{Chapter Sixxty-Seven}

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⚠️Warning: Contains scenes mentioning loss, slight mentions on the topic on abortion, and scenes depicting violence and assault. Please read with caution. ⚠️



Its been 2 weeks that passed and thankfully things calmed down.

The charges I pressed against my mother are for defamation, extortion, document theft, and emotional distress.

The press has not tried to approach me since my statement, and also left both Razzle's family and Vince alone, and to be honest, I'm glad about.

Despite everything, I still have my job in the hospital, though I still have about 5 days left of leave.

Nikki has been at my side through it all, and I'm glad about it.

I've mostly just focused on the wedding since the whole incident and Sharise and Heather have been more than helpful with everything.

The gardens we picked were so beautiful, and had a really big reception hall for after the ceremony.

Heather had also hired the wedding planner who planned her wedding to help out, and Mick had volunteered to cover half the expenses for everything. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted.

I also had Emi as a bridesmaid. I didn't want to, but I rather be polite and avoid anymore turmoil, especially for Mick's sake.

We've already had invitations sent out to family and friends during the tour, and after the whole issue with the press I finally managed to have a dress fitting along with my bridesmaids, Nikki and the guys already got fitted into their tuxedos, and Nikki and I picked out the cake, the flowers, and the seating arrangements.

My bridesmaids were Heather, who is my maid of honor, Sharise, Emi, Alexis, Nikki's sister Cecilia, a good friend of mine, Lola, from when I worked at the strip club on the Strip, and Athena, Tommy's sister.

Nikki finally asked Tommy to be his best man, to which to his relief Tommy accepted without hesitation. Vince, Mick, Dante, Sebastian, Rachel, and Steven Tyler, (we became good friends with Aerosmith).

Skylar was also going to be the flower girl, and Dante's son was the ring bearer.

The wedding is taking place this upcoming spring, about 4 months away, and today was the final fitting for my dress, and the bridesmaids dresses.

With it being the beginning of December, it's a little hectic, but thanks to Heather's connections we managed to get appointment without any waits for no problems.

The men had their final fitting yesterday and we're keeping everything at my cousins' hotel room until then, but Mick and Vince decided to join us while Tommy, Dante and Nikki went to do some final checks for the reception and the catering.

I was unfortunately very indecisive with my wedding dress, but finally found the right one, and had it altered to my liking, including a removable skirt for the reception.

"Okay, ready!?" I called out from the changing room.

"Come on, hurry up!" I hear Athena laugh.

"We wanna see!!" Alexis said.

I smiled and pulled the curtain aside and see everyone in the couched area looked over.

"Woah!! You look amazing!!" Vince smiled.

I giggled and blushed as the two stylists moved me to the mirrors and adjusted the dress so everyone got a full view.

I also had a display veil similar to the one I'm going to wear, and a bouquet of artificial roses for effect.

"Daddy, Auntie's a pwincess!!" Skylar squealed happily as she sat on Vince's lap, making us all laugh.

"Come on, spin around," Heather urged.

I giggled as I turned around, everyone expressing their excitement.

"You look so beautiful, Lory," Alexis smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled. "God, I hope Nikki loves it."

"You kidding? If he doesn't tear up at the alter, I'll make him," Mick said, making us laugh.

"Definitely," Vince laughed. "Nikki is one lucky bastard."

"I feel pretty damn lucky myself," I admitted. "I'm grateful for all of this, really, and you all."

They all smiled at me.

We also showed the bridesmaids dresses, which were a beautiful peach colored floral that reached past rheir knees.

Once we were done we paid and Alexis and Dante took the dresses with them while everyone headed home, but me and Mick decided to have some lunch at a nearby cafe.

"So are you ready for your big day?" he asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Honestly, I'm excited, and a little nervous," I said.

"How come?" He asked. "You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"No, no, its not that," I said, then sighed. "Its just everything going on with my mom and the charges and stuff."

"Ahh," he said, nodding.

"I thought focusing completely on the wedding would help, but.... I don't know, I still feel like I'm on edge," I said. "Dina says its an easy win for the case, but the whole idea alone of her getting her hands on my records, exposing them.... It makes me feel sick...."

"Honestly, I don't see how you wouldn't feel ill," he said. "I mean, yeah, world knows about my back problems, but that they know every single damn detail and everything else I've gome through.... I'd feel like I'd throw up, too."

"O-Oh my gosh!!" a voice suddenly said, making us jump, and turn to see two young women stood nearby, the black haired one speaking. "Y-You're Mallory Sixx!!"

