{Chapter Ninety-Seven}

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⚠️Warning: Chapter contains scenes/mentions depicting slight violence, mentions of loss of life and mentuons of domestic violence. If affected, please read with caution⚠️




A new millennium.

The 1900's were officially behind us all.

A lot has happened these past 3 years.

Ava Presley Sixx was born one early August morning. I had a low blood pressure during the c-section, but I still recovered after some rest and thankfully that was the only complication. Ava was born very healthy, smaller than expected, but thankfully nothing concerning, and looks so much like me, even has my eyes and nose.

Almost four months later, Dylan Jagger Lee was born, and I was appointed his godmother, and a friend of Pamela's being his godfather. Both boys are literally carbon copies of Tommy. Its amazing how much they look like him, Dylan especially.

About almost year after Ava was born, Nikki and I decided to try for another baby this time, and I did end up pregnant, but were surprised when me and Nikki were met with twins!!!

I don't think any parent are ever prepared for twins....

Thankfully, the pregnancy saw the entire nine months with no problems (Aside from being really tired, of course), and Nona Crimson & Micah Douglas Sixx are both beautiful, strong kids.

Of course, with 5 kids at the time, Nikki and I moved to a much bigger house, a mansion in San Fernando Valley with a small ranch and stables with some horses, plenty of room for the kids and also guests, and we even got another dog, a 4 year old rescued pitbull named Nova, and a kitten that Vince got for Ava's 2rd birthday, a short-haired she had named Mushu, (after her most favorite Disney dragon).

Jack is still with us at almost 9 years old, still a puppy at heart, and actually gets along well with Nova, both of them being very protective of the children (and annoying poor Mushu, hehe).

(Picture: represents the Sixx pets)

A year after the twins, Nikki and I did try again, but I sadly miscarried after a month, so we never even found out what we were having, which added more to the pain. We then decided to just try some other time.

A little over a year and a half later, we were surprised with another baby girl, Stevie Moon Sixx. She'll be turning a year soon, and is already a determined early walker.

People get worried that I have so many kids, and its gotten me and Nikki some backlash over having so many kids and stuff.

I don't pay them any mind, though. Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted a big family. I never truly had that growing up, and considering the "family" I grew up with had mistreated and abused me, so I always wished that I would grow up have a loving, big family of my own.

Finding out about my condition almost shattered that dream for me. On top of the pain I felt from losing my children, I felt like that little girl I once was was let down, and she was never going to get her wish.

Maybe at the time, when it came to Razzle Jr. and Angel, it just wasn't time to be a mother at that moment... And Nikki and I losing our child after the twins... Maybe it just wasn't his/her time, either.......

That's why I'm more than grateful to have my kids, since I could have lost them, too....

Plus, Nikki just loves the children so much, too. He's already teaching the kids about music and even about enjoying nature like he did when he was little, and is even extremely protective of his daughters.

Pretty sure he almost had a heart attack when he found out about Dylan having a little crush on Ava. Hehe.

Some of the hate I've gotten are also just moms that are petty and jealous with me since APPARENTLY, I don't even look like someone who's given birth six times.

I have experienced just a little bit of weight gain, but nothing major, mostly just a bit fuller at my sides than before, but nothing drastic either.

I do keep regularly exercising, even a little bit during my pregnancy (just walks and some pregnancy yoga), and also continue a vegetarian diet.

What I have noticed is my breast size going from a C for a Double D apparently, but its not as bad as some people say. I am considering getting a breast reduction if it ever gets bigger, of course, (pretty sure Nikki almost had a stroke when I told him that, though).

I do also have my fair share in stretch marks, though. My cesarean scar is also very prominent, which apparently is disgusting in the eyes of many, paparazzi and tabloids especially, but I don't care. I'm grateful to even have these scars and marks to begin with, since they're a reminder of the six little blessings I have in my life that I could have never had the chance to hold.

These marks and scars, to me, are proof that women such as myself are powerful beings no matter what. No matter what they go through, they are still standing strong.

Maybe one day we will try again for one last time, since I am starting to get to my limits, but for now we are more than happy with our Sixx kids (hehe, get it?)

