{Chapter Fourteen}

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I inhaled from the joint in my hand, holding it before letting out all the smoke, laughing and coughing as I laid back on the pile of pillows.

After bailing out Mick (who is probably planning to murder on Tommy), we had to get checked into a new hotel since we were officially banned from the previous one.

The next night, Nikki and I settled in our new room, enjoying some cocaine and booze we smuggled in, along with some marijuana and ecstasy that Tommy scored for us.

Vince, Tommy and Sharise were also with us, but Vince crashed first and was curled up by the mini fridge with a couch cushion and a bottle of scotch.

Tommy was mostly just hiding from Mick's wrath.

"Hey, hey, I-I got an idea," Nikki slurred at me as he laid back next to me.

I snorted the entire line, then looked at him, rubbing my nose. "What?" I asked, coughing slightly.

"Youuu," he mumbled, leaning against me. "And meee, l-let's get married..."

Tommy and Sharise were surprised, despite being pretty drunk.

My eyes widen. "R-Really?" I asked. "You... You want to marry me?"

He smiled, putting his arm around me. "Of course, babe... I love you..." he said.

I smiled, leaning over and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too, baby..."

We then kissed each other passionately, Nikki laying me down on the bed, before pulling back.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you guys!!" Sharise beamed with a slur as then her and Mal hugged.

"You know, we are in Vegas," Tommy coughed after snorting a line. "W-Why not do it now?"

I smiled. "That's a good idea! Baby, let's do it!!" I said.

"Fuck yeah, why not!!" he smiled, and we cheered and pulled ourselves together a bit before quickly getting ready.



We managed to somehow clear our heads a little and found a chapel on the Vegas strip.

Tommy got us Ring Pops from a nearby candy store, considering no jewelry shop was open (and I doubt they would sell to 2 drunk rockstars at night anyway).

I wore all black, including a black shirt I bought nearby, black leather pants, boots, and my leather jacket.

Tommy wore sort of the same thing, except he wore black ripped jeans and sneakers.

We waited at the alter with an Elvis impersonating priest,

"Whoa," Tommy said and we turned to see Mal at the end of the aisle with Sharise.

(Picture: Mallory's Wedding Outfit)

I smiled as she walked up the aisle slowly as the music played, Sharise behind her holding a smaller bouquet and in a pink cocktail dress.

I may still be really high and drunk right now, but fuck.... Mallory still looked so beautiful....

Soon the song ended as they got to us, Sharise standing nearby so that her and Tommy were at either side of us, and I smiled as I admired her.

"God, how the fuck did I get so lucky?" I smiled, making her giggle softly and blush furiously.

"Shall we?" the priest said.

Mal and I held hands as we approached the alter.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."


》The Next Morning《


I groaned as I woke up, head throbbing and body sore.

I slowly sat up, rubbing my head before suddenly feeling something on it, pulling it off to reveal.... A veil??

Confused, I tossed it aside as I then felt an arm around my waist and look, seeing Nikki knocked out next to me, naked and covered with the bedsheet as well, a white garther around his head and a blue raspberry Ring Pop on his finger, his hair practically a big ball of fluff.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked myself mentally as I stood up, seeing a white dress tossed aside along with a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath, bottles of booze and beer, used condoms, empty cocaine packets and half-eaten food littering the floors.

I also had on a cherry Ring Pop on my left ring finger.

What happened last night....?

Among the trash were also Polaroid snaps, and I grabbed a few and my eyes widen.

One picture was Nikki and I at an alter with some guy dressed like Elvis, I was dressed in the white dress and veil.

Another was of Sharise and Tommy signing some paper.

Another was of me kissing Nikki and white confetti and flower petals falling around us.

Another was of the four of us in front of the Welcome to Las Vegas! sign, booze in hands and cheering along.

Another was of Tommy with the white garther between his teeth giving the camera devil horns.

One picture was Tommy and Nikki I believe having a drink off.

Another picture showed me and Sharise flashing our boobs to the camera.

The last one in my hands was of me and Nikki back at the chapel under a sign that read Just Married! and he carried me while my legs were wrapped his waist as we kissed.

Wait.... Did me and Nikki.....?

I then spotted the familiar looking paper on the ground by some white boots and picked it up, reading it.



DATE: APRIL 07, 1983

This is to certify that the undersigned JUSTICE ROMANCE MCLOVE did on the day of APRIL 07, 1982, join in lawful wedlock NIKKI SIXX of SEATTLE state of WASHINGTON and MALLORY JANE BENNETT city of TUCSON state of ARIZONA with their mutual consent in the presence of THOMAS LEE BASS and SHARISE RUDDELL who were witnesses.

My eyes widen as my hand was over my mouth, seeing my signature and Nikki's along with Tommy and Sharise's signatures, and the court finalizing signatures and stuff to make it official.

