{Chapter Sixxty-Four}

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⚠️Warning: Scenes depicting severe breakdowns and mentions of blood. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



"No," I said sternly as I hung up the t-shirt on the wall.

"It's not a terrible idea," Doug said.

"I'm not doing it!!" I snapped, slamming the box on the table.

Time passed since Nikki proposed and things have been amazing. I feel genuinely happy, probably even happier than I was in the past before everything went downhill.

The tour had continued well as well and soon we will be home in a few weeks. Fans had been really supportive of me and Nikki.

Sharise, Heather and I have been really working on wedding plans as much as we could despite being in different towns. Heather is going to be my maid of honor, and Sharise and my cousin, Alexis will be bridesmaids. Still determining who else.

Nikki and I also talked and decided on a wedding at the Los Angeles River Center & Gardens, considering we aren't exactly ones for a church wedding, and a beach or hotel wedding just didn't sound like something we wanted.

It's going to be taking place in the spring next year.

Nikki is a little nervous of asking Tommy to be his best man, considering he wasn't exactly a great best man for Tommy when it was his wedding. I offered to talk to Tommy on his behalf, but he insisted he was going to do it instead.

Of course, Tommy did forgive him for it, but Nikki wanted to give him a proper apology, which he's been a bit nervous about, since that day really hurt Tommy.

Right now the tour ends in 2 weeks and we were all just glad to soon be going home.

"But why not? An interview is not going to kill you," Doug said.

"I made it specifically clear, even if we dumped Doc, I was never going to be interviewed or anything," I said. 

"You had that interview with Nikki at the premiere party," He said. "I only helped Nikki

"That was different, the guy just wanted a few questions mostly for Nikki, I was just there by chance," I said. "We didn't even answer all of them 'cause I balked after barely 3 minutes."

"Mallory," he sighed.

"My answer is no, end of discussion," I snapped. 

"You haven't even thought about the idea," Doug argued.

"I made it very clear since the beginning that I was not going to get in the way of Mötley Crüe's business, I was only there to help and support them, Nikki especially, and I still am. Nothing changes that," I said. "Everything that happened the past few years, it was a miracle the shit I got myself into didn't affect them as well."

"What's going on?" A voice said as we turn to see Nikki and Mick walk over, meaning soundcheck must have ended.

"Its nothing," I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"Mallory was asked by Terry Ross to come on the show to interview her," Doug said.

"Seriously?" Mick asked. "That's interesting."

"I'm not doing it," I said.

"How come?" Nikki asked as he walked over to me, handing me a water bottle.

"Nikki, you know I don't want to be taking any spotlight, I've said it ever since the band first started."

"Babe," he said.

"You four should be on that show, not me," I said.

"I know you don't want to be in the way, babe, but one interview isn't gonna be the end if the world, you know," I said.

I sighed as he held my shoulders.

"Look, if anything, they'll probably just ask about you, not the band, at most about our engagement, the wedding," he said.

I sighed, pursing my lips.

"I-I don't know, Nikki...." I sighed. "I... I just have a bad feeling about this, that's all. Besides, I rather just focus right now on rehearsing back up, helping with merch, as well as planning what I can for wedding as much as I can from here before we head home in less than 3 weeks."

"Well, if you want, I can come with you. When's the interview?" Nikki asked.

"This Friday, our day off," Doug said.

"Okay, then plenty of time to help you get ready," Mick shrugged.

"Guys," I sighed.

"Babe, its just a few questions that's gonna go on some magazine and people will just talk about for probably two weeks max," Nikki said.

I pursed my lips. "I don't know, I mean.... I just have a weird feeling in my gut, babe...."

"Its your first real interview, kid," Mick said. "A live one at that. It would be weird if you weren't nervous."

"Like I said, I can come with you if you want," Nikki said.

I sighed, then groaned. "Fine, I'll do it.... I still don't see why I have to, though."

Nikki smiled and pulled me into a hug, kissing my temple as I hugged his waist.



I watched as Mal got her make up touched up a bit while Mick sat nearby with Emi and Tommy and Vince pigged out at the provided snack table nearby.

"You ready for this?" I asked her as I looked at her through the mirror.

"Is it too late to back out?" She asked, looking at my reflection.

"We could always make a great escape," I smirked.

She chuckled and shook her head.

"This would barely even take half an hour, trust me," I assured as I held her shoulders. "He'll probably just ask about the wedding mostly, or even how the tour's been going."

I sighed, looking over at him as I turned around. "It should be you up there, with Vince or T-Bone or Mick."

"You are a big part of this band, Mal,"  I said. "We wouldn't be where we are now if it weren't for your help."

She smiled. "Now you're just flattering me."

"No, I'm serious. You helped Mötley Crüe with so much. Vince even told me one, if it weren't for you we'd still be stuck playing at the Roxy for who knows how long, and we'd probably still be in that run down little apartment."

"Aww," She smiled, wrapping her arms around me as I hugged her waist. "Our cop trampled door you nailed shut.... the burns on the rug from Tommy killing roaches..... The bashed in window that Bullwinkle took down....."