During my pregnancy with the twins, however, our minds were pulled into a serious issue regarding the Lee's, one that ended in a really nasty divorce and Tommy was even in jail for a while.. Nikki and I even had to watch over the boys for a while from how bad everything got.

It was so chaotic, and during that time the band had to replace Tommy with a temporary drummer, Samantha, for a tour that was already planned.

Eventually after that, Tommy was released and joined the band again, but there would be some tension after that from time to time. He and Pamela have shared custody now, but things can still be really intense.

It was a long time until I was able to even talk to Tommy or Pamela after all of that, since I was so livid with both of them, mostly because they were both involving the boys into their issues and it honestly angered me how much everything has hurt the boys.

I don't think I have ever felt as angry in my life as that point in time. I was practically seeing red for days, almost weeks.

It even scared Mick a little bit.

During that chaos, Beth, who was already pregnant at the time, gave birth to a baby girl she and Vince named Elizabeth. It was definitely emotional for Vince, but he still loves Ellie with all his heart, and is doing well with coping as much as he could.

Of course, there is no replacing Skylar, ever.

Now, thankfully, things are calm and everything has moved on as smoothly as it can.

A few months after Ava was born, I had decided to start studying for a doctorate after finally graduating with my masters in nursing and earning my PhD, as well as working on my book, which is almost done now, as well as the book Nikki and the boys have been working on.

They guys are adding the last touches and plan to have it published by next year, same as mine.

I've also become a head sponsor and ambassador for Planned Parenthood. On top of donating money every month to them, I also speak with women and young girls get proper medical care and feel safe and cared for, providing whatever help I can. My work with them had also practically made me an enemy to pro-life protesters, since I have called them out a whole lot.

I may not exactly look like the poster child for it since I have six kids, but Planned Parenthood had still helped me with my pregnancies and provided care and comfort for my family throughout each one, even when I lost our child after the twins.

People don't realize that this place isn't JUST about performing abortions and stuff, that its so much more than that, and I plan to help teach the world that.

I've also become a spokesperson for an organization against domestic violence. After facing Donovan's body, I knew I wasn't the only one going through what I had gone through back then, and won't be the last. What's worst is there are women like me, as well as men and children, who go through that same or equal pain, fear and suffering, but sometimes they don't even survive....

Working at the hospital, I've already had plenty of cases of people escaping their abusers, or coming to the hospital with serious bruising, cuts, scratches, broken bones, and concussions from "falling down the stairs" or "bumping into a door" or other strange and questionable incidents. I then used my position as chief nurse to help them find sanctuary in the hospital until police was involved and it was safe, or until someone they could trust can take them somewhere safe at least. I tried doing anything and everything I could to help.

One time, things got out of hand, I was even held at gunpoint, and it all ended in a police shootout, but thankfully only the abuser was shot and the woman and child escaping were unharmed, same with me. It bought back some bad memories unfortunately, but I thankfully got past it.

That's where I decided that I could do a lot more by just helping others and speaking out, as well as bring an end to it.

I was nervous the very first time of telling the world my story, but after that, I felt relieved and braver. I've helped so many more women, as well as men and children, in not just the country but in other parts of the world reach out for help and speak out against their abusers.

Despite having my hands full with sponsoring, touring when able to, working, studying, and raising kids, I now only have about more or less 2 years before I finally receive my doctorate.

Still not sure how I pulled all of that off. Vince even jokes around and tells me I'm probably half robot or something. Hehe.

Right now, Jasper and Zander, both 6 and 5, are at elementary school along with Brandon and Neil. They go to one near Mick's house, so they stay with him after-school while everyone else is working or running errands until we go to pick them up.

Ava, 3, Nona and Micah, both 2, and Stevie, who is turning 1 next month, stays with me and/or Nikki all day. Dylan, who is the same age as Ava, and Ava will be starting preschool together once they turn 4.

Elizabeth is a couple of months younger than Ava and Dylan, but will also be starting with them.

It was my day off from work and I was currently studying for an upcoming exam while Nikki ran a few errands he should be about done with by now, and the kids were in the living room with their nanny, Lucia.