Nikki and I got married.... He's my husband.... I'm his wife...

"Fuck..." a voice said and I turn to see Nikki looking over my shoulder.

I pursed my lips. "Its official... We're actually married..."

"Yeah," he said. "Man, I barely even remember much from last night..... How do you feel?"

I pursed my lips before putting the marriage certificate on the table before turning around, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately on the lips.

"I feel...." I said, pulling back and looking up at his surprised face. "Like the new Mrs. Sixx needs some sort of wedding present from her new husband... And you and I both know exactly what it is..."

He smirked as he then took my waist in his hands, hoisting me up as my legs wrapped around his waist.

"I can think of a thing or two," he smirked before carrying me over to the bed and throwing me on it before climbing over me and kissing me passionately again.



After that quickie (well.... Three quickies considering the time), we got dressed and gathered all our things, checking out and heading outside, where immediately we were met with a hoard of paparazzi and fans calling out to us.

"Guess they heard the wedding bells," Mal scoffed with a laugh.

"Yeah," I chuckled, draping my jacket over her as we put on our sunglasses. "Let's go meet the hoard then, shall we, Mrs. Sixx?"

Mal laughed softly as I put my arm around her protectively, taking both our bags in my other hand and slinging it over my shoulder before we headed outside, greeting the screams, cheers, questions and camera flashes.

"Nikki, Mallory, how about a smile for the cameras!?"

"Is it true you two were drunk during the whole wedding!?"

"Hell if I know," I joked.



Mal and I laughed as I signed some autographs, Mallory signing some, too since they asked her.

Mallory, what dress did you wear to your wedding?!"

"Uhh, I think it was some vintage, I don't know," I shrugged. "I remember Sharise picked it out."

We answered what we could, signed some more stuff, then narrowly escaped them a bit.

"Babe, I have an idea," Mal suddenly said and reached into her bag, opening it and pulling out the wedding bouquet she saved, unwrapping the paper we used to protect it.

She then bought her fingers to her mouth and let out a loud whistle.

"Hey ladies, who wants my bouquet!!?" she shouted, holding up the bouquet of roses.

The fan girls cheered like crazy, making me laugh.

"Get ready!!" Mal shouted as she turned around and then launched the bouquet over her head at the crowd, the fans immediately tackling over reporters and camera as a young red headed fan caught the bouquet, but was immediately pulled into a cat fight for it.

"Alright, that should keep them busy, let's go!" she said as we took each other's hands and quickly ran as fast as we could towards the bus before the paparazzi and fans ambushed us.

"There you are! We've been waiting for more than two hours for you both, where were you?" Vince asked as Mal and I rushed to the bus, seeing Tommy, Doc, and a very hungover Tommy waiting for us.

"Why are you screaming at the top of your fucking lungs, Vinnie?" Tommy mumbled behind his sunglasses and sweater.

"Sorry, got held up by the bell boy," I lied, taking Mal's bag and quickly ushering her inside. "By the way, Mal's my wife now."

"Wait, WHAT?!" Vince shouted in shock, making Tommy scream and hold his head in pain, Doc freezing in surprise, as we hurried inside, laughing as we went to the bunk room.

"Told you we'd be in trouble," Mal laughed as she laid back on the couch.

"I can't help it, my new wife is sexy and amazing with her mouth," I smirked, making her laugh and smack my shoulder as I hovered over her and kissed her.

"For fuck sake, not on the couch," Mick grumbled as he passed us, making us laugh and pull back.

"Sorry, Micks," Mal laughed.

He just grunted and sat down. "Heard the news outside, by the way."

Mal and I looked at each other. "It was a hell of a crazy Vegas night, but.... I regret nothing," she smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Neither do I," I smiled.

Mick smirked. "Well, I'm happy for you kids," he said. "Nikki, you fuck this up, I'll kill you."

We smiled as Mal kissed the side of my head.

"We got a long trip, everyone get settled!" Doc called out.

"Come on, let's get a nap," Mal told me, patting my back as we stood up, heading to the bunk room.

We climbed in and held each other close before Mal leaned up and pressed her lips against mine, surprising me a little at first, but I relaxed and kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her.

We then pulled back and she smiled up at me.

"Despite not remembering that night.... It was the happiest day of my life," she said. "I love you, Nikki."

I smiled. "I love you, too, Mal..." I said as we kissed again before curling up together in the bunk and falling asleep.


Yay, they are married! 👰🏻🤵🏻💐❤

Also, just wanted to give a shoutout really quick to my partner in crime, sadgrrlfriend who is also writing up her own Mötley story!

Go on right now to check out her story! She has two chapters up so far and they are really good! 🌻❤

🎼 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

KISS "Detroit Rock City"

♡~ sapphire.

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