{Chapter Sixxty-Two}

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A new decade. New opportunities, new chances, the possibilities are endless.

The 1980s fucking sucked in all honesty. We all practically almost died one way or another.

Vince almost died in a car accident that changed his entire life.

Mick's condition worsened and he even almost decided to end it himself at one point.

Tommy has had a few hospital visits from getting injured on stage a few times.

Hell, I even fucking flatlined.

Mal.... God, she almost died too many times, in more ways than one.......

The 1990s, its a year of recovery, though. We're gonna make the best out of it, I know it.

Deep down, we'll always be those same rowdy kids who lived in a shitty apartment by the Strip, setting practically anything on fire, hosting crazy parties, starting fights, pretty much getting in all sorts of trouble and being friends with the judge at this point.

In a way, though, those kids grew up (Tommy sort of did), and went through war.

This new decade was going to be, in a way, our redemption.

I groaned softly as I woke up, seeing it was already morning.

I let out a sigh as I then feel something warm next to me and turn to meet with Mal's peaceful, beautiful, sleeping face.

I smiled as I carefully rolled over and admired her as she slept.

Man, I must be the luckiest bastard on this planet.

After everything I put this girl through for nearly a whole decade, yet here she is, sleeping soundly next to me, giving me all her love.

I slowly rolled over and wrapped my arm around her.

I swear right here and now, on my life, I will never lose her again. I am not messing this up again, and damn me straight to Hell if I do.

I leaned down and softly kiss her cheek, making her softly murmur and her eyes lazily open and look up at me.

"Good morning," I murmured as she looked up at with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning," she said softly as she gently pressed her lips against mine. "You're up early..."

"Just woke up, I guess," I smiled, pulling her close to me as we kissed and then curled up next to each other.

"Can we have five more minutes, though?" she mumbled, her head on my shoulder as she curled up to me, looking for warmth as she pulled the blanket close to us.

I chuckled softly, but before I could answer...


Suddenly, a loud beeping horn went off, soon playing the La Cucaracha tune, followed by loud tire screeches and a crash, making us quickly shot up on the bed.

"HEY SIXX CLAAAAAAN, WAKE UP!!! ITS TOUR DAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!" We hear Tommy screech outside.

"He can't be serious," Mal groaned as she fell back on bed, covering her face with a pillow as I got out of bed, forcing the window open and seeing the tour bus parked out front and the neighbor's mailbox under the front wheel as Vince ran out laughing at Tommy, along with Zutaut stumbling out and throwing up on the sidewalk.

"DUDE!!!" I shouted, making them all turn.

"Sorry!! I forgot which one was the breaks for a second!!!" He laughed out loud.

I grunted as I slammed the window shut and turn to see Mal getting out of bed and pulling on her robe.

"I'll go get the hoard fed," she sighed.

"I'll go shower. We might have to write a check for the Johnson's next door for a new mailbox, by the way," I said as I kissed her cheek.

"I got it," She nodded and went downstairs while I grabbed my towel before heading to the bathroom.

Yep... Still the same little shits....


I grabbed my checkbook and pen, filling it out as I walked out of my house, the old man from next door ready to scream us a new one, when I ripped out the check and handed it to him, shutting him up and letting him storm off as I glared at the boys.

"Mick better not be in there for his own sake and health," I snapped. "And yours."

"We were on our way to get him after picking you two up!!" Tommy smiled.

"Fine, but Nikki's driving!!" I snapped. "God knows how much energy drinks and candy you just downed! I can only imagine poor Heather."

He whined and fell back on the chair pouting in the seat.

I sighed as I went to help Zutaut.

"Bicarbonate and crackers are inside," I told him.

"Thank you," he coughed, walking inside as Vince followed.

I noticed Tommy wasn't turning off the bus or climbing out of the bus.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm making my  blueberry pancakes!!"

I hear the bus suddenly shut off and Tommy immediately sprint right past me and up the driveway to the door.

I chuckled and shook my head as I went inside.


I put the last pancake in the tupperware box, saving them for Mick as the others ate theirs.

I closed it up and put it on the counter before getting my plate and about to sit next to Nikki before he pulled me onto his lap.

"Nikki, there's empty seats," I laughed as he hugged me, nuzzling his face into my neck as he kissed me.