I laughed, remembering that fiasco and more crazy adventures we had when we were younger. "Good times."

She smiled up at me.

"Point it.... You helped make things possible," I said. "So don't sell yourself so short."

She smiled up at me. "That makes me feel so happy..." She said.

We kissed softly.

"Not alone in the room, guys," Tommy suddenly shouted, making me groan as Mal giggled and we looked over, him stare over some fruit bowls,  Vince eating some licorice.

"Leave them alone, pinheads," Mick snapped as he rested on the couch.

I scoffed when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Miss Smith, we're about to go live in 15!" an assistant said from outside the door.

"Thank you," she called out.

"Milady," I smiled, holding my hand out to her.

She laughed and took my hand as she got up and held on to it as we all walked out, Vince and Tommy quietly arguing over some candy or something as Mick ushered them forward on our way to the stage.


I stood at the side stage as I waited for my signal, and soon Terry was announcing me.

"Now, we have a special guest with us today. The little lady who joined teh hell ride they've witnessed, a brilliant mind with a strong voice, the mighty Crüe dame herself, give a round of applause for Mallory Smith!" he announced.

The crowd cheered as I walked out, smiling shyly at them as I walked over, shaking hands with Terry, and then sitting down by his desk.

Soon the crowd died down as Terry turned towards me.

"Welcome, Mallory, thank you for coming," He greeted politely. "Hope you are doing well., "

"Thank you, thank you for having me," I smiled. "I am doing more than amazing, I can't lie. I will admit I am a little nervous being here, this is my first actual interview ever.."

"Don't be. You're doing just fine, think of it like a simple talk," he said. 

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"And I can tell you're doing amazing," he said. "I understand you're about to celebrate your second year sober, right?" 

"Yeah, I am, I just did last week. Officially 2 years clean," I smiled, and I got some applause.

"That is impressive, especially after all that's happened the previous decade," he said. "In simpler terms, to say you've been through a lot has been an understatement."

"Truthfully, yes. I as well as the band have all faced some serious demons the past couple of years, some more than others, but we eventually did overcome it all, and we survived and are here today, together and giving it our all. This new decade, we definitely see it as a chance for redemption from everything in the past, to make up for all our mistakes and be better versions of ourselves," I said.

He smiled and nodded as some people clapped.

Okay, thank God, I didn't mess that up.

"That's great to hear," he said. "You know, with all of the experiences you went through, have you ever considered writing a book?"

"Well, I mean, Nikki and I were suggested the idea once, and we have thought about it, since there would definitely be a lot to tell in those pages. He's a little adamant on it, though, and honestly I've also been a little bit iffy on the idea, too, but we've both given it some thought considered on getting one started, so, who knows," I shrugged. "But we did agree that if we ever did, it would be in our own point of views. He or the guys could write their own book and it would be their own point of views, and mine would be my own, you know?"

"Interesting," He said. "What about a music career?"

I laughed as he continued as people cheered.

"Well, come on, you've sung backup for the Crüe for many years, you are an amazing by the way, yet you only just recently took up a lead position for a while when Nikki proposed," he smirked.

I blushed and smiled as the audience cheered.

"You are an amazing singer, so how come you never thought of a solo career, or starting your own band? I'm sure you would have had help from the Crüe or something, gotten a record deal... Why haven't you?"

"I mean, you know,  I have thought of that as well, it didn't seem like a terrible idea, but I am happy in the medical field and have a lot of dreams for it. Its a miracle I was even able to study it on my own choice," I admitted. "Plus, getting a music career as well, I mean, I was already getting backlash just for being with Nikki again, too, and to juggle everything from that with a with earning my residency and soon hoping to be a head ER nurse, which is my goal, would have been insane and pretty stressful all on its own."

"That seems understandable," Terry nodded. "But would you ever see yourself recording a song  making an album, anything like that one day?"

I shrugged. "Maybe one day. We'll see," I smiled. "For now, I'm happy where I am, and I'm happy singing backup for Nikki, Mick, Vinnie and T-Bone."

"Now, speaking of which, your proposal with Nikki has been all that anyone has been talking about," he smirked and I laughed. 

"Its was definitely surprising, but I was so happy and excited, and I'm excited for this. In a way, its like our second chance," I said. 

"That's good. I'm very happy for you," he said.

"Thank you," I said. "Me and him, we've been through a lot together, and honestly despite the dark past, I just... I can't imagine my life without him," I said.

"You two definitely have a lot of history," he said. "You were even the first one there when he had suffered his overdose 3 years ago."

I gulped and took a deep breath. "Yeah... It was a really scary night...."

"I understand you did however suffered a massive loss about 2 years before Nikki's incident," He said.

I pursed my lips, knowing he was talking about Razzle. "Yeah..." 

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, looking at me sadly.

I sighed, looking down.

"I'm sorry.... You don't have to talk about it," he said. 

I silently sighed with relief, since I really wasn't up for crying on live TV.

"All I can say is... Its still painful...." I said. "I think it always will be, but.... But he always has a special place in my heart."

"A miscarriage is something very painful to go through," he said.

