{Chapter Seventy-Three}

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⚠Warning: Mentions of loss of life and trauma⚠️



Nikki and I enjoyed the rest of our honeymoon for that week, and soon we were back home in Los Angeles. That was a little over a month ago.

Unfortunately, like Tommy and Heather did, we had come back to a disaster of our own version.

Mick and Emi are now in the midst of a divorce and she had kicked him out of his own home while we were gone, and somehow she's most likely going to end up with almost everything of his, including almost all of his money.

On top of that, he had collapsed because of his AS three days after we had started our honeymoon. Doctors said he was going to be okay, but he was on strict bed rest for a while and raised the dosage of his medication. Thankfully he's better now, but I still have him taking things easy since it was still a bad fall.

He had been staying with Vince and Sharise until we got back that me and Nikki insisted to have him staying with us until we helped him find a new place.

It took some arguing and stubbornness, but Mick eventually caved.

Nobody told us until we came back so we wouldn't be worried. According to Tommy, Mick didn't want them to say anything at all, but Tommy convinced him to say something at least once we were home.

I climbed up the stairs with the tray of food and the bag of prescription drugs Nikki just picked up.

Jack scampered closely behind me as I arrived to the guest room, softly knocking on the door.

"Come in!" he shouted, and I walked in, seeing he was in bed watching TV, lazily strumming some chords on his guitar.

"Hey... I got you lunch, and Nikki picked up your prescription for you," I said

He groaned softly and sat up as I helped him get comfortable as he moved the guitar aside, then looked at me.

"Thank you... You know, you really didn't have to do this for me," he said.

I furrowed my brows. "You kidding? How could I ever turn my back on the man who had taken me in without a second thought and took care of me when I was hitting rock bottom my own way?" I said.

He looked over.

"Like it or not, you're my family, hell my father," I said, smiling. "I'm not leaving you behind even if it kills me."

He scoffed a grin and looked away.

"Hell.... Alright.... But quit trying to soften me up, you hear me?" he said sternly, pointing a finger at me and making me laugh.

Jack then hopped up and happily greeted Mick.

"Ah! Hey!" Mick snapped as Jack stood up and licked Mick's face, Mick trying to get him off.

I giggled and put the food on the table before rescuing Mick and picking Jack up in my arms.

"Ugh," Mick scoffed as he wiped the slobber off his face.

"Looks like Jack likes your soft spots," I smiled with a giggle.

"And it looks like Jack needs a mint or something," he said, reaching for a towel nearby and wiping . "You know, I swear I took you for a cat person."

I shrugged as I set Jack down. "Honestly, I don't exactly had a preference. I don't think I ever really did..... We did once have a koi pond in my home in Arizona when I was little, so, I guess I'm more of a fish person."

"Huh, sounds nice.... What happened to the koi pond?" he asked curiously as I got the food and set it down on his lap for him.

"A massive heat wave came through town, they sadly didn't survive," I sighed. "The sperm donor that made me had decided to drain the pond and put a gazebo in place, then afterwards just had a small bird room built in the house. It was nice, I admit, but... Koi fish are a liiiiiiittle more quiet...."

Mick shrugged. "True."

I smiled as I sat down at the food of the bed while he sipped his juice.

"I'm sorry about Emi..... You don't deserve what you're going through," I said.

He sighed. "Its alright... I'll find a new place eventually, move on.... Get my earnings back...."

"I know.... But still... Jeez, that vindictive two-faced fucking snake!!! God himself would have to hold me back if I ever see her face again!!" I snarled as I stood up, pacing.

"Ease up, Mallory," Mick scolded. "She ain't worth a single blow you land on her, believe me. You are a much better person than she is or ever will be. Don't stoop down to her level."

I sighed as I composed myself.

"You're right... Back then, I would have definitely scalped her, though," I said. ".... In a way, still could..."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," he said with a smirk.

I chuckled as I then suddenly felt a wave of dizziness hit me and I held to the bedpost as I steadied myself.

"Ohhh..." I groaned, holding my head as the room spun.

"Whoa, Mallory, hey!" Mick said, quickly sitting up and moving out of bed. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know... M-My head....." I said.

"Shit, here, lay down," Mick said, carefully but quickly standing up and walking over, helping me lay down.

