{Chapter Five}

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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains scenes of violence (fighting) and towards the end, slight mentions of both self harming & abuse.⚠️



Mötley Crüe's first show was at the Starwood a week later, which was tonight.

Mallory helped out with the pictures and the flyers, hanging them around town for us, as well as our outfits.

She's actually pretty good with photography, to be honest. Interested in her teaching me some stuff one day.

We were all in our provided dressing room while Mallory was helping the venue crew set up our instruments.

I finished putting on my make up as Tommy came up to me.

"Yeaaaaah, that's gnarly, dude!" he said excitedly.

I smiled and gave him some devil horns as Vince then walked in.

"Man, my girlfriend spent like $800 bucks on these leather pants," hes said as he did a few squats to stretch a bit while I took a drink of JD. "You like 'em?"

"They're cool, bro," Tommy smiled.

"You say everything's cool, drummer," Mick sighed as he tuned his guitar while I handed Vince the bottle of Jack.

"Thanks, man," Vince said as he took a swig before heading over to the mirror next to me to take a final look in the mirror.

"So you think there's gonna be anybody out there tonight?" Vince asked me as I finished teasing my hair up.

"Mal and I put up a bunch of fliers," I said. "I hope so."

Soon Mal walked in, she was in black leather skinny jeans with a leather crop top and red heeled pumps and her leather jacket, make up done dark and her hair a bit curled.

She was saying something to us, but for some reason I wasn't focusing on what she said.... Only her....

I was blanked out when suddenly...

"Nikki, let's go! We're ready!" Tommy shook me, snapping me from my thoughts as I realized everyone walked out.

I quickly got up, grabbing the bottle of Jack and following him out the door.


Mallory stood nearby with Lovey, obviously not amused she's with us, but focused as we got up on stage.

I taped down the setlist onto the nearby amp before going to grab my bass as Vince ran onstage.

"ALL RIGHT!!" He shouted into the mic as Tommy bangs the cymbals a bit. "WE'RE MÖTLEY CRÜE!!

All of a sudden I hear a clang behind me and turn to see Tommy's cymbals on the ground.

"Fuck!" he muttered as he quickly went to get it.

"Come on," I snapped with a sigh as the crowd laughed and booed.

"Sorry dude," Tommy said as he quickly put it back together.


"Oh god, this isn't going good, they haven't even started," I said, covering one of my eyes.

"Relax, they'll do fine," Lovey said with an eyeroll as the guys were finally set.

"Come on, boys," Vince said into the mic. "Let's rock this hole!!"

I took a deep breath as the band then started to play.

The band then started to play the tune to "Take Me To The Top."

I nodded my head to the music as they played when all of a sudden...

"Booooo!!" Some guys shouted and soon a few others joined in.

"Who's the chick singer?!" one shouted, leading to some laughs.

"Fuck you, asshole!!" Vince shouted as one guy stepped up, flipping him off before spitting on him.

"Oh shit," I sighed as then Vince jumped into the crowd and shoved the guy, who then punched Vince to the ground.

Suddenly Nikki came in, swinging his bass like a baseball bat and hitting the guy on the head before going for his friend.

Tommy then left his drum kit and practically swan dived off the stage onto two more hecklers.

That's when I saw one guy had Nikki in a headlock, Nikki struggling.

I quickly grabbed a bottle of booze from nearby and ran over to them.

"Get off of him!!!" I snarled and smashed the bottle on the guy's head, disabling him enough to let Nikki go.

The guy then spun and punched me in the face, knocking me to the ground.

I grunted as I got back up, seeing Nikki tackle him and start to wail on him as a girl suddenly started to fight with me.

Some guy tried going for Mick, but he managed to kick him in the face and stay on stage where it was safe.

Bouncers then started to break up the fight, one having to practically lift me over his head after pinning the girl I was fighting to the ground and dropping me next to Nikki, and another eventually got Tommy off a guy and they kicked the hecklers out as we all stood by the stage panting and helping each other up.

"Wuss!" Tommy snarled before managing to headbutt the guy in the face before the bouncer holding him back pulled him away. "Fuck you man!"

"Come on!" The bouncer said and shoved him toward the stage next to Vince. "Chill out!"

He then went and shoved out the hecklers. "Get up! Get the fuck out! Go!"

"You okay?" Nikki asked me, holding my shoulders as I wiped some blood off my lip.

"Nothing I can't handle," I said, patting his shoulder as he helped Vince to his feet, holding him up a bit as we then looked at the crowd.

It was all quiet when suddenly...

"FUCK YEAH!!" A random guy shouted. "MÖTLEY CRÜE!!!"