When we found out we were having the twins, we knew we needed more help than just our family visiting whenever we can, so we considered hiring a nanny to help around with the kids as well as the house when needed.

We were both adamant about it, since we didn't want our kids feeling like we were neglecting or spoiling them, but between both my career and Nikki's, we needed all the help we could get. We made the decision and since then hired Lucia, who has been more than helpful for us since she started 4 months after the twins were born.

Lucia came from the Dominican Republic when she was only 8 years old with an older brother, 4 other younger siblings and her mother. Her father sadly passed away in a car accident a year before.

They came to the US after her mother lost her job. She and her older brother both had to study and work hard to help provide for her family, and eventually won a scholarship to USC.

She's 25 now, and is studying to earn her master's degree to become a social worker, already having a PhD in childhood development.

She's a sweet girl and hiring her has been a complete blessing for us. The kids adore her so much, she's made being able to juggle everything much more easier, and she's practically became another member of the family.

I finished reviewing a chapter when I hear the doorbell ring and decide to go see who it is, even though Lucia will probably answer.

I walk downstairs as I hear the door open.

"Hello, can I help you?" Lucia asked, as she stood at the door, the kids in the living room working on coloring books and puzzles, a curious little Nona at Lucia's side.

The pets sat around the children as they colored.

"Yes, is Frankie home? Or Mallory?" a familiar voice asked.

"Uhh, I'm sorry but, there is no Frankie....." Lucia stated, confused.

"Lucia, who's at the..... Door....." I asked, but then saw who was there and froze.

"Mallory," she greeted a bit coldly.

I frowned and crossed my arms, glaring at Deanna.

"Deanna...." I said as then everyone looked over.

Both Jack and Nova started to growl quietly in her direction, standing in front of the kids. Even Mushu started to growl and hiss from nearby, standing close to Ava.

"Lucia.... Take the kids outside, please," I said sternly yet calmly as I stared at Deana. "I'll handle this...."

"Yes, ma'am.... Niños, ven. Let's go outside and play," she said as she went and picked up Stevie from her baby swing and carrying her outside as the kids followed Lucia, but then Micah came up to me.

"Momma....?" he mumbled as I knelt down next to him.

"Baby, go with with Lucy and your sisters, okay?" I cooed softly, tucking a dark brown strand of his hair behind his ear. "Mommy will be with you soon.."

His hair is getting long, but we decided to let it grow out a bit.

"Otay..." he said as I kissed his forehead before letting him walk over, Nova guiding him with her as they all exited to the backyard, Lucia closing the door.

I then stood back up, and walked over, crossing my arms.

"You won't even let me meet my own grandchildren?" Deanna scoffed. "That's cold..."

"Why are you here?" I immediately asked. "How did you even find this house?"

"I wanted to see my grandchildren and son, is that really such a crime?" she snapped.

"Oh, you mean the same son you never told had a dead father for more than 20 years literally buried in the next county?" I snapped.

Her eyes widen in shock.

"Yeah, Nikki and I found out about Frank Feranna Sr.," I snapped. "That's why you were lurking around our house a few years back, wasn't it? I mean, what else aren't you telling him?" I snapped.

She pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

"Good God, Deanna, what the hell do you want with Nikki anyway?!" I snapped. "Haven't you caused him enough pain back then?!"

"Oh, like you know anything!!" she scoffed.

"You mean how you let all those shitty boyfriends and husbands you had abuse him?! How you were barely even there to raise him, his grandparents had to!? How he had to practically fend on his own for majority of his life?! He was just a boy, Deana, your son!!" I snapped.

"You wouldn't understand, okay?! His grandparents tried taking him away from me so many times-"

"Because you were a horrible mother, for fuck's sake!!!" I snapped.


My head suddenly turned to the side as her palm connected with my cheek, echoing across the room.

"HEY!!!" a voice suddenly roared and I look to see Nikki coming in and immediately grabbing his mother by the arm. "Don't you EVER put your fucking hands on my wife again, you hear me!?!!"

"She doesn't get to talk to me that way!!!" Deana shouted at him as she snatched her arm away.