"N-No, you need to lay down," I sighed, my head spinning as he rested my head on the pillow.

"Don't be stubborn with me," he snapped, then turned his head a bit. "NIKKI!!! GET OVER HERE, QUICK!!!"

"I'm fine, Mick, really," I insisted as then I heard the door opened.

"What the- MAL!?" Nikki's voice shouted as I looked at he ran over to me. "What happened!?

"I don't know, man, she was fine just a few seconds ago and then she suddenly almost fainted," Mick said, then grabbed the bottle of water from the tray. "Here, give her some water."

I slowly sat up as I felt the spinning soon stop, then Nikki helping me drink the water.

"Here," He said as I took a few sips, then stopped and gave the bottle back to him, my vision clearing again as I took a deep breath.

"There... How do you feel?" Nikki said, and I see both him and Mick looking at me with worry.

"Uhh, a little better," I said.

"Babe, you need to really see a doctor about this," Nikki frowned.

"Wait, this has happened before?!" Mick snapped.

"She's been like this for days, more than a week," Nikki sighed. "Three days ago, she spent nearly the whole morning just throwing up. She only didn't say anything so she didn't want to worry you."

"Guys, really, I'm alright," I insisted, sitting up. "Its probably just a flu or something."

"Regardless, you still need to see a damn doctor," Mick scolded. "You can't be risking yourself like this, Mallory, especially for my sake. You know I hate that."

I sighed. "Okay... I'm sorry... You have a lot on your mind, I just didn't want to scare you," I admitted. "Nikki's already worried, I didn't want to make anyone else worried as well."

"I understand... But next time, tell me these things," Mick said. "Got it?"

I nodded up at him. "Yes, sir..."

He nodded as I looked down at my watch.

"Its barely even 2.... I guess it wouldn't be too late to go to LAC right now, would it?" I asked.

"I'll drive you," Nikki assured as he helped me up. "You'll be okay here while we're gone, old man?"

"I'll be fine. Go make sure she's okay, you hear me?" he assured.

Nikki nodded as we walked out and got ready to head to the hospital.



I waited in the waiting room after they took in Mallory to run some blood tests and stuff.

I sighed as I laid back, hoping it was nothing life threatening.

Soon I saw her walk out with a nurse friend of her's, Jill I think, and they said some words before hugging and parting ways, Mal walking up to me.

"Well? What did they say?" I asked.

"Well, physically, I seem fine, my vitals are normal, so they're running a urine sample and blood test to see if its something internal," I said. "I can get the results tomorrow during my shift, but the worst case scenario is, I probably just caught a bad cold or some sort of stomach flu. If I feel nauseous, some simple home remedies can help"

"Shit..." I said, feeling scared, but Mal held to my shoulders.

"Babe, calm down, its probably nothing," she said. "Hell, for all I know, its probably just stress, and a lot of colds and flu bugs have been going around."

"I know, I know, but..." I said, then sighed.

"But nothing," she said. "Its gonna be okay."

I sighed as she leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Come on," she said. "So both you AND Mick can be able to sleep tonight, and you two have that meeting tomorrow."

"Ugh, right.... I don't even now what its about," I said.

"Well, it sounded important," she said as we walked.

"Its probably just for another music video," I said. "Maybe even a tour."

"We'll see. If it is a tour, let me know and I'll see how my vacation days look, if I got enough to last the whole tour. Come on," She said as we headed out.

*the next morning*

I sighed as I finished pouring soe coffee into my mug, Mick eating breakfast and drinking his own coffee at the counter while listening to the news on TV, Jack begging Mick for scraps.

Mal soon came down already in her uniform and dressed up, hair in a ponytail.

"Hey honey," she said as she kissed me.

"Morning, babe," I said. "How're you feeling?"

"Pretty good, actually," she said as she poured herself some coffee into her traveler's mug along. "I decided to head out early for the test results."

"Okay. We should be heading out soon. Want me to bring lunch from Dottie's later?" I asked as she got some milk and poured it into her coffee and then some sugar.

"Maybe. I'll give you a call," I said as she kissed me. "Love you."

"Love you, too. Be careful," I said.

"Got it, bye Mick," she said as she grabbed her handbag and car keys as she left.

"Well, we got another half hour to spare," Mick said, finishing his food.

