Side Story : Shinso's Inspiration to Be A Hero

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AN- This has nothing to do with the actual storyline. Just some side stories that came into my dumb mine XD.

And hey, it's short so sorry if you want it to be longer.

Shinso's residence...

Shinso's POV

I sat on the sofa with Izuku sitting next to me. Mikorin was resting on her laps, already sleeping soundly since Izuku kept stroking her soft fur gently that it made her sleepy. We both were watching All Might's documentary video since Izuku suggested it. 

She really loves All Might, don't she?

I placed my arm behind her head, my fingers played with the strands of her hair. Izuku hummed delightly as she sat closer to me which made me smiled slightly. "Izu, why did you love All Might so much?" I asked her in curiousity. Izuku's eyes brightened up in excitement all of sudden.

"Because All Might is a true hero! He saves everyone with his awesome smile and fearlessly fights the villains for the sake of peace! He is my inspiration to be a hero!!" Izuku started fangirling so hard. She was so cute when she acted like this. I chuckled heartily at my girlfriend as I continued to play with her hair.

"Well, how about you Hitoshi? Who is your inspiration to be a hero?" Izuku asked with stars in her eyes. I guessed her otaku self was on the show now. I remained silent for a while, thinking about her question.

"Well... My inspiration is... Eraser Head..." I answered in low voice. Izuku gasped in surprise. "Ah, no wonder Aizawa-sensei trained you! He is your idol!" She chirped delightly after discovering new thing about me.

"So, how did he inspire you?" Izuku looked at me, silently waiting for my answer. "Well, actually..." I began telling her my story, the reason I wanted to be a hero.


10 years ago...

Third Person's POV

Little six year-old Hitoshi walked down the noisy street to his house with scratches and grazes on his face, looking down on his feet in gloom after getting beaten up by his schoolfriends. His messy purple hair foreshadow his pretty amethyst eyes.

No kids in his school or in the nerighbourhood liked him because of his villainous Quirk, Brainwashing, an ability that allowed him to control one's mind by having him or her answering his question.

Ever since his Quirk manifasted, Hitoshi had a hard time controlling it since he tended to accidentally activated his Quirk while talking with his friends. This made the parents felt worried with their kids's safety whenever Hitoshi tried to talk to his friends and so, the parents started telling their children not to get closed to him, making all of the kids around thought of him as a bad person.

After a while, the older kids started bullying him, beating him to pulp, making him did their homeworks and humiliating him in the school.
Hitoshi felt like the world really hated him since no one accepted him. Because of his Quirks, he lost all of his so called friends. But fortunately, his parents were there to support him and they became his strength to keep living.

Little Hitoshi finally arrived at his home, the only place he could feel save. He smiled upon his hand reaching for the doorknob that seemed too high for his short stature. "I'm home..." He murmured almost like a whisper but no answer.
'Mom and Dad are still at work...' He thought to himself. Hitoshi took off his small shoes and walked to the living room, placing his bag on a drawer nearby. He sat in front of the television and switched it on, watching the random cartoon that was on aired but it didn't make him laughed even a bit. He just looked down sadly, thinking about his bad day. He slowly turned his body with his back facing the TV, not wanting to be bothered.

"You can't be a hero with that villain's Quirk!"

"Ew, stay away from me, you freak!"

"Don't talk to him or he'll control you!"

"How about you just disappear from this world already? That'll make us feel at ease without you around, you villain!"

Those mean, cruel voices echoed in his mind, makong him shed tears. He craddled his legs together and buried his face in his knees, sobbing sorrowfully.

"Wow, look at him! He is the new hero!" The voice of a male reporter peaked Hitoshi's interest. He lifted his head up slightly and turned to look at the screen back, staring at the tv screen. An image of a black haired-man, his hair floating in the air with a special scarf used as weapon, wearing a yellow gogle appeared on the TV. Somehow, the new hero made Hitoshi felt very excited for the first time in his life. He just kept watching the TV. It was written there;

"NEW HERO: ERASER HEAD. A good start for the hero from UA."

Hitoshi's violet irises brightened up with amazement as he watched the hero fought the villains skillfully. "Beat him! Yeah!" He cheered loudly. A few minutes passed and the news ended with Eraser Head succeedded in defeating the villains.

Hitoshi couldn't stop smiling. His heart suddenly felt complete again after seeing the news. An idea popped up in his mind so he stood up, heading to the bathroom.

Hitoshi brought the stool in front of the sink to look in the mirror. He climbed onto the stool, his hand holding a comb. He started styling his hair like Eraser Head, looking like his hair was floating in the air. His eyes became stars when he observed himself in the mirror.

'That hero looks so cool! I want to be like him too! Who cares if I have villain's Quirk! I will still be a hero as cool as him!' Little Hitoshi made a promise to himself.

~The End~

Back to current time...

Shinso's POV

Izuku just stared at me silently after I ended my story. She suddenly gave me a warm, tight hug, startling Mikorin who was sleeping on her laps since she was moving without warning. Mikorin hopped from her laps.

"Hitoshi, I don't care about what kind of Quirk you have because as long as you have a good heart, then the Quirk you're wielding is a good one too because you're the user..." Izuku confessed, perharps trying to cheer me up. "Thanks, Izu..." I said, hugging her back.

"You know what, Hitoshi, I love you the way you are..." Izuku smiled warmly at me. I smiled at her back as I cupped her cheeks. "Me too, Izu. I love you even though you look like a brocolli." I teased her, referring to her dark green curly hair. Izuku puffed her cheeks adorably, pretending to pout. I chuckled at her cute action. Izuku started laughing together with me too, leaving Mikorin confused and completely clueless.


AN- Who reads this side story? Raise your leg! XD

Pfft, I mean, ready a plate of broccolis okay!

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