{Chapter Seventeen}

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"Haha!!" Tommy shouted as he played Swords with Vince using the lit torches.

"Shit, T-BONE!!" Vince yelped as the torch almost got his hair.

"You two idiots better not set anything on fire AGAIN!" Mick snapped as he tuned his guitar.

I chuckled as I finished the last few touches on my hair.

Today we were filming the music video for Looks that Kill and we were all pretty excited about it.

The plot is set on a post-apocalyptic setting with warrior girls we overpower, but then they are saved by a superior goddess figure.

As we were getting used to the set and posing for the photos, I noticed an old crew guy staring at us with a bit of a glare.

"Hey man, just because we wear lipstick doesn't mean we can't kick your ass!" I shouted, making the guys laugh as the dude run off.

We laughed as the guy looked freaked out and walked off.

"Hey... How do I look?" Mallory's voice suddenly asked from nearby and we turn to see....

"Whoa..." I said, mouth hanging open a bit.

(Pictures: Wendy Barry a.k.a. the heroine from the "Looks that Kill" Music Video, pictured also with Tommy Lee, representing Mallory in the story, depicting the hair , make up & costume she uses for the video)

"You look awesome, MJ!!" Tommy said as I admired Mallory in the heroine costume.

She laughed and blushed furiously. "Thanks, T-Bone.. I would have been done sooner but I was helping Sharise and the girls with their make up after doing mine."

"I'm impressed," Mick nodded as he tuned his guitar.

"You look gorgeous, babe," I smiled as we shared a quick kiss.


"Alright, everyone! Let's take our places!" the director called.

"Go get em," I smiled at Nikki as he gave me one last quick kiss beforr he went to take his place with the guys, being handed his own torch.

I sat down on my seat next to Doc as the girls then appeared, Sharise being one of them, and took their places as well.

The music started and we watched as the girls then emerged and acted cautious and nervous.

"Okay, cue the torches, guys!" the director shouted.

I watched on the screen as the girls watched the guys in shock and then as the guys pose a bit with the torches and the camera zooms in on the girls as they act scared in a sort of dramatic way.

I smiled as I watched how good the girls were acting, especially Sharise.

The guys then came in after posing and started to wave the torches at them as they raided them into the corral, soon after hanging up the torches.

"And cut! Perfect!" The director said as everyone relaxed. "Now let's get the guys all together to film them playing, then get Mallory set up."

An assistant then motioned me over and I walked over to take my place as the guys got set up to perform.


I got my bass ready as we all took our places and waited for the director's call, Mallory sitting down to wait as she was to film her scenes later after we filmed our scene.

Soon we were all set.

"Alright, boys, do your thing, in 3... 2.... 1..... Action!!" the director called and we begin to play.

(Video: Mötley Crüe "Looks That Kill" )

I played along as Vince soon started to sing.

Now listen up
She's a razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Now she's a cool, cool black
She moves like a cat
If you don't get her name
Well, you might not make it back

She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the look
(She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill)

Now she's bulletproof
She keeps her motor clean
And believe me, you

The church strikes midnight
She's looking louder and louder
She's going to turn on our juice, boy
So she turns on the power

She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the look

"She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got the look..." we sung as background.

We kept playing through the whole song, our performance scenes to be edited later on.

"Okay, cut!!" The director shouted once we finished. "Alright, let's take five, then start that over to kick off where it was left off!"

We relaxed as I handed my bass to the help before heading over to where Mallory was, sitting next to her as I was handed some whiskey.

"Baby, don't you need water?" Mallory asked as I pulled her onto my lap, letting her sit across it.

"I should be fine. I'm actually not really that tired, to be honest," I shrugged as I took a swig.

She nodded before letting me finish then taking a drink from the bottle as we rested, her head on my shoulder.

It wasn't long until our break was over and Mallory went to take her place to later be introduced.


I stood behind the wall as the guys played again and I waited for my signal, holding my shield as I peered over, seeing how the band played while pretending to taunt the girls in the corral and I couldn't help but quietly laugh at how funny they looked.

"Alright Mal, get ready," Tom said to me.

I nodded and got ready as then smoke started to emerge from the wall that's going to break down.

The music then started to pick up a little as then the director yelled to let the wall collapse and I got ready as it crumbled and I showed myself to the others, the girls acting relieved as they guys acted surprised.

As rehersed, I jump forward a little and pretend to analyze the situation before using the blaster and aiming it at Mick and his guitar, sparks shooting out (not hitting him of course), and making him start his guitar solo, then pretending to hiss or roar angrily as he started to play.

I then hurry down and head to the corral, pulling one of the torches and throwing it into the bonfire before opening the corral and setting loose the girls, who ran out, the guys showing their anger about it.

"And cut!" The director shouted. "Now ladies get ready for the last battle scene before Mal and Vince have their part on the ship.

Sharise and two other girls take my shield as we moved to another area.

"You are a natural!" Sharise smiled as I laughed.

"You're doing amazing, too," I said. "You have a good scared face."

