{Chapter Ninety-Eight}

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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains mentions of tragedy, loss, drug relapses, deteriorating mental health, and other related topics. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



I watched as the makeup artist touched up MJ's make up while I ate a bag if M&Ms on the couch next to Mick.

Nikki sat nearby her on his phone as we all hung out and waited.

A lot's happened these past 3 years.

We finally released our book, The Dirt: Confessions of The World's Most Notorious Rock Band, and its become a major hit since then, but we've mostly been on a break since we released the New Tattoo album.

MJ was also soon going to release her book, Bittersweet Chaos: The Journey of A Cursed Runaway, a few months after our book, but it ended up being delayed when tragedy struck.

In 2001, on her way home, MJ was in a really fucked up car accident, one that people say made my accident back in 1984 look like a simple fender bender.

The cops were chasing a bunch of bank robbers from two blocks away when the robbers ran a stop light, going at about 90 mph, and struck MJ's car directly as she crossed an intersection, plowing her car right into some other cars and a nearby pedestrian. Her car ended up flipped and wrapped aroung a telephone pole, almost split completely in half.

Nine people were involved in the crash, four cars in total were hit. Three people were dead, of them was one of the robbers. Four were in critical condition,  MJ being one of them. Two others only had minor injuries, the worst being a passenger from one of the other cars getting a broken collarbone.

MJ suffered broken bones, a fractured skull that caused some brain swelling, bruises, massive internal bleeding, some rupturing, a collapsed lung, and even needed a defibrillator and adrenaline shot at one point. 

Thankfully she made it through, and she survived. Despite the brain swelling, nothing life threatening came up in the scans and she was still able to function just fine. She had to spend a few months in a wheelchair, and then some more afterwards using crutches, but she was going to make a full recovery nonetheless.

However, she was only going to be able to really recover physically.

To add salt to the wound, MJ was 6 months pregnant with her and Nikki's seventh kid at the time, and she was just leaving the clinic that day to find out she was going to have another boy. She was on her way back home to surprise Nikki with the news before everything happened.

Her son, who they planned to name Rowan Ozzy Sixx, died on impact.

Also, because of the massive internal hemorrhaging she was suffering from, the doctors had no choice but to also perform an emergency hysterectomy after her dead son was delivered in order to save MJ's life.

MJ can now never have kids ever again.

I can still remember hearing my best friend's wails echo throughout her hospital room and the hallway outside from the day she woke up from her coma and found out her baby was killed....

As for the remaining robbers, they're  serving life in prison for the tragedy they caused and lives they took.

After the accident, however, MJ and Nikki's family started to fall apart. MJ was practically almost borderline suicidal, depressed, her nightmares were even coming back, and already confined to a wheelchair for a few months, and even almost caving into ruining her sobriety. She was barely even eating or sleeping

Nikki, however, couldn't handle a massive loss like this and ended up relapsing on heroin again for a while. It wasn't long before he quickly checked himself into rehab again, scared of "Sikki Nixx" rearing his ugly head again and hurting MJ and the kids.

The kids were scared and confused, worried for their grieving parents. Little Ava had even called me once late at night crying and scared out of her mind when she woke up to her mother screaming in her sleep from nightmares, no Nikki being there to comfort her or the kids. Mick and I had to rush over to make sure MJ and the kids were okay.

It was not a great night.... Bought back flashbacks of when I had to save her mother from a heroin induced rampage years ago.....

It was then after that night, Mick had MJ and the kids and the pets staying with him during that time, and I also spent a few days at Mick's house since Ava begged me to.

My guess is, with her Daddy gone, she needed the next closest thing to help bring her some sort of peace, which was her godfather, me.

This may not have been the first child they lost, but the last kids MJ had lost didn't die because of some freak accident, either. 

Eventually, Nikki was soon out of rehab, MJ was finished with physical therapy and regaining her strength back, mentally healing, the kids in therapy as well, and the family worked on building itself back and staying together.