We chuckled as I spoke. "Well, not yet, but yeah," I laughed.

"And Mick Mars!!" the blonde one said excitedly.

"Guilty as charged," Mick laughed.

"I-It is such an honor! I'm Nicole, this is Julie. Can-can we have your autographs please?!" The black haired girl asked, as they pulled out some posters, two with Mick and another of a shot of me singing backup during I believe the Theater of Pain tour, another of me from a photoshoot.

I looked at Mick, and we shrugged.

"Sure thing!" I said and they hand us the items and markers, letting us sign.

"Uhh, M-Mallory?" the blonde girl, Julie, said shyly.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked once I finished signing, and was then suddenly surprised when she pulled me into a hug.

"Julie!" Nicole girl exclaimed, making Julie pull back.

"S-Sorry, i-its just.... N-Nothing," she said, looking down.

I frowned. "Hey, its okay... What's wrong? You can tell me."

"Its just..... I lost my baby, too....." she said.

My eyes widen, Mick looking at her sadly. "I-I'm so sorry.... H-How?"

"There was a problem with her heart... I was already 5 months along, and.... She wasn't strong enough, I had no choice but to abort her or risk us both dying...." She said, trying to keep it together.

We looked at her sadly as I held back tears, and then I motioned her to sit next to me, her friend sitting next to Mick.

"I was depressed for the whole year, my family turned their backs on me, and I even almost killed myself, but.... But then I saw you on the news, and.... And you helped..." she said, a teary smile on her face.

I looked at her confused. "I-I did?"

"Mhm," she nodded. "You went through so, so much back then, and yet here you are, still strong and with your head up high, even after this...."

I pursed my lips as she spoke.

"If you, who went through literally Hell and back, can survive a loss like that and heal, then.... Then I know I'm going to eventually heal, too...." she said, nodding assuringly.

I looked at her in surprise, and then smiled, placing my hand over Julie's.

"I'm really glad I helped.... I didn't even realize how much I made an impact...." I said.

"You kidding? A lot of women with your similar or equal position are speaking up, and looking up to you," her friend said. "And you're also a huge talk over at Planned Parenthood. A lot of girls and women are starting to feel less afraid to go there. Of course, we know abortion is kind of different from a miscarriage, but a lot of women have no choice sometimes, and like Julie, its painful, too. You helped a lot of them feel like its going to be okay, and that they are strong, and nobody can tell them otherwise....."

I nodded in understanding, and smiled.

"Thank you.... It actually means a lot to know that I was able to change lives, and be a voice for many women," I smiled.

They smiled, as we decided to chat with them for a few minutes and soon they had to leave.

Mick and I finished out lunch and he was walking me to my car.

"I didn't think I made such an impact like that...." I said.

"A lot of women can share many similarities," he said.

I nodded. "I guess so... I know for me and Nikki, kids will be something we have to really think about, all things considered... But I have hope for us one day," I said.

He smiled. "Hope is a good thing... Its good to see you never lost yours," he said.

I smiled, nodded.

"Well, beat we head home. Call if anything," he said.

I nodded and was turning to unlock my door, Mick walking off, when I remembered something.

"Mick!" I quickly spoke.

"Hm?" He said, turning around as I rushed over. "What happened?"

"I've... Been wanting to ask you something, and I understand if you find it weird, but, I can't think of anyone else to do this...." I asked, feeling shy.

"Ask what?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and decided to just get it over with.

"Would you please be the one to walk me down the aisle, and give me away to Nikki?" I asked.

His blue eyes widen in surprise.

"M-Me?" He asked. "Isn't that usually a father's job or something?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah... That's why I'm asking you..."

He seemed to understand, his eyes widening, then he grunts and looked away.

"Why do you always gotta try to make me soft?" He grumbled, making me laugh.

"Is that a yes?" I giggled.

He looked over at me and sighed. "Of course it is.... I'm honored that you asked me." he said, smiling.

I smiled and hugged him, making him groan.

"Thank you," I said.

I then hear him sigh and wrap an arm around me.

"I'm glad you see me that way," He said.

"You've looked out for me ever since we met, and taken care of me, never turned your back on me, despite my mistakes," I said. "You are way more of a father to me than the sperm donor who made me.... It just feels right that you'd be the one to have this role."

He was still smiling. "Someone has to look out for you, anyway."

I smiled as he patted my shoulders.

"Go on home to Nikki, get some rest," he said.