"Yeah, I'm gonna walk Jack for a moment and we can head out," I said.

"Got it. I have to meet with the lawyers soon afterwards," Mick sighed.

I frowned. "Its not looking good, is it?"

"Emi has fucking connections, and then there's not signing that stupid prenup," I sighed.

"Well, look at it this way.... At least you didn't end up with a pen in your shoulder or your $800 pants stolen back during a quickie with another girl," I said, shrugging.

He gave me a look.

".... Not helping?" I asked.

"You're not wrong, but no, you're not helping," He said.

"Got it," I nodded. "But in all seriousness, she doesn't deserve someone like you, especially with what she's doing. Eventually, this will all come back at her."

He sighed. "I hope... I'm gonna finish getting ready."

I nodded as he finished the rest of his coffee and put everything in the dishwasher before heading out the kitchen.

"Remember your medication. Mal will strangle me if you don't," I said.

"Then good luck with that," he argued as he left, making me sigh and roll my eyes before looking at Jack, who tilted his head at me.

"What? He's naturally like that," I shrugged.

He just barked at me and I scoffed.

"Come on," I said, grabbing his leash. "You're still not fully housebroken, kid."

He trotted happily over to me and I clip his leash on and walk him outside for a bit so he can do his business.

Once I was done I put him back in his little playpen with his toys Tommy and Heather got him while we were out of town, placing new newspaper for him in case he had an accident, as well as some food and water, and soon we were off to to the studio.


"Doug, why the fuck did you bring us here in the crack of dawn?" Vince said grumpily, Tommy slouched over the table as if he were in school.

I snickered as Mick rolled his eyes.

"Well I'll just come out and say it, boys," Doug smiled. "Dr. Feelgood went platinum!"

Our eyes went wide in surprise as even Tommy and Vince were suddenly awake.

"No way!" I said as Tommy and Vince cheered out happily and Mick smiled.

"Its sold more than a million copies, and people loved it," he said. "Especially songs you've sung live to and for Mallory. Hell, S.O.S was a put on replay nonstop after you used it to propose to her."

I couldn't help but smile as Tommy nudged me excitedly and Mick patted my back.

"There is also gonna be a tour to promote and celebrate, this time in Europe and some parts of the US. Some dates are still being discussed, but we might be heading on tour effective 3 weeks from now," he said.

"Shit, this is awesome!!" Vince exclaimed.

"Nikki I understand some of Mallory's vacation days were used for her honeymoon, so in the case of her not have enough for the entirety of the tour, we can suggest someone step in for her once her days are up," Doug said. "We don't want any issues with the the hospital she works for."

"Umm, yeah, yeah, I'll talk to her," I assured.

"Perfect," he said. "We'll have a photoshoot tomorrow for the tabloids....."

We continued to talk about some stuff for a few more hours before ending the meeting, and the four of us decided to celebrate with some lunch and hanging out at Tommy's. I tried calling Mal but I'm guessing a big case came up since the usual nurse at the desk, Lisa, didn't even answer. Said that Mal was busy with with a pile up accident that was rushed in or something.

"Shit, we'll even be seeing Russia!" Vince said in shock as we went over the list.

"Hey Tommy maybe you can wrestle a bear over there," Mick snickered.

"I can try to!" Tommy laughed.

"Baby, please don't," Heather scoffed with a laugh.

It was soon started to be about the time Mal should be home.

"Hey, I should be getting home, see if Mal made it," I said. "Also tell her the good news."

"She didn't answer the phone?" Vince asked.

"Now, apparently, hospital got wind of a pile up in the freeway by the airport according to a receptionist," I shrugged. "If anything, best I do head out in case she got a lost cause."

"Shit, true," Tommy frowned. "That last accident case she handed broke her..."

I nodded, remembering it.

"Mick, you heading out, too?" I asked, pulling my jacket on.

"I'll catch up. Its my turn to bring dinner," he said.

I nodded, saying bye to everyone before heading out.


"Babe!!" I called out, walking into the house as Jack barked and greeted me.

Mal's car was in the driveway, so she was definitely home.

"Nikki?" She called out from somewhere in the house, I think the living room.

"Mal, where are ya?! I got amazing news!!" I called out, rushing over, but finding it empty.

Jack happily trotted behind me, oblivious to everything.