It thankfully wasn't long before things were back to normal and the Sixx family was moving forward as best as they can.

Nikki made it his life goal to stay clean for his kids, for Ava especially, and swore to never again abandon his family or worry them like that ever again. 

He took some time off in order to help MJ and the kids. He also started taking up some extra hobbies to help, one of them being photography, and also painting.

MJ soon earned her doctorate, officially becoming Dr. Mallory J. Sixx, MD, at Cedar Sinai Hospital, where she was also treated after the accident.

MJ also finally decided to start her own music project, releasing an album a year after the accident, which she called Blessings & Curses.

Nikki helped her write some of the songs, but she wrote most of them while she was in recovery, and we also helped her with the music and some vocals as well.

She also went with the stage name, Mallie Sixx.

She also fixed and finished her book, which was soon sent to her hired editor, and eventually published about three months ago, and already has almost a million copies sold

Today MJ's having a public reading and book signing at a Barnes & Nobles in Beverly Hills, but she has been offered to do a book tour, which she's still thinking about.

It was the whole Sixx family, who were currently out having some ice cream before the reading with Tommy and Sharise, who had also come to support MJ.

"You feeling okay? Did you take your medication?" Nikki asked MJ as the makeup artist did some final touches to her lipstick.

"Yeah, before we left home. I feel fine, though," she smiled.

"If you feel anything, though, you let us know, alright?" I said to her.

She nodded.

Despite the recovery from the accident, MJ's scars still ran pretty deep, both physically and mentally. Her body still experiences occasional pain from time to time, especially in her back and sides.

I can't say I'm surprised, though. Her bones were practically almost shattered, lung had collapsed, and her back suffered some pretty bad fractures, but that thankfully didn't affect her mobility permanently.

She also has some slight trouble with her left arm sometimes, the one that was broken. Mostly slight nerve damage from the impact, according to doctors, but she is thankfully still able to function with it, and its mostly just twitches and aches, but she does sometimes have painful muscle spasms from time to time, but mostly if she makes a weird and/or involuntary movement. She doesn't have it so often like the twitches, but it still sucks when she gets them.

Doctors do say that with time she'll regain them completely and the twitches and spams will be gone completely, but it will take a few years.

She's had to see chiropractors and neurologists and also taking some home remedies to help with the pain and stuff, since she's being extremely cautious with the medication she actually has to take.

Good news is, she's improving a whole lot every day, and most days now just feels a very slight pressure instead of pain. Still a few twitches, but less than before.

"Where are Tommy, Sharise and the kids, though?" MJ said, looking at her watch as I got up to throw the wrapper away.

"Probably on their way back, unless Zander and Brandon set a building on fire," Mick snickered with an eye roll.

MJ scoffed a laugh and shook her head as Nikki and I burst out laughing.

"You know, I still can't believe you and Tommy actually made actual miniature Terror Twins," I told Nikki.

He snickered. "Honestly," Nikki said. "Let's just hope Brandon is better at picking girls than his old man is," Nikki said.

MJ smacked his shoulder with a scold as we burst out laughing.

There was then a knock at the door and it opened.

"Mrs. Sixx, your cousin, Alexis, has arrived, as well as your children," the assistant stated.

"You can let them all in, thank you," she assured.

At that moment we then suddenly hear screaming as Zander and Brandon came barreling in, racing each other and almost knocking the poor assistant lady down.

"Boys, hey!!" MJ scolded as Nikki and her stopped them from crashing into something, both kids laughing uncontrollably.

Tommy then ran in panting as he caught his breath, Alexis and her kids behind him, along with her husband.

"Jeez, you guys are fast!!" he panted, then sees the surprised assistant. "Sup?"

"That's all, thank you, I'm sorry," MJ said, dismissing her before anything else happened as she held onto Zander, Nikki holding Brandon under his arm.