My heart suddenly stopped at his words and I slowly looked up at him.

"W-What?" I asked, hoping I just didn't hear him right.


My blood went cold at Terry's question. 

"D-Did he just....?" Vince asked as Tommy looked like a bomb just went off.

"What the hell did he just say?!" Mick snapped.

Mal's face was completely pale and full of horror, staring out into the audience.

"I mean, the miscarriage you suffered, it must have been a very difficult time, especially when you only buried your boyfriend at the time not even days ago," Terry said. 

Mal looked horrified at the cameras around her, her eyes getting watery, before suddenly looked like she was about to slaughter someone.

"This interview is over!!" Mal snapped as she quickly stood up.

"Wait, but Mallory-"

"No, its over, stop the fucking cameras, I am done!!! Go to hell!!!!" she shouted out loud before storming off, shoving down one camera that got too close to her, letting it smash against the ground.

I gritted my teeth as I then reached over to Doug and grabbed his jacket.

"Figure out how these fucking assholes know about this," I growled.

"Nikki...." he said calmly, but looked as equally shocked as the rest of us.

"NOW!!" I shouted, letting go and making him rush out to figure this out while they cut to commercials.

"I'll go check on her," Vince said, and hurried out of the room, Tommy behind him.

"How the hell did the fucking press get their hands on that?" Mick said. "Nobody else was supposed to know about that!!"

"Whoever it was better start praying that I show mercy," I snarled, storming off to find Mal.


The hair and make up dressers and other people tried to stop me as I hurried into the dressing room, pushing past them as tears streamed down my face.

"Leave me alone, get out of my way!!!! Go!!!!" I screamed, making everyone quickly back away as I quickly stormed into the dressing room, slamming the door shut as I felt myself hyperventilate.

All of a sudden this bloodcurdling scream just ripped from my throat as I shoved everything off the table to the floor.

Then all I could see was red.... All I could see were tears as they streamed down my face from my eyes, blinding me as I tore everything apart, broke everything, and kept screaming and throwing things, feeling pain in my hands as I lost control with myself.

I didn't even realize the door had opened until I was suddenly held down.

"MJ, STOP!!! STOP, CALM DOWN, STOP IT!!!" Vince shouted, as then another set of hands held me down.

"FUCK, SHE'S BLEEDING!!" Tommy shouted.

"BABE, THAT'S ENOUGH! THAT'S ENOUGH, STOP, ITS OVER!! ITS OVER, MAL, STOP!!!!!" Nikki shouted as he coiled his arms around me, holding me down.

I tried and caught my breath as my vision cleared behind the tears and I see the room now a complete mess, broken glass and things through around the floor.

My habd was also cut open and blood dripped through my fingers.

My legs gave out as Nikki and I were suddenly on the ground as I wailed out and Nikki tried to calm me down, Vince holding my hand.

"Get the fuck out of here, you fucking leeches!! Can't you see the girl needs her fucking space!!!" Mick's voice snarled somewhere, followed by a door slam and click.

I couldn't stop crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating as Tommy was soon at my side too, Nikki trying to calm me down.

"Shhhh shhh, its okay," his voice murmured. "Its okay, its over.... Its over, we're gonna fix this, baby, I promise.... Shhh....."

I just cried and cried, my throat hurting from all the screaming as Nikki held me, rubbing my back as he rocked me a bit.



Mal slept soundly as I stroked her hair, tucked in the comforter of the bed.

I had to give her a pill to sleep in order to calm down or else her breakdown would get worse.

She also got a nasty cut on her hand from some broken glass she smashed, which we had a medic able to quickly come to tend to it, giving her stitches and then wrapped it up for her. She also strained her voice pretty bad from when she was screaming.

We left the studio as soon as possible and went straight to the bus and hurried out of town to the next one. Turns out, someone released the information super late last night, and we had no idea. It was currently being investigated.

We knew this was going to lead to issues, so we had to figure out what to do.

I sighed as I stroked her cheek. I tried to clean her ruined make up as best as I could. She still had some mascara smeared around her eyes, and her lipstick faded and somewhat smeared but from cleaning it.

I took a deep breath and leaned in, softly kissing her forehead

"I'm gonna find out who did this to you, I swear to God," I murmured softly.

There was a soft knock at the door and I slowly got up and walked over, opening the door to see Mick standing there.

"How is she?" he asked worriedly but in a whisper.

"Finally fell asleep.... It took two sleeping pills to do it, though, but I had no choice. Better she's knocked out than having a fucking meltdown," I said quietly.

He sighed and nodded, looking as if he was trying not to .

"I can stay with her. Figure out the lowlife who exposed her secret like this," Mick said with a sneer. "Find the bastard who did this to her."

I nodded. "You bet your ass I will."

He walked in and went to stay by her side as I walked out.

Whoever did this is going to pay for hurting her....


This was slightly sloppy in a way... Sorry if you guys found it that way. 😕

**Note: Terry Ross isn't a real host, just one I made up.

Hope everyone is safe. Stay at home and wash you hands and take care of each other! ❤🌻

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Jordin Sparks "Battlefield"


♡~ sapphire.

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