"Where are you?!" she called from some other are. "I have news, too, its important!!"

I exit the living room quickly and ended up almost crashing into her.

"Oh!" she exclaimed with a laugh as we held each other, me also laughing. "Someone's excited.

"Because who's the one that just went Platinum by a hundred million copies!?" I exclaimed. "DR. FEEL-GOOOOOD!!"

"Really!? Mal gasped in shocked.

"You bet, baby, and we're gonna be touring Europe as celebration!!" I exclaimed as she screamed excitedly and hugged me tightly as I spun her once.

"Babe, I am happy for you and the guys, this really is amazing!!" she smiled as Jack hopped around by our feet.

"I know, I can't wait! Doug did say he wants to discuss vacation days with you and if any case you don't have enough you can help find a replacement for back-up," I explained.

"Oh, uhh, yeah, yeah," she assured, then paused and smiled as she pulled me into a kiss. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You worked so hard on this album, you and the boys deserve this."

"We couldn't have done it without you," I admitted. "The songs we dedicated to you and played for you are what bumped us, including S.O.S."

"Wow, that.... I-I don't know what to say," she smiled.

I then leaned in and kissed her passionately. She kissed me back and smiled up at me.

"Oh, hey, you said you had news, too," I said. "What's up?

That's when her smile fell and she looked down from my face, looking.... Scared?

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, holding her hands.

"Nikki, I.... I need you to sit down," she said as she led me into the living room.

"W-What's going on?" I asked as we sat in the living room.

"I, umm.... I got the results from the tests....." she said, looking up.

I frowned and immediately got scared. "D-Did something bad come up?"

"I-I don't know...." she said, her voice shaking.

"Mal, please, just say something, you're really scaring me," I insisted.

She gulped and sighed, looking down. "Nikki, I.... I-I'm pregnant..."

My eyes widen and my heart stopped. "Wha.... What?"

"That's why I've been so dizzy and nauseous.... The blood test and urine sample were self explanatory, but I still took a pregnancy test while I was over there, and.... It came out positive... I'm about almost 4 weeks along, give or take," she said, looking up at me.

I took a moment to process everything.

Mallory's gonna have a baby.... I'm gonna be a dad....

"Babe, that..... That's great news!" I said, and turned to see her looking down, her face in her hands as she sobbed.

"Mal?" I asked, walking over and kneeling down next to her. "Talk to me, Mal..."

She sniffled, moving her hands, before she pulled off her watch, tossing it aside and showing me her wrist and what was written on it with two little hearts, one bigger than the other.

I frowned as I understood what she meant, and that's when I suddenly felt worried, too.

"I'm so scared, Nikki...." she cried. "I'm so fucking scared....... I didn't know when I was expecting Razzle's baby, and that almost killed me when I lost him...... I know this time, and.... What's gonna happen if I lose this baby, too?"

"Babe....." I said softly, holding my arms gently around her as then pulled her into a hug, letting her cry into my shoulder as she clung to me.

"What I went through... I don't want you going through something like that either," She sobbed. "I can't do that to you..."

"Shhhhh, its okay," I murmured, trying to calm her down. "Did the doctor say anything about this?"

She sniffled and pulled back a little bit, wiping some tears away.

"H-He said there's a possibility I won't miscarry, so long as I stay well rested and healthy, avoid smoking and alcohol, the regular stuff.... It can give the baby a better chance, but its still unknown what could happen," she explained. "And, ummm.... There's another option, but.... I'm not sure I want to do it, but it can avoid any future complications and trauma...."

I frowned. "W-What is it?"

"Ummm... An abortion," she mumbled, looking down. "And then... Then I could get a hysterectomy done..."

"What-What is that?" I asked.

She hesitated, but sighed. "Having that done would mean I never get pregnant ever again...."

My eyes widen in shock as she cried.

"Mal... Do you want to do that?" I asked her.

She sobbed quietly, looking down. "I always wanted kids one day.... My mom managed to have me, so.... I want to believe there's a chance, that-that maybe my baby will make it, but..... I-I don't want to break again...." she cried.

I frowned, realizing how much must be going through her mind.

"Look at me," I said softly, holding her face in my hands. "I know you're scared.... Hell, I actually am, too.... But who knows, maybe this can actually be a second chance for you...."