Sharise then came in, the twins holding her hands, Jasper behind them carrying Stevie in his arms. Dylan and Ava also behind them, holding each other's hands.

"They took off the split second we left the ice cream shop," She said.

"Sorry you had to put up with them," MJ sighed.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!" Ava said, dragging Dylan behind her. "Guess what! Dylan just asked me to be his girlfriend!!"

"He WHAT!?" Nikki exclaimed, accidently dropping Brandon.

"Oof!!" Brandon grunted as he landed with a thud, Zander laughing at him.

"Did he now!?" MJ said in surprised.

"Miss Auntie MJ," Dylan smiled up at MJ. "I really love Ava, and... And I want to be her boyfriend..."

"Kid, I can tell you what you will be," Nikki said, cracking his knuckles but MJ pinched his arm. "OW!!"

"Heheheeeee.... This should be good...." Mick snickered from nearby as Jasper had sat next to his him, Stevie on his lap, as they looked at Mick questioningly.

"Honey, but.... You two are only six years old," MJ giggled softly as she knelt down, Zander and Brandon taking off to the snack table.

"We know, that's why were waiting before making it official," Dylan said. "So lonG as she is happy."

He then leaned in and kissed Ava's cheek, making me giggle.

"I see..." MJ giggled with a smile while also looking worriedly at Nikki, who looked like he was close to having a stroke or something.

"Hey, Nikki, why do you look purple?" Tommy asked.

Nikki just responded by punching him in the side and making him yelp.

"OWWW!!" Tommy yelped as the kids laughed. "What the hell did I do!?!?"

"Ava, come on, I'll get you something in the snack machine," Dylan said, holding his hand out. "Whatever you want."

"Okay. We'll be right back," she said as she took his hand and they then left.

"That is so cute," Sharise giggled as she walked over.

"I'll skin the little shit alive, I swear on my fucking life," Nikki snapped.

"Oh, honey, come on," MJ scoffed "They're just like innocent little love. Its not like they're trying to get married or something. You can worry that in like 15 years, give or take."

Nikki grunted with a pout and then looked at Tommy with a glare.

"You..... You did this...!!!" He snapped.

"What the-?! Hey!" T-Bone snapped. "Its not my fault he has a crush on her!!!!"

"You do tend to fall for literally any female with a beating heart and legs," Mick said.

We all ended up agreeing with that and spoke it out.

Tommy's jaw dropped in shock before he scoffed.

"Well.... If that's what you all really think of me..." Tommy said dramatically in an offended tone.

We all laughed as the make up artist finished.

"Thank you," MJ said as she left, then MJ took a deep breath. "God, I actually feel nervous..."

"Don't be, just relax," I assured. "You're gonna do great. You're just gonna read a few chapters, then answer some questions before taking a break and then signing some books. We'll also be at your side."

She smiled as I put my hand on her shoulder.

"They're gonna love you, MJ," I assured.

She took a deep breath, still smiling, and put her hand over mine. "Thanks, Vinnie."

I smiled as then the door opened before the door then opened and MJ's publicist, Sandra, stepped in, Dylan and Ava also coming in with some chocolate bars in their hands.

"Mallory, we're on in less than 10 minutes, are you ready?" She asked.

MJ nodded as she got up, Nikki coming up and hugging her from behind.

"I just want to say really quick, even though I've said it a billion times, that I am so fucking proud of you, baby," he smiled.

"Agreed. We're all proud of you," I stated as Mick and Tommy stood by me, along with Sharise and MJ's family.

"You made it so far, and went through so much," Sharise said. "Yet, you never let it break you, no matter how bad it got...."

"I always knew you'd be someone big and important," Mick smiled proudly.

"You're the man, MJ!!" Tommy smiled, then stopped. "Well.... You're the woMAN.... Y-You know what I mean, you're awesome!!"

MJ giggled as we groaned, Mick facepalming, and then Jasper walked up to his parents, Stevie still in his arms and his siblings standing around him.