I nodded. "Take care," I said.

He nodded as we went our seperate ways.


I walked into the house, sighing as I tossed my heels aside and hanging my coat.

"Hey, baby," Nikki greeted me.

I smiled and greeted him with a kiss as he came over.

"Hi, honey," I said. "How did it go with the caterers?"

"Great," he nodded as we walked in. "Got to pick out a bunch of options for the menu. Still wish you were there, though."

"Well, the fitting fell the same time, but I trust your intuition," I smiled.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. "Do I get a sneak peek?"

I scoffed with a smirk and an eyeroll. "Of course not. You have to wait until the wedding, mister," I scolded softly. "Until then, Alexis is keeping the dresses at her place."

He snickered softly as we sat down on the couch, but then we were spooked by a loud knock at the door.

"Ugh, what the hell?" Nikki groaned.

"Were you expecting someone?" I asked.

"I mean I ordered a pizza, but like 5 minutes ago," He shrugged, checking his watch.

I furrowed my brows and walked over to the door, opening it and froze.

"Mallory," she sneered.

I quickly went to slam the door shut, but she stopped me.

"Get out of here!!" I snapped, then felt her shove the door hard on me, pain suddenly shooting across my face. "AAH!!"

I fell back as she kicked the door hard and sent it ramming right into me, and suddenly my mother stood over me.

"Defamation?! Extortion!? You have some nerve you ungrateful bitch!" she snarled as I held my throbbing face in pain.

"MAL!!" I heard Nikki shout as he ran over, shoving my mother aside and holding me in his arms. "You bitch!! What did you fucking do to her!?"

"You are going to drop these charges now!! Both of you!!" She snapped.

"Are you joking!? You sold my medical file!!! The whole world knows I can't carry children!!" I snapped, then groaning as I felt pain in my face. "You had no right!!"

"You wouldn't understand," she snapped.

"UNDERSTAND!? You practically sold me out for money!!!" I screamed, charging as Nikki held me back. "You practically exposed me, physically!!! Do you not even see how fucking dangerous doing that even is ti begin with!? Your fucking stunt practically even sent wolves on Razzle's family, on Vince and his family even and they were innocent!! ALL OF THEM!!!"

"Oh please, as if you didn't even go through worst," she scoffed.

I tried to get out of Nikki's arms as he held me back, keeping me from tackling her, but then he pulled me aside and stormed over to her, shoving her out the door.

"NIKKI!!" I gasped.

"WHAT IS EVEN THE FUCKING MATTER WITH YOU!?" He roared at my mother. "She's your daughter!!! You're only child!!!! You were lucky to even have her, yet you treat her like utter shit!!! Not even my own mother was as bad as you are, and she even let all my stepdads beat me for fun!!!!"

I looked over in shock, groaning as I was slowly seeing double, as my mother glared at us, then scoffed.

"My husband and I would have been better off with a son instead," she scoffed. "Should have just gotten rid of her since the beginning... Should have just pulled the plug on her when we had the chance!!!"

I felt my heart shatter at her words.

My parents had said many hurtful things to me in the past, but those words.... The burned..... They burned so bad....

"Get out," Nikki sneered. "Before I do something that'll land me in prison..."

My mother's eyes widen before she grunted and stormed off.

I watched as she left and then Nikki quickly ran back into the house, locking the door, and then rushing towards me as I tried to sit up.

"Mal, Mal, oh god, you're bleeding bad," he said in shock.

I frowned and realized there was an excruciating pain in my nose and I touched it, realizing there was blood.... A lot of it.....

"Ow..." I whimpered in pain as he helped me stand, and I felt myself swaying before he caught me.

"Oh shit.... Come on, let's take you to the hospital," he said, holding his arm around me as he grabbed his car keys and then quickly helped me to his car.



Thankfully, there was nothing broken, but Mal was definitely going to have some pretty bad bruising on her face.

We had to get the police involved and I also called the lawyers to add assault to the charges, and also Mick.

They also suggested on filing a restraining order, which I didn't hesitate to agree with.

Mallory was laying down on the hospital bed in the emergency room, an ice pack pressed against her face. Nurses gave her some medication for the pain after an x-ray confirmed she had nothing broken or fractured, but could have a mild concussion, so she had to rest a lot and I had to watch her if she falls asleep tonight.

They were also aware of her past brain injury from years ago, and had to do a scan to make sure that nothing was wrong.

For now, we were just waiting for the results and some discharge papers when Mick walked in.

