{Chapter Sixxty-Five}

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The news spread like wildfire eventually.

The world now knew everything.

MJ was pregnant with Razzle's baby. She had a miscarriage not long after he died. She miscarries too easily due to genetics.

From what we could find out, someone had broke into her doctor's office, stolen her medical file and history, and then sold the whole thing

The worst part was some people thought it was Vince's fault, and sent hate his way, and its really affected him a bit, too, calling him a baby killer and stuff.

Nikki was on the war path, trying to control the press and figure out who the hell told them about MJ's condition and what happened.

Not many people knew about this, honestly.

The four of us did, and so do the girls. Doc knew. Razzle's family obviously knew, as did the guys from Hanoi Rocks. Sebastian and the rest of his band knew. And of course MJ's doctors.

That was it, basically, and everyone swore to keep it secret.

Poor MJ... She feels so bad, and hasn't even left her room since the interview. She won't eat, she won't talk, she's cried almost nonstop, barely sleeps at all, she won't even let Nikki touch her, or almost anyone...

Who could have been cruel enough to do this to my friend.....?

I sat on the couch with Heather as we watched the news watching as paparazzi was camped out in front of Razzle's home in London, guards posted around it to protect the family.

Apparently the press wanted a statement from Razzle's parents about the situation, but they obviously didn't want to put any comments. I can't imagine what this is doing to them, either.

"Those bastards... As if that family isn't suffering enough," Heather snapped angrily, making me rub her back.

Another one barricaded in his house was Vince and his family, since he had to hide from the press and their bullshit questions, and Sharise was also bombarded with questions, too.

He's MJ's best friend and not being there for her at this time is really getting to him.

Nikki then came downstairs, a plate of food in his hand.

"She's still not eating," he sighed.

"She's gonna get sick at this point," Mick sighed.

"Let me try," Heather said, getting up as Nikki handed her the food, then went upstairs.

Nikki sighed and paced a bit, looking upset. I can't blame him. MJ has gotten like this before, mostly because of working at the hospital and losing patients and stuff, but it was never this bad. She could even risk relapse at this rate.

Soon there was a knock and we froze as Mick then turned to me.

"Get me that fire poker, drummer," He snapped.

"Mick, no!" Emi scolded as I quickly grabbed the poker that was next to the fireplace, and handed it to him, while he went and checked the door, looking through the peephole.

"Its safe," he sighed with relief before quickly opening the door and four people stumbled in quickly.

"Fuck off, man!!" Rachel snarled as someone yanked his hair and he shoved them back hard before he and Andy slammed the door shut, Andy locking it as then rested against it.

"Bloody hell, they're like the living dead," Andy panted.

"Glad you can make it," Nikki said as Michael and Sebastian turned to us.

"We flew in the minute the news reached London. We tried getting to Razzle's family but the fucking papps outside their house made it impossible," Michael said.

"We were just watching," I sighed. "How are his parents?"

"How else would they be? They were just starting to slowly move on, now they're fucking grieving all over again because of this mess," Andy snapped as he glared outside.

I frowned and looked down.

"From what we know, someone stole her whole file and sold it a tabloid company, but was leaked moments before Mallory's interview, hence how they knew, so we didn't even have any idea of anything until the next day but the live interview was the boost to send the media on a frenzy."

"Fuck," Sebastian muttered.

"Who would do that to her?" Rachel asked. 

"What if it was Vince?" Andy mumbled.

Me, Nikki and Mick looked at him weirdly as Michael grabbed his arm.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Do not do this now," Michael sneered quietly at him, then turned to  us. "Its nothing, really."

"No no no no no, let the little shit here talk," Mick snapped, holding up the fireplace poker as Emi tried to calm him. "Something you want to share with the class, McCoy? Speak up!!"

"It just wouldn't surprise me if maybe Vince decided to hurt Mallie, too," Andy snapped. "He hurt Razzle and whp knows, maybe he did probably cost her his child, too!"

"Andy, enough!" Michael sneered.

"You're upset too!" Andy said. "He should be in jail!!"

"You son of a bitch, now is not the fucking time for that, in case anyone didn't fucking notice!!" Mick snapped. "Who's to say you two fucks didn't squeal to get back at her and us for the god damned accident!?"

"Hey, fuck you!" Andy snarled, leading to Mick charging before Emi held him back and Rachel and I got in between them before anyone got hurt, Michael trying to stop Andy.

Nikki quickly took the poker from Mick before this got ugly.

"A'ight, look, look, look!" Michael quickly said. "Yes, we are still upset with Vince over what happened, we'll admit it. But that does not mean that we're upset with Mallory! We would never hurt her like this! Fuck's sake, Razzle loved her, she's innocent in all of this! Why would we do that!?"