"We love you, Mommy," Nona smiled up at her mother.

"You're the best mom ever," Jasper said.

MJ smiled with slightly water eyes as then her kids all came up and crowded her into a hug. She knelt down and embraced them all as best as she could as they clung to her.

Nikki then knelt down and kissed the top of MJ's head before pulling her into a hug.

"I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for every single one of you...." MJ said, one hand holding Nikki's hand as his arm was wrapped around her while her other arm was wrapped around Micah. "I can't imagine how and where 17 year old me fresh out of Arizona would have ended up if she never met you guys..... Thank you all for always being there for me."

Everyone smiled as then MJ reached over and got a copy of ehr book, the one she's going to be reading.

"This... This one's for you," she said. "Every page, word, number, picture, and letter.... This is for all of you..."

We shared some applause before we all crowded into a group hug and soon we all exited the dressing room to get ready outside.

Once everyone was settled and ready, a large crowd of fans sat in front of a small makeshift stage, all of us at the side with Mallory as we waited for her to be announced.

Dylan and Ava were giggling quietly amongst themselves, making Nikki look like he was ready to tackle Dylan any second.

I smirked with a slight laugh as I rolled my eyes before picking up my goddaughter in my arms, Ava and Dylan looking at me questioningly before Tommy came and saved his kid from a possible attack from an unhinged and very protective rockstar dad.

Ava has always been pretty small for her age. Despite MJ having her for 9 months, and a few extra days past her due date, Ava was only 5.5 lbs and 14 inches tall when she was born, even presumed to be premature. It kind of worried everyone, despite her being healthy and the birth going by without any problems, nor any complications whatsoever during labor.

She did spend most of her first week of life in an incubator just as a precaution and for doctors to observe her, keep an eye out for any abnormalities or defects.

Once everything came back cleared from anything alarming, Ava was finally cleared to come home and Mom and Dad were able to finally get some sleep at night, (keyword, some. Most babies are still nocturnal, and Ava was really no exception. Haha,).

I was appointed as Ava's godfather, and Heather's her godmother. I was nervous, at first, since I was healing a little from losing Skylar, and having Elizabeth was already making me miss Skylar more and more.

Both Ava and Ellie mean a lot to me, and I'm glad to have them both in my life.

"Alright, welcome!" The book store owner announced. "We have a big treat for everyone today."

The crowd cheered and applauded as the middle-aged woman continued.

"Now, this story takes us down the many ups and downs of the dark world of sex, drugs, rock n roll, as well as the many struggles women can face, from loss to abuse to addiction.... All through the eyes of a young runaway from Arizona who experienced it all at first hand," she said. 

"Uncle Vinnie, what is she talking about?" Ava whispered quietly.

I smiled as I looked at her. "This is your momma's story, sweetie.... You're a little too young to know it all right now, but one day... You'll see that your mom is the strongest woman on this planet...." I assured her.

She tilted her head curiously as the woman continued.

"Here to give a brief summarized public reading of her debut novel, Bittersweet Chaos: The Journey of A Cursed Runaway, let's give a round of applause to the author of this big hit, Mallory  Sixx!"

Everyone applauded and cheered as MJ then stepped up to the stage, greeting the store owner before she had stepped down and MJ face the large crowd.

"Wow, this is.... God, thank you all so much for coming today, it means so much to me," She said. "This was definitely a very long awaited moment, and I thank you all as well for being patient and so understanding and considerate. Now... This book was not an easy write.... A lot has happened in my whole life, even before my time with the Crüe, and writing something so in depth and personal, revealing the whole entire truth, no matter how ugly it was, on these pages made me so scared, I admit."

Everyone listened as MJ spoke.