She laughed. "Extra practice thanks to Vince and Tommy's pranks around the house," she said with an eyeroll as we laughed and got into our places, Sharise holding the shield with another girl ready to hand it to me.

"Alright, ready and," the director said. "Action!!"

Sharise and the other girl hold up the shield to me, letting me take it before aming the arm cannon at the drums as the girls ran off, and sparks shoot out of my arm and around the drums at the same time before I show the front of the shield to the camera, sparks shooting out as the pentagram on it glowed.

"Cut, perfect! Now Vince, Mallory, let's get ready for your scenes together entering the ship," he called out. "Terror Twins, get in your places, too!"

I handed the shield to one of the assistants as I headed over, Mick went to rest up while Vince and I headed to our spots, Nikki and Tommy going into the ship prop to take their places.

"Milady," he said as I passed him, making me laugh.

We then took our place and waited for the director to call action. Once he did, the camera zoomed on Vince before panning out on the both of us as I looked back at him, then walking towards the ship setting as he followed, soon turning and walking backwards until I hit the wall, and he walked over, hovering over me and stroking my cheek.

I tilted my head up as I placed my hand with his before pretending to scratch him as I growled, then escaping before he could grab me and I made my way deeper into the ship.

Now listen up
She's a razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Now she's a cool, cool black
Moves like a cat
If you don't get her name
You might not make it back

I walked in, camera focused on me, making it past the spiked walls, when Tommy popped out in front of me.

I backed up and turned, only to be met with Nikki. Both of them surrounded me as I backed into the spiked wall, being careful not to be poked.

I smirked and leaned back against it as they slowly grabbed me before I slipped from their grasps and ran to the other side, making them look over.

She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the look
(She got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill)

"And cut, perfect!" The director shouted and we rested as I laughed.

"Okay, that scene was actually fun for some reason," I said as Vince and Mick walked in, Vince helping Mick climb in.

"Okay, let's film this last scene before the ending, and we will be done!"

"Good luck, baby," Nikki said as we shared a quick kiss and I was helped up to the pillar to film my final scenes, which will be performed backwards in the music video.

All while in platform heeled boots. Yay.

I managed to climb up on the pillar, which thankfully wasn't high (about 3 ft tall) and got ready for the director.

"Hey babe, just so you know, I think you would still look very hot with a cast!" Nikki called out jokingly.

"Fuck off!" I whined as I looked at at the height as the others laughed, some cushions below it to break my fall.

"Nikki, don't be an ass," Tommy chuckled.

"Mal, you'll be alright!" Vince shouted. "Its really just a small hop!"

I nodded as I did the pose I needed to do, before the director yelled action.

I then pounced off and landed on the cushions, laughing as I rolled off.

Nikki then went and helped me up to my feet as I got a few applauses.

"Okay, great! Now, one last one, this time its not too high, you just kind of hop down and crouch against the wall," the director said. "After that its just the last two scenes with the guys."

"Got it," I said, nodding as we headed to the next platform, this time it was about a foot or two tall, and I stepped up on it.

Once the director called action, I hopped off, crouching a bit before jumping off a bit to look as if I was going to jump on the much higher column.

After that, it was the scene of the four guys hunting me, the camera mostly zommed into our faces, so we really just took turns with our reactions.

I turned my head and looked surprised.

Mick kind of had a bit of a hissing face with the camera.

Tommy was sort of blank but concentrated as he poked his head up.

Vince smirked as he poked out his head.

Nikki had wide eyes, looking ready to fight.

She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill
She's got looks that kill

After that it was the final scene with the guys trapping me and soon the flaming pentagram taking our place.

"And, action!" the director called as I stood in the middle of the unlit pentagram.

The guys came up and surrounded me really close, before each one putting their fists up over me, and a bunch of lights and smoke surrounded us before I was motioned to squeeze past them, and then the director told them to move away before the pentagram was lit on fire and filmed for a few seconds.

"And three.... two... one... Cut! That's a wrap!" the director shouted and we all cheered and applauded, Nikki hugging me from behind as we all celebrated the finishing everything.

>Weeks Later<

"Sit down! Hurry up!" Mick snapped as we all got settled in our house, waiting to watch how the video came up, me seated across Nikki's lap.

Doc, his partner Doug, and Tom were also here.

Once we were all seated, we turned on the TV to MTV and just in time.

"Now to introduce our favorite, crazy rock band, their new music video for Looks That Kill, Mötley Crüe!" the announcer said and it started as we cheered, Mick shutting everyone up with another shout before it started.

(Video: Mötley Crüe "Looks That Kill" Music Video)

Soon the video ended and we all cheered at how amazing it came out.

I smiled and kissed Nikki's cheek as we celebrated and partied the rest of the night before eventually crashing wherever we dropped.


This chapter took A LOT of planning and gif hunting lmao. 😂😂😂

Hope you are all enjoying the story so far. 🌻

Fair warning, the next chapter, things start to turn, and not in a good way. You have been warned.

📻 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Kesha "Praying"

♡~ sapphire.

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