not happen, though. Just because of the whole they're cuddling and yeah.

Bianca, knowing I saw them, reached her hand out.

"I believe you owe me $10."

Okay, I was surprised when I found out he was gay and with Percy. But Percy surprised me even more so.

I mean, it makes sense now that it's been pointed out. Everyone just thought Percy and Annabeth would be like a fairly tale couple. Happily every after.

But I scarfed up the money I owed my oldest child and we gave them five minutes to get up before deciding they needed to be woken up.

The couch was fairly small. Nico accidentally rolled onto the floor, used to the bed that he could roll over on.

That woke Percy up. Between the thud and the missing blanket, they were both awake.

"Nico!" We all shouted, out of instinct. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." He responded, half asleep. "Why am I on the floor?"

"You tried to roll over, honey."

Not having noticed his mom, Percy must take to calling him that every once in a while, because Nico looked at him.

"What happened to your voice?" Nico asked his boyfriend, confused. "Isn't your voice deeper when you wake up?"

"I didn't say anything." Percy told him as he sat up. "the lady with your dad did."

"The l..." Nico looked up and he did have to do a double take. "Mom?"

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