We looked at him weirdly as he kept cheering and applauding, encouraging the rest of the crowd. "WHOOOOOOOO!!!"

And with that, the crowd actually started to applaud and cheer

I looked as everyone applauded, the guys and I looking at each other with smiles before it hit me and I nudged the guys to the stage.

"Go, play!" I quickly said as I backed up.

"All right, let's go," Tommy quickly said in agreement as they climbed on stage and I went back, grabbing my shoe and hurrying to stand by Lovey.

"Quite the lady you are," Lovey said with an unamused look as I pulled my shoe back on.

I raised an eyebrow at her as I wiped blood from the side of my lip.

"Bitch, I am no lady... I'm a fucking woman," I said. "Keep that in mind."

(Video: Motley Crue "Take Me To The Top" First Video)

I stepped out into the crowd, close to the stage as I head banged a bit and cheered the guys on.

Don't you know, know, know
It's a violation
I still hear you saying
Such a perfect, perfect night
No, no, no fight all temptation
Well, in a black-hearted alley fight
I'm screaming
Take me to the heights tonightTake me to the top
Take me to the top Too many times
Victim accusation
No, you don't have to take it like that
A sheer, sheer heart attack
No, no,...

The crowd was loving them, and cheering as loud as they could while the guys played.

This was the start of the next big thing.

>Later that Night<


Our first show was amazing, and I'm glad despite how it started that it ended well, and the owners even said they can have us as regulars there if business keeps been as good as it was tonight.

I finished my cigarette before putting it out in the ash tray and heading to my bedroom.

Well, mine and Mal's, since Tommy and Mick share the other one and its a two bedroom apartment.

Probably owe Mick big for that.

I walk in, seeing Mal was playing some chords on Mick's acoustic while on her mattress.

She played softly, as if not wanting to play too loud, but it sounded nice.

"You play?" I asked, making her look up.

She smiled shyly and looked back down at the guitar. "A bit... I'm better with piano, though, I admit, and I took some choir in high school, but nothing permanent."

I chuckled and walked over, sitting nearby.

"Play me something," I said.

"No, I'm terrible," she chuckled.

"I doubt it," I encouraged. "Come on, one song, just for me."

She thought about it then signed. "Alright, but one song, and I apologize if its bad, but I warned you," she said, making me laugh as she tuned the guitar a bit. "Any requests?"

I shrugged. "What do you know?"

"Well, I know some Fleetwood Mac," she shrugged.

I chuckled, and she scoffed and softly smacked my arm.

"Don't judge me, I really am a fan of them," she laughed. "Practically grew up on them."

"Alright, alright, uhhhh, play some Fleetwood," I said, laying back.

She smiled and looked down at the guitar, and started to play the song Dreams.

(Video: Fleetwood Mac "Dreams" [acoustic])

Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat... drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost...
And what you had...
And what you lost

I couldn't help but smile as she sung the song, strumming the guitar softly.

Her voice sounded smooth and steady, right now soft because we didn't want to wake anyone up, but I could tell if she sung louder, she's gonna have strong vocals.

Her guitar playing was a bit off, but she still had the rhythm of the song.

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say... Women... they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean... you'll know, you'll know

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness...
Like a heartbeat... drives you mad...
In the stillness of remembering what you had...
And what you lost...
And what you had...
And what you lost

I sat up and not sure why I did, but I rested my head on her shoulder, and she blushed and smiled as she sang.

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know, you'll know

Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know, you'll know
You will know, you'll know....

She finished and looked up at me.

"So? What did you think?" she asked.

I smirked at her. "You sell youself short, Mal... You're really amazing."

She blushed and looked down.

"Did you ever think about getting into music, too?" I asked.

"Not always, I mean... I was in college for nursing back in Tucson."

"Huh... That explains a lot," I said, and she laughed softly.

"Yeah. Graduated high school early for it and everything, but... I was a point away from passing a final, and my parents cut me off from paying my classes," She sighed. "I could have paid them on my own, but medical school isn't exactly cheap, and they were fucking tyrants.... So I just dropped out and left..."

"Harsh..." I frowned.

"To them, it was... They thought it was useless to have to pay classes for someone useless and who isn't going to actually succeed," she said.

"All over one point?" I asked.

"That's why I left... Figured I'd find a med school here, work up some money for it at the diner and another working somewhere else.... But its easier said than done," she said.

I looked down, knowing she's right. Before she and Tommy got here, I was barely even keeping up with my own rent, and working at a liquor store wasn't exactly gonna keep me fed forever.

"What about you? Tommy mentioned you weren't born in California either," she asked curiously.