"However, I knew that out there, there were women like me, young girls like I once was, who have gone or are going through similar and/or equal situations like mine, and are scared to speak out, to get help, to face their demons just like I was once...." she said. "I wanted to tell them that no matter how hard things are, it does get better, and you are not alone.... That the struggles you go through do not define you, rather they shape you, harden your skin and make you stronger, but that is also something you have to be willing to set your mind to as well.... I knew sharing my story would be a start to showing not only women but people in general that fear can't control you, only you can..... Leaving Arizona and finding myself in California, I always thought I was just going to be alone..... I survived a horrific assault from someone I thought I was going to share my life with.... My parents were practically nonexistent and even preferred my abuser over me..... I was estranged at the time by my other relatives.... There wasn't really a lot of people I can depend on in California.... I was holding a dark secret inside that I didn't even know I had until it cost me my first child..... I felt like even though I was free and trying to get my life together.... I was alone...."

We continued to listen, Ava resting her head on my shoulder.

"Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of being the greatest doctor I can be.... A big, loving family.... To find my other half..... I thought I was never going to be able to actually have all of that, ever, and had to conform with whatever life put in my way and adapt to it," she said, but then smiled. "And yet, today.... I got those dreams.... I have my amazing, loving husband who I am thankful to have met.... My six strong beautiful kids, each one a great blessing..... A father figure I always wished for, as well as the brothers and sisters I found, who I wish I had growing up.... I have so much to be thankful for...... And I wouldn't give it up no matter what...."

We all cheered her on as she then got her book and sat down on the provided seat.

"Now..... To start.... I dedicate this book to my amazing family- my husband, Nikki, and our six loving children, Jasper, Zander, Ava, Nona, Micah and Stevie- the ones who gave me hope and love.... To my four little angels above, who are still in my heart, always and forever," she said. "And to my father, Mick.... My brothers, Vince and Tommy.... My sisters from different misters, Heather and Sharise.... To my beloved goddaughter, Skylar, may she always rest in peace...... 

I smiled, seeing her give me a nod before continuing.

"To the true family I still had in Arizona.... And to the new one I made here in California....." she added. "I also especially dedicate this story to women in general.... We are the ones who struggle with much more, and yet we still stand tall and proud. To us....."

We all applauded as Mal looked over at us, Tommy letting out a whistle as the kids also cheered on.

MJ smiled as she then flipped to the first page once everyone quieted down, and began to read.

"This tale can begin in many ways, at any time..... But it really starts with one girl... A runaway who one day finds herself taking a long and winding road one cold winter night in the Arizonian desert.... A road that leads to infinite destinations, but held many new adventures and hopes for her..... This is her story...."



"Thank you, Mallory," A woman said as I handed her the signed copy. "Can I get a picture with you, please?"

"Of course, come around," I said, and she walked over as she handed the camera to a nearby security guard and we smiled as he snapped some pics on the camera, then some with her friend who came with her, before handing back the camera.

She thanked him and the girls said goodbye as they left and I sign another fan's book.

"You're really one hell of a woman, ma'am," The young man said.

"Please, we can drop the ma'am card, makes me feel old," I joked with a small laugh. "Just Mallory is fine."

He nodded as he gave me his name and I signed his copy before handing it back to him.

"Stealing the show here," Nikki said as he stole a seat next to me, making me laugh.

"Rude," I joked as he stole a kiss as I kissed him back.

"You doing okay?" he asked me.

"Honestly, I'm more used to you doing the autographs, my hand's cramping up. I don't know how you and the guys do it," I chuckled, making him laugh as another fan with a copy came up. "Hi, how are you?"

"Hi, its such an honor to meet you," the young girl smiled. "Can I just say you two have always been such a cute couple."

Nikki and I laughed bashfully as I placed my hand over Nikki's. "Thank you, that's actually very sweet."

"I just have to ask, and I hope its not too personal," she said, shyly yet curiously. "You two went through so many craziness and hurt together.... How did you still manage to stay together?"

Nikki and I looked at each other as I held onto his hand.

"Well, I admit.... Nikki and I have a botched past with each other, and its dark and painful....." I said. "Yet.... Like I mentioned in my book.... We always ended up coming back to each other...."