"She can talk to you however she damn well pleases!!!" Nikki snarled, standing in front of me, an arm protectively around me. "Now what the hell do you fucking want!?"

"What, I can't talk to my own son!? Meet my own grandchildren?!" she snapped.

"You are out of your damn mind if you think I'm having my kids meet you," Nikki snarled. "You're not fucking them up like you did with me!"

"You want to talk to Nikki, that's up to him, but you leave our children out of this," I snapped at her.

She grunted. "Fine, Frankie, fine!!"

He huffed as I stood at his side, making sure he didn't lose his temper.

"Start talking, what the hell do you want with us?" I snapped.

"Mal, wait.... I have to do this..." Nikki said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"You faced your demons on your own before, now I have to do the same," he said sternly.

"Nikki....." I said, worried.

"I'll be fine, babe... Just go make sure Lucia and the kids are okay," he said.

I gulped nervously.

He's right... He let me fight my inner battle alone once.... Now I gotta do the same....

I turned to Deanna with a glare.

"You lay a hand on him and I'll end you," I snarled at her.

She looked at me surprised before I shared a quick kiss with Nikki and then I walked out hesitantly to the backyard.

"Mrs. Mallory! Your cheek..." Lucia exclaimed.

"Lucia, I'm alright, its nothing..." I assured her. "Let's just stay out here while Nikki handles that inside."

"Who was that woman? If I may ask..." she asked me.

I sighed, looking over at her. "Let's just say if she ever comes back here, do not let her in, no matter what... Understand?"

She pursed her lips worriedly. "... Yes, ma'am, I understand."

I smiled. "You know, I've told you to drop the whole ma'am and sir thing, honey. Just Mallory and Nikki is fine."

"I know, but it is still polite," she smiled sweetly.

We then hear Stevie coo from her baby blanket on the grass nearby as she played with her doll and walked over as Lucia picked her up and cradled her a little, Stevie giggling up at her.

I smiled. "You know, I feel like I don't say this enough, Lucia, but you really are a godsend to us. I don't even know how I'd be able to manage everything without you around," I admitted as we watched the kids play. "I can't thank you enough for all you've done."

"Its really nothing, Mrs. Mallory," she smiled. "Your children are so sweet and kind, as well as mischievous..."

I giggled, knowing she was right.

"I'm still glad I have the opportunity, to be here and help out any and every way I can," she said. "Plus, it is you who's also helped me and my family so much, even when we never asked.... I should be the one thanking you and your husband for everything."

"Think nothing... Its the least we can do for all that you do for us and our family," I assured. "As always, if you ever need anything at all, do not hesitate to ask me or Nikki."

She nodded her head.

"Mommy!!!" A voice shouted and we look to see Ava run up to me.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked, kneeling down to her level and seeing she had some mud on her clothes.

"Dylan fell in the mud," she said, pointing by the playground and we look to see Nova and Jack trying to pull a giggling Dylan from playing in a mud pile nearby while the twins made mud pies with Ellie next to him.

I scoffed a laugh and shook my head as Lucia also giggled.

"Come on, we can rinse them off with the hose for now. The pool shed has some extra towels," I said, Nova managing to just grab the back of Dylan's shirt with her teeth and dragging him out of the mud, him whining as the other kids giggled.

Lucia laughed and nodded as we went ahead and got the kids cleaned up for the meantime, but Dylan definitely needed a bath and clean clothes once it was safe to come in.

It wasn't long once I put Dylan's shirt and shorts aside to later wash, wrapping him in a towel for the meantime to keep warm while Lucia attended to Stevie that I hear a car engine start.

I frowned at the noise as I was done wrapping another towel around Ellie and then picked up Stevie, who we put in her playpen, in my arms when Nikki walked out of the back door.

"Nikki," I said, standing up as Ellie wandered over to where Ava and Dylan were, Dylan playing with Jack.

"Baby, let me see, let me see your cheek," Nikki said, rushing up to me and examining my face.

"Nikki, I'm okay, I'm okay." I insisted, my hand on his chest. "I've taken worst blows than that."

He sighed, trying to calming down as Stevie cooed up at her father, her shiny unique, shiny eyes looking up at him.