"Oh yeah," I sighed, taking a drink of my beer. "Well I'm West Coast 'til the day I die, but, not a Cali kid. I was born and raised up in Seattle, just me, my mom and whatever asshole boyfriend she bought home about every 2 weeks, more or less."

She frowned as I then showed her the long scar on my arm.

"One day I just had enough of it and did this to myself... Got my mom arrested and I was finally pulled from the house," I sighed.

"Jesus, Nikki," She said in shock.

"Yeah, life was never easy for the young Frank Carlton Ferrana, Jr.," I said.

"And... Your dad?" She asked.

"Bounced when I was only 2," I said, laying back on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

"Once I was out on the streets at 18, I did what any unwanted kid in my situation did... I went looking for ghosts..." I said.

She frowned and laid next to me on her side, her eyes looking up at me.

"Did you ever find them?" she asked, as if understanding what I meant.

I sighed. "Yeah...I actually did...." I said as I remembered that night at the payphone.

"And he wanted nothing to do with me," I murmured. "So I decided then and there why even keep his name.... Why keep that life when I can start a new one?"

"And you became Nikki Sixx," she said, holding my arm as she looked up at me.

I nodded, looking down at her. "A new life, and I'm doing it."

"I guess being outcasts to many is just what we were destined to be" She said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Maybe we could be more than just outcasts," I said. "I really want this we're doing to work... Even if its not as a band..."

She looked over at me.

"Tonight, playing out there with the guys, teaming up to take down the hecklers, all of us together.... It felt right," I admitted. "Even if this band doesn't take off, I don't want this to ever end..."

She smiled and then I felt her holding my hand in her's.

"Then let's make it ours," She smiled as I looked at her.

I smiled as I held her hand back. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done so far, Mal..."

"Its nothing... I found a home with this, too, and its the least I can do," she smiled.

I smiled back as I then noticed the time and decided we should get some sleep.

"Its really late," I said as we sat up. "Let's get some sleep."

She nodded as I got up and headed to my bed while Mal got settled in her own and soon we were asleep.


"Our first show!! I can't believe how fucking awesome it was!! Can't wait for the next one!!" Tommy rambled excitedly.

Leave it to me to end up sharing a room with the kid.

Thanks, Nikki. Go fuck yourself.

"And the way Nikki swung his bass, and how you karate kicked that guy in the face and-"

I placed my hand over his face to silence him.

"It was a fun show, but now my back is killing me and you are killing my ears," I said. "Go to bed."

He pouted as I removed my hand and sighed as I laid back on my bed while he went to his.

"Hey Mick," He said after some silence .

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Do you think Nikki and MJ are getting really close?" he asked.

"God help you, you're a dumbass," I said, rolling my eyes. "They like each other."

His eyes widen. "Wait, how do you know?"

"Its so obvious," I said. "Nikki's just too stubborn to admit it and Mallory is too humble," I said. "To be honest, girl like her can do better."

"Hey, come on, Nikki isn't a bad guy," Tommy said.

"Yeah, he's not.... But Mallory can still do better than him," I shrugged. "Hell, even better than you or Vince."

"Hey, that was rude!" Tommy whined.

"Was I supposed to lie when I put my number on the paper?" I snapped.

He was quiet and I sighed with an eyeroll.

"Look, drummer, Mallory is a nice girl. Kind to others, strong attitude, actually has good brain cells, she can make something useful out of herself, yet she choses to stick with us, and sees something special in Nikki," I explained, turning my head towards him as he laid in bed. "And even if he won't admit it, Nikki sees something special in Mallory. Why do you think he's hesitant on her working at a strip club?"

"Think they'll end up together soon?" he asked curiously.

"If Nikki gets the balls to ask her, maybe," I said, turning back so I'm looking at the ceiling. "Now, shut up and turn the light off so we can both sleep."

He sighed as he got up, turned off the lights and went back to his bed.

I was starting to drift off when suddenly...

"Hey Mick?" Tommy suddenly asked.

My eyes snapped open. "What?"

".... Did you ever notice that all odd numbers have the letter E in them?" he asked.

My eye twitched. Are you shitting me?

"Its 2 in the fucking morning, you little shit," I sneered.

It was quiet for a while when suddenly...

"OnE.... ThrEE.... FivE...." Tommy said quietly.

I grabbed a boot from nearby and flung it in his direction, making him yelp out loud as it hit him, I don't know where.

I smiled as I then settled into my bed, Tommy softly groaning in pain as I drifted off to sleep.


Decided to add some humor gor this chapter. 😂😂😂

Hope you all love the story so far! Let me know if I should continue soon! 🤘🏻🌻

📻 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Fall Out Boy ft. Courtney Love
"Rat A Tat"

♡~ sapphire.

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