"Maybe I want you here," he smirked, making me laugh.

"Groooooss, get a roooooom," Tommy whined, Vince and Zutaut laughing as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and eat your pancakes, T-Bone," Nikki scoffed as I laughed and then fed him a blueberry.

"So, you guys ready for this?" Zutaut asked.

"Definitely," Vince nodded.

"I just wish I had a different set of backup singers," I mumbled.

"Mal," Nikki murmured with a scold.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I really cannot trust Emi at all. Something is really off about her," I said, poking at my food. "I only put up with her for Mick's sake."

"Honestly, I agree," Vince said, taking a sip of orange juice. "Even Sharise gets a weird feeling around her."

"Heather and I aren't exactly fans of her, either," Tommy admitted.

"Mallory, I'm sorry, but management picked her, its how it is," Zutaut said.

I sighed as I continued to eat, Nikki rubbing my back and kissing my shoulder.

One thing we agreed on when the band was starting, was to not date anyone working for the band. Nikki said I'm the only exception considering I started with them and I wasn't officially working for the band until after we got signed and stuff, that we were already dating. 

Emi was honestly no exception to that rule, but Mick didn't give a shit of course. We all don't like her, but Mick is happy with her, and we put up with her for him, me especially.

Soon we finished eating, the boys let me shower quickly and grab whatever I had left to grab while loading the bus, and soon we were off.

We picked up Mick and Emi, and soon we were on the road.

I sat up front with Nikki while everyone else chilled in the back, looking back as I saw Emi and Mick close while talking to everyone, Emi looking uninterested and annoyed with everyone.

I sighed as I curled up into his leather American flag jacket, since I (sort of) borrowed it for today, wearing it with some denim shorts, leather boots and a Crue tank top.

I looked out the window as the scenery went past us, when I felt a hand placed on my thigh

"Look, I know you're not psyched with Emi joining and all, babe, but let's just make the best of things this tour, okay?" He encouraged in a soft voice.

I looked over at him.

"If you want, I can even take you to your favorite spot when we get to New Mexico," He bargained. "The place with the Mexican food, remember? They had those enchiladas you liked."

I couldn't help but smile, knowing he was just trying to cheer me up.

"And then we can go to that little motel not far from there, where we snuck over after the show...." He smirked. "And you did that thing with your tongue-"

I laughed and smacked his arm, making him laugh.

"Perv," I scoffed.

"You love it," he said with that cocky grin of his.

I chuckled, shaking my head before looking over at him. "Thank you.... It sounds like a great idea."

He smiled as I leaned in and kissed his cheek as he continued to drive, resting my head on his shoulder and hugging his arm, then looking up at him.

If someone had told me ten years ago that I was going to meet a dreaming rockstar, and we were going to go on this insane life adventure together... That we'd do every drug we could get our hands on, play rock n roll day and night, have all the sex we could have..... Go through unimaginable pain and loss and suffering, even almost die......  That we'd lose each other time and time again, only to end up finding each other in the end.... I probably would have never, in my whole life, ever believed them.

Yet here we are... Alive, together, and happy, living the best days of our lives along each other's sides..

I can't say we'll still have our challenges in the future, of course. That's just how life is, especially for us, but now we aren't apart, and we're stronger than before

What Sharon told me, the Greek folklore, the heartbeats... It all makes sense now.

Nikki was the missing piece I was looking for when I fled Arizona. I can't imagine my life without him. He'll probably be the biggest pain in the ass sometimes and yeah our history is dark, but  in a way, maybe going through that was some sort of test or something.

A really fucked up one, but if it weren't for that, I don't think we'd be here today, at this very moment.

I looked up at him as he kept driving, and he took a few seconds to glance at me, smiling as he looked back at the road.

I snuggled close to his arm as we drove.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and Nikki.


Quarantine is boring as hell, but at least it gives me time to work on stories, so..... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

*Note: I am not 100% sure if Emi Canyn was the one the other members referred to as "The Thing." I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything. If anyone knows, feel free to comment here! 🌻

Also, Happy 1st birthday, The Dirt movie!! 🎂🎉🤘🏻🔥🖤

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

The Score "Higher"


♡~ sapphire.

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