One of Stevie's greateat features is her eyes. She was diagnosed with complete heterchromia at birth, thankfully from genetics and her eyesight is completely fine. She developed Nikki's green eye at her left, and my dark brown color at her right. Its a unique feature, and the kids even find it fascinating.

Nikki smiled and stroked Stevie's blonde locks before kissing her nose, which made her giggle.

"Lucy, can you take the kids upstairs to wash up? I-I need to talk to Mal," Nikki said.

"Of course. Come on, everyone," she said as she let the kids walk inside.

"Here, its time for her nap," I said softly as I handed Stevie to her. "Dylan and Ellie both got a bag with a change of clothes in Zander's room."

She nodded and cooed softly at Stevie as she walked inside, everyone going upstairs as then me and Nikki walked in and he took a deep breath once it was just us.

"What happened? What did she want?" I asked him.

He sighed, shaking his head as he paced a little. "At first, I was thinking she wanted to reconcile, apologize for everything......" He said. "I actually almost fell for it....."

I frowned as he spoke, but then scoffed a humorless laugh.

"Then, after I actually thought there was a chance for me she let slip that she's glad I'm a rockstar, because then one day she'll have the money for a good retirement home....." he grunted.

I scoffed, now understanding everything, and honestly I'm not surprised.

Money... Deanna just wanted to take advantage of Nikki for money.....

"Honey, I'm so sorry...." I said, then walked over and pulled him into a hug, his arms wrapping around me as he buried his face into my shoulder.

"Listen to me, she is nothing," I told him. "You are successful because of yourself and the support of the people around you, and she's not one of those people.... We don't need her in our lives..."

He just took a deep breath and pulled back.

"I never needed her anyway..... You're all I need, same with the kids, the guys, my grandparents, the others....." he said, hugging me close. "My real family, my real home."

I smiled and hugged him closer, when suddenly the phone rung.

Nikki groaned with a slight pout wrapping his arms tighter around me, and I chuckled softly.

"Relax," I said, then walked over and answered the phone. "Sixx Residence."

"Hello, is this Mallory Sixx?" a voice asked.

"Yes, this is she," I said.

"Ma'am, this is Principal Galen from Santa Monica Valley Elementary," He said. "I'm calling in reference to your son, Zander."

"I-Is he okay?" I asked, getting worried.

"He's fine, ma'am, but apparently your son and his friend, Brandon Lee, were up to their.... Shenanigans once again," he snapped sternly.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "What did they do now?"

Nikki groaned quietly, as if just knowing.

"Zander and Brandon had stolen paints from the school art room and vandalized the school's science building during recess," he snapped. "They've also managed to involve Mister Neil Wharton into this."

"What!?" I asked. "Okay, I'm on my way now with my husband. I'll call Brandon and Neil's parents as well."

I hung up and sighed.

"Please don't tell me it was another stink bomb," Nikki begged. "That last one almost gave us a lawsuit."

"Worse, they vandalized a building," I said, rubbing my temple.

"Good god," He scoffed.

"They are five years old, how are they such little masterminds!?" I asked. "How the hell did they manage to even break into a classroom!?"

"Well, they are biologically miniature versions of both me and Tommy," he scoffed.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, holding my head in dismay. "Great..... I've created one-half of an evil duo in training...... Come on," I said. "The Mini Terror Twins and Neil are in the principal's office right now. I'll go tell Lucia we'll be right back."

"Uhh, maybe you should stay here..... We wouldn't want a later meeting with a school social worker or something if they see you with that shiner and getting the wrong impression...." he said, stopping me. "Plus, don't you still have that exam to study for?"

I held my still sore cheek and sighed. "You're right.... Just bring the boys home, I'll go get some ice for this and then call Pamela and Beth, in case they didn't get a call either."

He nodded as he kissed me before getting his keys and then walking out.

I sighed, then went over to the kitchen.

Never a boring day with the Sixx family.


Okay, so pretty much this chapter and the next 2 chapters are gonna be fillers, but they'll be kind of important ones, so it works out!! 💁🏻‍♀️

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Tommy Lee "Hold Me Down"

♡~ sapphire.

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