Nikki smiled over at me.

"Honestly,  despite the past, and of course how he drives me up a wall sometimes," I smirked, making him chuckle as I continued. "I just.... I can't really imagine my life without him... He's like my other half....."

The young woman smiled at us. 

"You know, all I can really say is, I'd be dead if it weren't for this woman right here.... She's my world...."

"Awwwww," a bunch of the other fans smiled as Nikki blushed a bit and I leaned over and kissed him.

He kissed me back as we pulled back.

"I have to say the same.... If it weren't for Nikki being at my side through all my ups and downs, too," I said. "I wouldn't be here today, and have this amazing, great life... A loving family..... No matter the curveballs life hits you with, it does get better one way or another...."

She smiled. "You're very strong...."

I smiled. "I know you are, too...." I assured her.

She smiled as I then signed her copy, Nikki also signing it since she asked him, and then saying goodbye as she left.

I then felt the familiar pressure in my back and sighed as I shifted.

"You okay? We can take a coffee break," He said, his back carefully placed on the small of my back.

"I'm okay... Its just a slight pressure again," I sighed. "I might need to see that chiropractor again."

He nodded.

"Let me sign one more copy and then we can take a 10 minute break," I assured.

He nodded as another copy was then placed in front of me.

"Hi, who am I making this out to?" I asked, getting the marker and  book, opening to the front page.

"An old acquaintance...." a familiar voice said. "Looking to make peace?"

I frowned as I looked up and my eyes widen.

"Vanity?" I said in shock, Nikki also looking up in shock.

She gulped nervously and nodded. "Hey, uhh... I rather go by Denise now....." she said shyly.

She looked.... Better..... She had more color to her skin, and she looked well-rested, and like she's eating well, compared to how she was so thin the last time I saw her.

Her dark chocolate brown eyes actually even shown and had life to them, 

Nikki's fists clenched as they rested on the table, making me quietly put my hand over one of them and looking over at him before up at Vanity.

"I'm about to take a short coffee break.... Why don't you join us? We can talk then," I offered.

She nodded quietly. "Sure..."

I nodded before signing her copy then nodding at Sandra, who nodded back and then told the rest of the crowd I would be back in a few minutes.

After that, me, Nikki and Denise went to a coffee shop next door while Vince and the others took the kids across the street to get something to eat.

Once we got our drinks we then sat down, and Denise took a deep breath.

"I know that last time we met, it did not go so well...." she said calmly.

"No fucking shit," Nikki spat.

"Nikki," I scolded quietly, placing my hand on his thigh. "Its okay..."

He grumbled and looked down. "You had no right telling Mal any of that crap back then, especially after she took the time and liberty to help you."

Denise gulped. "I know... And I am so, so sorry for causing you that trouble..... It wasn't my place to bring that up, and it wasn't fair to you, either..... I was just being petty and was jealous that Nikki chose you.... You two were meant for each other, and I just didn't want to accept it at the time....."

I pursed my lips and held onto my coffee cup in my hands as I listened.

"After that overdose, I wanted to get clean, too....." she admitted. "It was so fucking hard, until I finally managed..... I even needed a kidney transplant about six years ago, I almsot thought I couldn't do it......"

I nodded as Nikki and I continued to listen to her.

"Now, I...... I'm gonna be 3 years clean in a few days, and.... I even became an evangelist, and just now, your book even helped me so much, Mallory......" she said. "Things have been going well, but.... I knew I still had a lot of things I had to redeem myself for.... You and Nikki being one of them...."

"Honestly, what I'm really trying to say is that... I'm really sorry... To both of you...." She said. "I caused you both pain in many different ways and didn't take any responsibility for it..... I also played a role in Nikki's addiction back then, as well as his death at the time..... I shouldn't have ever pointed a finger at you, Mallory, and I'm sorry...."

Nikki and I looked at each other curiously before looking back at Denise.