She sniffled.

"I'll support whatever you decide, and whatever happens, miscarriage or not, I will be planted at your side no matter what.... Okay?"

She sniffled as I spoke.

"I'm gonna be here.... I'm not gonna leave..... Ever..." I assured her.

She smiled  and pulled me into a hug and I hugged her close.

"I'm still scared...." she murmured.

"I know.... You have every right to be...." I assured. "But its gonna be okay."

She sighed as she clung to me, then pulled back, looking at me.

I smiled big as I started to let it set in.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I smiled happily.

She giggled softly as I kissed Mal and placed my hands on either side of her abdomen.

"Let's wait a while before going public, though," she said. "We don't know what can happen between now and maybe even tomorrow. If anything we can still tell the others for now."

I nodded. "Okay," I said, and we shared a kiss, and then I realized something.

"I guess this means you won't be able, to tour, huh?" I asked, feeling a little said.

She frowned softly, as if realizing it. "I guess Europe would have to wait another day..." she said. "It's best I don't take any risks, and Dr. Watkins is gonna have me on reception and occasionally in NICU since its tame. I'm also gonna start taking special prenatal drugs and supplements as well. Dr. Langdon will be my OB/GYN, and she's really good, I trust her."

I nodded and then the door opened.

"Hey! I got us Thai food, hope that's alright!" Mick called out, then walked in as we turned.

"Shit, what did I miss?" he asked, then frowned when he saw Mal's teary face. "Mallory? Why are you crying?"

She sniffled, wiping her tears as we looked at each other, and Mal nodded before we faced him.

"We, uhh.... We have an announcement," I said.

He furrowed his brows as Mal took a deep breath, my arm around her.

"I'm pregnant," she said.

Mick's eyes widen in surprise. "You're kidding...."

"That's why I've been sick.... The tests confirmed everything," Mal explained.

Mick looked worriedly at us. "Mallory... You know your condition...."

She sighed, nodding. "I know.... I've been given all my options, all the risks, and...." she said, looking up at me. "I want to have some hope this time, now that I know....."

He still seemed concerned, then looked at me. "Where's your stand in this?"

"All the way, right at her side, of course," I assured.

He nodded. "Good...." he said. "If that kid makes it and he calls me a grandpa, I'm coming for your head, Sixx."

I looked at him in confusion as Mal giggled softly and then walked over and shared a hug with Mick.

"I'm happy for you, kid," he said with a smile as he and Mal hugged.

"Thank you," she smiled. "Unfortunately, though, this means I can't join you guys on tour for a while.."

He sighed, thinking about. ".... I'll try not to kill Tommy," He said, nodding. "But I'm entitled to at least whacking him if he pushes my buttons too much."

Mal scoffed a laugh with an eyeroll.

"Also, ummm... I want to wait a while before going public about this," Mal explained. "If say maybe, I don't know, three months give or take, I still have the baby, then we can make an announcement, depending. I don't want to just blurt it out and then I end up losing the baby, it'll just be worse. But we can tell the others tomorrow and just keep it amongst ourselves until then."

"Understood," Mick said. 

I smiled as I wlked over, hugging Mal from behind as she held my arms, looking at me.

"Well, then let us celebrate with some fried rice, some pork, and noodles," Mick announced, and we laughed as we all sat in the living room and dug in.

I really do hope we don't lose this chance...


I honestly have a lot of mixed feelings about places reopening to be honest.

One part of me is a little glad, it means I'll be back to work soon. This loooooong quarantine has taken a toll on my mental health honestly, and I just want things to go back to normal as much as possible, to work again and at least sort of feel like myself again.

However, another part of me thinks we still need some more time, and the people of Florida here (Yes, I am very sadly cursed to live in this god forsaken shit hole, and yes the stories you hear are true. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️) have not followed the Stay Home and Social Distancing orders as they should have, let alone have taken it seriously, and have practically ruined it for a lot of other people.

Point being, I want to go back to work and soon go back to school, but I want to also feel safe when I do and like I'm not gonna be at risk or something.

I really am hoping things do get better one way or another, though. 😕

Also, hope you are all staying safe! Much love to you all!! ❤🌻

🎧Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Raja Kumari "I Did It"

♡~ sapphire.

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