"Alright, that's enough!!" Nikki roared.

Everyone went quiet as we looked at him..

"We are not going to figure out who fucking snitched by chewing each other's fucking heads off or pointing fingers!!" Nikki snapped. 

"He's right," Sebastian said. "On top of that, us fighting isn't going to help Mallory, or fix what happened."

Everyone was quiet and sighed.

"I know you two still hurt. Razzle was your brother, he was someone important, and I would be mad as hell too if I was in your position and justice wasn't on my side," Sebastian said. "But being angry isn't going to help you all heal. Vince probably pays his own penance already, every single day ever since, and lives with the guilt, probably will forever."

Andy and Michael were quiet, Andy looking away.

"However, if anything, this can be discussed later. Right now, this very moment, we need to help Mallory, we have to think for her sake, we have to be there for her, now more than ever," Sebastian said. "I'm sure that's what Razzle would want..."

They were quiet as Michael spoke out.

"You're right, mate.... Apologies," he said, nodding at him.

".... You're right..." Andy mumbled.

I gulped as I watched Sebastian nod his head and pat Andy's shoulder.

"Now, to sum it up, who were the people who knew about the miscarriage?" Sebastian asked, looking at us.

"Apart from us, the band members who currently aren't present, Heather and Sharise, now Emi, and of course Mallory's doctors and therapists," Mick asked.

"Right," Nikki said, everyone agreeing.

"Mallory told me not long after we started dating, I swore to keep a tight lip on it, never even bought it up afterwards. I swore to carry it to my grave. The rest of Skid Row knew just recently once we heard and the news spread, and I admit I did tell them, but no one else," Sebastian said.

Nikki nodded as Rachel then spoke up.

"Could it be someone may have overheard her during a conversation or something, someone who's had it out for Mallory?" Rachel asked.

"From what we know, Mallory barely spoke of it if it wasn't in a closed room, let alone bought it up at all," Nikki said.

That's when I remembered something from back then.

"Didn't Paul once talk shit about her to Axl?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me weird before Mick suddenly spoke.

"Son of a bitch, you do have fucking neurons in there," he snapped.

My mouth dropped. "Umm, hurtful!!!!" I screamed.

"Easy, Tommy," Sebastian said, patting my back as I pouted to myself.

"No way, Mal would have never told the likes of those two," Nikki said. "Paul was a hatefuck that barely even lasted 3 minutes, and Mal never even batted an eyelash in Axl's direction, last thing she said was she would break his nose after he spoke ill of Razzle. He knew they dated, but no way that prick new of the pregnancy at all, let alone his band  ."

"Well then the only way was was some bastard overheard a conversation or a doctor or nurse sold her medical file to the press," Andy said.

"No, it wasn't...." a voice suddenly said behind us and we turned to see....

"Mal," Nikki gasped as we all stood there.

She looked... Exhausted... Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, bags under them, and she was pale and wrapped in a bathrobe, Heather standing next to her.

"Love, you don't look well, maybe you should lie back down-" Michael said.

"N-No, I'm not gonna do that," she said, cutting him off as she stood at the stairs.

"MJ?" I asked, getting worried.

She took a step, stumbling a little and leading everyone to flinch and move forward to catch her if she falls, but she stopped us by holding her hands up, Heather still helping to steady her.

"See.... I've been thinking a lot... About all of this...." she said. "Who could have known? Who could have told? Then it hit me...... We were not the only ones who knew about my condition..."

We all frowned and looked at each other.

"D-Did you tell someone else?" Mick asked.

She chuckled humorlessly and shook her head. "I didn't have to... She practically knew since the fucking beginning...." she said coldly.

We frowned as then Nikki spoke.

"Oh fuck," he snapped.

"What?" Michael asked, looking worried.

"Mal's condition is genetic," Nikki said. "The women in her family can't carry a baby to full term, only they know this, and there was only one person who fucking knew kept it from her!!"

We were quiet as it suddenly hit us and I ran my hand through my hair in shock.

"Oh my god," Sebastian said.

"Fuck!!" Mick snarled.

"How much do you gentlemen want to bet that the call to the press came from Arizona?" she snarled, and that's when it all clicked.

It was MJ's mother...


A quick but MASSIVE shout out to all the health workers out there as well as food workers, maintenance workers, and all those of similar or equal positons who are on the frontlines of this virus taking care of their community and doing their part to the fullest and beyond. Much love and support to you all! Stay strong! ❤

Everyone else, please stay safe, be smart and stay at home not just for you but for those helping, remember social distancing, do your part to help as well, be considerate (panic buying can negatively affect other people), be kind, and also remember to wash your hands! We will overcome this! 🌻

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Pierce the Veil
"Props & Mayhem"

♡~ sapphire.

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