"I understand if you two don't want to forgive me... I wouldn't either...." she said. "I only wanted wanted to try and make things right... Let you know that I really am, truly sorry for all the trouble I caused back then...."

I quietly took a deep breath before looking over at Nikki, who seemed to be contemplating what Denise just told us.

Nikki then sighed and looked over. "Its true you did cause us a lot of shit back then, me especially.... We were toxic as hell together yet just stayed for the drugs...." He said. "But now.... I see that you are doing and looking a lot better than before...."

She pursed her lips. "It uhh.... It wasn't easy... That detox flu is no joke...." She said.

Nikki nodded. "Tell me about it," he said, looking down as I can tell he was remembering his days in detox.

"Well, umm... You seem very sincere, Denise, and.... I'm actually happy for you in your recovery," I said, smiling at her. "You really are a better person than before."

She gave me a small smile.

"I agree.... I'm actually happy to see you're doing better, Va.... Denise," Nikki smiled.

She seemed a little less nervous now and smiled.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" she asked.

Nikki and I looked at each other and then he smiled, nodding. I smiled as we looked back.

"The past is behind us," I said. "You are forgiven."

She smiled. "Thank you.... I promise, I won't disappoint you both," she said.

MJ nodded as then Nikki's phone beeped and he pulled it out, opening it.

"Shit, we should get back," Nikki said, showing me the time on his phone.

"Oh..." I said, then looked over.

"I-Its okay," Denise said. "Crüe Queen's got a lot to do."

I chuckled and nodded as we got up, Nikki leaving some money for the coffees before I got an idea and took out a pen and paper from my bag.

"Here... Why don't you call me sometime, Denise? We can properly catch up," I said, writing my number on the paper before handing her. "You're also welcomed to come by the house anytime for a visit."

She smiled and nodded before folding the paper up and into a pocket of her handbag. "I'd like that... You two are also welcomed to speaking at my local church anytime if you're interested. If not, we also host a lot of events, even seasonal festivals I'm sure your kids would like it."

She gave us a card and me and Nikki read it over before smiling up at her. "Thank you... We'll look into it.

She nodded. "I'll see you around then, Mallory... Nikki...." she said.

"Take care of yourself, Denise," Nikki said to her as he held his hand out to her.

She took and shook it, then shook mine before we left the coffee shop and went our separate ways.

"That was.... Good..." he said as he took my hand and we crossed the street.

"It was.... I'm glad she's changed for the better," I said.

He smiled as he then wrapped his arm around me. "I'm glad we all did...."

I smiled up at him, but then frowned and looked down.

"Baby....?" he asked as we stopped in front of the store.

I sighed, holding back tears. "I'm so sorry we lost Rowan that day.... "

"Hey... We talked about this...." He said softly but in a stern tone. "You know well that was not your fault.... It was those sons of bitches that killed him, and almost killed you, too.... Almost tore our family apart..... And they're rotting in a cell for it now..... You did nothing wrong, Mal... Okay?"

I sighed, hugging myself. "I just wish it never happened.... That he was here....."

"He's right here," He said, pointing at the spot on my chest over my heart. "He'll always be with us, same with Razzle Jr., and Angel, and Baby Sixx...."

I took a deep breath as he then leaned in and softly kissed me.

I kissed him back before we then pulled each other into a hug, my head resting against his chest as I heard his heartbeat.

I'll always love this sound.....

"Come on," Nikki said as we pulled back and I looked up. "You still got some autographs to sign, missy."

I groaned with a whine. "Can't I just buy a stamp with my signature on it?"

He laughed as he then pecked my nose while I pouted before we walked back into the bookstore.

Healing may not be easy, but its possible one way or another.


Almost at the end of this story!

Already getting everything ready for the big finale and a little surprise afterwards! (No, its not a sequel. Sorry... 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Next chapter coming soon!! 🌻

🎶 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Vince Neil "Sister of Pain"

♡~ sapphire.

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