"It was hell shaking Emi loose, but I managed. How is she?" He asked worriedly.

"Bruised pretty bad... But so far, she'll be okay," I assured him. "We're just waiting on some scan results."

He nodded and then walked over to Mal.

"Hey, kid.... How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I-I see 2 of you....." she murmured. "And my face feels sore...."

"Let me see, Mallory," he asked, holding her hand.

She sighed and hesitantly moved the ice pack and we both winced in shock.

The area of her nose and around it, as well as her right eye, was a dark red color that already had some small patches of purple forming along with a small gash that had opened at the side of her eye, almost touching it, and it also looked like a vessel in her eye must have popped, too, since it was blood red on one side of her eye where it should be white. Her lip was also busted at the corner.

"My god.... If this woman doesn't rot in a cell for doing this, I'll end her myself!!" Mick sneered.

"M-Mick, please," Mal said softly, sounding tired as she clung to his hand. "I don't want anyone getting hurt... You especially... L-Look at me... Who knows what she could do you you, o-or anyone else......"

He sighed and held her hand. 

"She said things," she mumbled quietly in a shakey voice. "Hurtful things.... S-She never said anything like that to me before.... I-I can't get it out of my head....."

"Hey, listen to me.... Whatever she said, it does not matter," I said as I knelt at her side next to Mick. "Okay, she never deserved those nine months she carried you if it meant to just treat you like utter fucking garbage."

She sighed and looked down as a single tear fell down her injured eye, making her groan softly in pain as she held to the side of her face.

"Easy... It's okay, babe," I murmured, wrapping my arm around her waist. "We'll be out of here soon, I promise."

She sighed and nodded slowly.

"C-Can you turn down the lights a little, please?" she murmured, closing her eyes a little. "Its too bright..."

"I got it," Mick said, slowly getting up before going to the light switch and turning it down a bit, Mal sighing with relief as I carefully placed the ice pack back on her face.

That's when the nurse came back in.

"Alright, looks like the scans came back negative for any internal brain injuries, so the most is just a mild concussion. She's free to go" she said. "However, we do advise she comes in again in a week or so for another one just to be sure, or if she feels any headaches or lack of sleep, or if something is off. Also be sure to monitor her while she is sleeping for the next 2 days or so."

"Why, would something happen?" I asked, worried.

"In cases of a concussion, sleep could cause the person affected to lose consciousness, or in some cases even slip into a coma, so we advise others to stay alert of them. This is, however, a mild concussion, and she is able to still hold a conversation, and her disorientation is slowly going away, but do keep an eye on her eitherway. She may also experience some vomitting and be a bit dazed for a while. Just make sure she gets plenty of rest, some Tylenol can also help with the pain as well."

I nodded in understanding as Mick and I then slowly helped Mal sit up, Mick keeping the ice pack on her face as she groaned softly and he rubbed her back.

"I will need someone to sign some papers for her," The nurse said.

"I can," Mick offered, standing up once Mal was steady enough and I picked her up in my arms.

"Are you a friend?" The nurse asked.

Mick looked over at us as I carried Mal in my arms and she looked over.

"No...." He said. "I'm her father..."

Our eyes widen at his words.

"You are?" the nurse asked.

"Trust me," he said, pointing at Mal. "I'm the closest thing this girl has to one right now. Let's not forget, her mother did this to her."

The nurse looked at us, and then I felt Mal softly nod at her.

The nurse then nodded. "Alright, sir."

"I'll want the police involved, too, to press charges on the bitch who hurt her," he said. "I already got lawyers ready. Her fiance here will take her home. I can call them later on to update them. Its best for her sake that she rests right now."

I smiled at him as I looked down at Mal who also smiled at him.

"Very well sir. We already have pictures taken of her injuries for the report." the nurse nodded. "You can follow me to fill out some of the paperwork."

He nodded as the nurse walked out and Mick turned to us.

"Get her home. I'll call you later," he said. "Go out the back though. Paparazzi are starting to show up at the front, they might get the wrong ideas if they see her like this."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks," I said.

He nodded and walked out as I adjusted Mal, who clung to me as we walked, resting her head on my shoulder.

We managed to thankfully avoid any reporters and made it to my car safe and drove back home.


Decided to just post this chapter since it was pretty much done, j7st had to edit it a little bit, and I'm gonna be drafting a bunch of stories for a while. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope you're all doing well and are safe! 🌻

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Asking Alexandria
"Alone in a Room"

♡~ sapphire.

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